Friday, May 31, 2019

Eating Disorders Essay -- Anorexia Bulimia Health Diet Essays Papers

Eating Disorders A vast amount of research has been done on the subject of alimentationdisorders and their causes. Many eating disorders have been proven to emergeduring adolescence and often serve as the foundations to more seriousproblems like anorexia and bulimia. This essay will explore the development ofeating disorders in adolescent girls. It will show that these disorders atomic number 18 closelyconnected to the biological and psychosocial changes that occur during theadolescent period. Many teen girls fill with anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder in whichgirls use starvation diets to try to lose weight. They starve themselves down toskeletal thinness yet still think that they are overweight. Bulimia, meanwhile, is adisorder in which young women binge on food and then force themselves tovomit. They also often use laxatives to get food out of their system. All of theseyoung women who suffer from this problem are considered to suffer from apsychiatric disorder. While the caus es are debatable, one thing that is clear isthat these young women have a distorted luggage compartment image. (Wolf, pp.214-216)What is extremely alarming is that the current thin ideal for women inWestern society, which is unattainable for entirely scarce a very small percentage of thepopulation, is combine this problem. It is a very serious issue when manyones body shape is determined by genetic disposition and yet they try toalter it to fit some kind of imaginary ideal of how a person should look. Thus, one of the most serious problems is that female nature is not whatsociety says it should be. Some researchers theorize that anorexia is a youngwomans way of canceling puberty. Since they lack body fat, anorexics dont gettheir periods and often lose their sexual characteristics such as public hair. Theyremain, in other words, little girls. there is also the complex issue of womenfeeling that by having an eating disorder they are finally in control of somethingin their life. T his may sound strange, but much research has shown that womenwho have been abused or neglected in their childhoods develop these problemsof control. (Attie and Brooks-Gun, pp.70-71). Studies suggest that eating disorders often begin in early tomid-adolescence. They are directly connected to pubertal maturation and theincreases in body fat that... ...hing else, we need to find compassion and understandingfor the victims of eating disorders. While we work on helping these individuals,we must also fight the social forces that objectify and exploit female body imageto the disadvantage of not only women, but of all humanity. No one profits if onehalf of the human race is being held under attack by socially constructed bodyimages that are root in morbid intent and infantile fantasy.BibliographyAttie, Ilana and Brooks-Gunn, J. Development of Eating Problems in AdolescentGirls A Longitudinal Study, Developmental Psychology, 1989, vol. 25, no.1,7O-79.Burns, David. Feeling Good. The New Mood Therapy (New York Avon Books,1980)Cauffman, Elizabeth, and Steinberg, Laurence. interactive Effects ofMenarcheal Status and Dating on Dieting and Disordered Eating AmongAdolescent Girls, Developmental Psychology, 1996, vol. 32, no.4, 631-635.Graber, Julia, Brooks-Gunn, J., Paikoff, Roberta, and Warren, Michelle.Prediction of Eating Problems An 8-Year Study of Adolescent Girls,Developmental Psychology, 1994, vol.3O, No.6, 823-834.Wolf, Naomi. The bang Myth (Toronto Random House, 1991)

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Siddhartha Essays: Achieving Enlightenment at the River -- Hesse Siddh

Achieving prescience at the River in Siddhartha In Siddharthas quest for enlightenment, Herman Hesse makes the river the final focal layover of the novel. Siddhartha is set on his transit to the river by listening to his upcountry voice and disbelieving authority. The river comes to represent the ideas through which Siddhartha reaches enlightenment. The essential concepts of time and how it relates to life are discover by Siddhartha through listening to the river. He comes to realize that his previous conclusion is correct, cognizance cannot be taught. When he reaches nirvana, he also sees how spirituality and materialism both(prenominal) have a place in the cycle of life. Acting as Siddharthas passion to his ultimate goal, the river operates as a significant element in Hesses novel, Siddhartha. first in the novel, Siddhartha sets his life pattern by questioning the authority of Hinduism. With his friend Govinda, he begins life amongst the samanas. With the samanas, Sid dhartha begins to master their teachings. Feeling unfulfilled, Siddhartha concludes as an ascetic he depart not reach bliss as the eldest samana has yet to obtain enlightenment. passing the forest, Siddhartha and Govinda go to hear the teachings of the illustrious Buddha. After listening to Gotamas preaching, Siddhartha realizes that he get out not reach enlightenment through teachings but along a street which he must contrive. Once again lead by his inner voice, Siddhartha begins to explore life in the material world. Over the ensuing twenty years, he becomes deeply entangled with samsara. In forgetting the past teachings, Siddhartha is able to start his journey anew. Disgusted with his life, Siddhartha leaves again and discovers the river. By listening to his... ...hat leads him to the river where he learns the concepts of time and timelessness. From seeing more disciples of varying religions, Siddhartha decides that wisdom is incommunicable. His last revelation comes has he reaches nirvana. The two worlds of spiritualism and materialism do not exist as forces to side with but powers to be in harmony with. The ideas discovered come through his life experiences and approximately significantly at the river and the nature of it. Works Cited Hesse, Herman. Siddhartha. Dover Publications, 1998. Malthaner, Johannes. Hermann Hesse Siddhartha. The German Quarterly. Vol.25, No.2, March 1952. Timpe, Eugene F. Hesses Siddhartha and the Bhagavad Gita. proportional Literature, V.22 No.4 , 1970, p.23. Nirvana. The World Book Encyclopedia, (Vol.14). Toronto World Book, Inc., 1987, p.332-333. Siddhartha Essays Achieving Enlightenment at the River -- Hesse SiddhAchieving Enlightenment at the River in Siddhartha In Siddharthas quest for enlightenment, Herman Hesse makes the river the final focal point of the novel. Siddhartha is set on his journey to the river by listening to his inner voice and questioning authority. The river comes to represe nt the ideas through which Siddhartha reaches enlightenment. The essential concepts of time and how it relates to life are discovered by Siddhartha through listening to the river. He comes to realize that his previous conclusion is correct, wisdom cannot be taught. When he reaches nirvana, he also sees how spiritualism and materialism both have a place in the cycle of life. Acting as Siddharthas inspiration to his ultimate goal, the river operates as a significant element in Hesses novel, Siddhartha. Early in the novel, Siddhartha sets his life pattern by questioning the authority of Hinduism. With his friend Govinda, he begins life amongst the samanas. With the samanas, Siddhartha begins to master their teachings. Feeling unfulfilled, Siddhartha concludes as an ascetic he will not reach bliss as the eldest samana has yet to obtain enlightenment. Leaving the forest, Siddhartha and Govinda go to hear the teachings of the illustrious Buddha. After listening to Gotamas preaching, Sid dhartha realizes that he will not reach enlightenment through teachings but along a path which he must contrive. Once again lead by his inner voice, Siddhartha begins to explore life in the material world. Over the ensuing twenty years, he becomes deeply entangled with samsara. In forgetting the past teachings, Siddhartha is able to start his journey anew. Disgusted with his life, Siddhartha leaves again and discovers the river. By listening to his... ...hat leads him to the river where he learns the concepts of time and timelessness. From seeing many disciples of varying religions, Siddhartha decides that wisdom is incommunicable. His last revelation comes has he reaches nirvana. The two worlds of spiritualism and materialism do not exist as forces to side with but powers to be in harmony with. The ideas discovered come through his life experiences and most significantly at the river and the nature of it. Works Cited Hesse, Herman. Siddhartha. Dover Publications, 1998. Malthan er, Johannes. Hermann Hesse Siddhartha. The German Quarterly. Vol.25, No.2, March 1952. Timpe, Eugene F. Hesses Siddhartha and the Bhagavad Gita. Comparative Literature, V.22 No.4 , 1970, p.23. Nirvana. The World Book Encyclopedia, (Vol.14). Toronto World Book, Inc., 1987, p.332-333.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Environmental Protection Must Be Our Top Priority :: Environment Earth Nature, pesticides, pollution

A few years ago, quantify magazine published a special issue entitle The Centurys Greatest Minds. It was the fourth in a Time series on the 100 most influential people of the century, this particular issue focusing on Scientists and Thinkers. On the cover, Albert Einstein is pictured on a psychiatrists couch, hands crossed over his chest, a depressed look cloaking his face. Dr. Sigmund Freud, seated in a extend near the couch, pen and pad in hand, is leaning in toward Einstein, excitedly waiting to perform some bit of psychoanalysis on the saddened scientist. A border picture of Jonas Salk rests on the side table a portrait of John Maynard Keynes hangs from a nail in the wall. In the background, resting atop a bookshelf, is a rocknroll bust of Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring. She finds herself in quite excellent company not only on the cover, but in the interior of the magazine as well. Carson was the only environmentalist and the only woman featured in the entire is sue. Evidently, her impact in the world of scientists and thinkers was a tremendous one, and, as mentioned in Matthiessens Time article, her book, Silent Spring, is nearly 40 years later . . . still regarded as the cornerstone of the new environmentalism.1 Matthiessen goes on to write that one shudders to imagine how lots more impoverished our habitat would be had Silent Spring not sounded the alarm.2 This is indeed a worthy claim by Mr. Matthiessen, but he correctly uncovers a bigger and more alarming truth when he says, the damage being done by poison chemicals today is far worsened than it was when she wrote the book.3 In fact, since 1962, pesticide use in the US has doubled.4 As an environmentalist (or a radical environmentalist, as I am often labeled by members of the mainstream environmental movement), I feel it is my duty as a protector of the Earths well-being to write this editorial as a means of bringing into the American consciousness a variety of frightening environme ntal issues. Though some of you may be aware of these problems, I know many are not, and and so may be shocked to learn about the degradation of our Earth and the people living in it. Indeed, I truly believe that since the dawn of the industrial age, America has behaved like an alcoholic with a good jobprospering despite a lifestyle that jeopardizes the future and ruins much of what is good with irresponsible behavior.

how simple love can be :: Personal Narrative Essays

how simple love can be I imagine slipping out of my coiffure and into the tub, lying in the gentle light from the window, my eyes closed against the insistence of the mid-summer heat. I allow my body to remember the rhythms of the water, and I dream of the green bounciness which first drew people to this city and centuries later still bubbles up between the stones and the sand. I can hear those first horses and men snort as they drink, so near death and then saved by a crevice in the earth that sings of a cool darkness and a ampere-second thousand rains. But the heat of this August night pulls me back end. Reality is a street caf in Nimes, where Cam is nursing his last cup of coffee. As I effort to let go of the daydream, a young dark haired girl with chubby arms and tired eyes places a card and a small, stuffed blue leap out beside my cup. After looking for a moment into our faces, a moment when no ones expression changes, the child quietly makes her way to the next table. When all the tables have been served, she rags her feet to go stand by her brothers and father who wait on the sidewalk. At the sound of the fathers mandolin and a nod of his head, the brothers join in on a rough reading of an old Spanish folk song. The cafs patrons, in deference to the little girl or in a desire for the music to stop, begin to lay property down on the cards, and after a few moments of voiceless scuffling with her brothers, the young girl is pushed toward the tables. Once again wearing a blank but consuming face, she gathers the bills and coins into her hands, then quickly walks back and hands them to her father. He nods at his inattentive audience, touches his hat, and without a word, he and his family drift down the street to the next caf. I advert for the bear, study its polka dot bow tie and swing it on my finger by its gaudy golden thread while smiling at Cam. He tears it out of my hand to throw it after the family, but I hold on to his wrist, and stil l smiling, open his palm, take the bear back and drop it into my pack.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Medicare :: essays research papers

The Medicare DebateEssay submitted by Unknown The U.S. government exact denied that Medicare has been going bankrupt. Although the government may say that Medicare has plenty of money it is delusive because it is a fact that Medicare will go bankrupt by the class 2001 as stated by preliminary sources. Medicare is one of the main sources of funding for those good deal that have no money or very small amount of money. The community service that was done for this research paper is hospital volunteering at buns Muir Medical Center. The community service included various jobs that was needed to be done were, Putting items away for nurses, discharging patients, doing paper work, feeding patients, answering phones, and helping patients when they pick up for assistance. The floor I worked on was Oncology (The branch of medicine that deals with tumors, including study of their development, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention). This community service has help me gain insight on the Med icare situation because I have asked multiple amount of people that work at John Muir Medical Center. There is a side to be considered about Medicare and Social Security in the government. The vice president of the United States, Al Gore, wrote in a letter stating that social security funds are not being depleted. Gore verbalize that, "the allegations to the contrary have been circulated by certain organizations as a money-making scheme for some time." (Gore Letter). Vice President Gore tries to show theses allegations are untrue by explaining how social security works. In this letter, Vice President Gore cleared up the allegations by writing that, "When Social Security taxes are collected, they are assign to the Social Security trust funds with government security, perhaps the safest investment in the United States. In history Medicare has experience a few difficulty regarding its funding. Problems have occurred over the history of Medicare. The major problem and mos t recent of Medicare is that it is going bankrupt. Medicare is another legacy of Lyndon Baines Johnson Great Society. Spending is obviously out of control. On June 5th the government announced that the Medicare Trust Fund would go broke by the year 2001(nationaldebt). In 1965 when LBJ started Health and Medicare, the Total Federal Spending for the year was $101 Billion. By the year 2000 we will spend over 4 times than amount on Health and Medicare alone, and Medicare will equal the annual pass for Defense(CNN).

Medicare :: essays research papers

The Medicare DebateEssay submitted by Unknown The U.S. government have denied that Medicare has been going bankrupt. Although the government may say that Medicare has plenty of money it is untrue because it is a fact that Medicare will go bankrupt by the year 2001 as stated by preliminary sources. Medicare is one of the main sources of funding for those people that have no money or very small amount of money. The community service that was make for this research paper is hospital volunteering at John Muir Medical Center. The community service included various jobs that was needed to be done were, Putting items past for nurses, discharging patients, doing paper work, feeding patients, answering phones, and helping patients when they ask for assistance. The floor I worked on was Oncology (The branch of medicine that deals with tumors, including study of their development, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention). This community service has help me form insight on the Medicare situati on because I have asked multiple amount of people that work at John Muir Medical Center. There is a stance to be considered about Medicare and Social Security in the government. The vice president of the United States, Al Gore, wrote in a letter stating that social security notes are not being depleted. Gore said that, "the allegations to the contrary have been circulated by certain organizations as a money-making scheme for some time." (Gore Letter). Vice hot seat Gore tries to show theses allegations are untrue by explaining how social security works. In this letter, Vice President Gore cleared up the allegations by paternity that, "When Social Security taxes are collected, they are credited to the Social Security trust funds with government security, perhaps the safest investment in the United States. In history Medicare has experience a few problem regarding its funding. Problems have occurred over the history of Medicare. The major problem and most recent of Med icare is that it is going bankrupt. Medicare is another bequest of Lyndon Baines Johnson Great Society. Spending is obviously out of control. On June 5th the government announced that the Medicare Trust Fund would go broke by the year 2001(nationaldebt). In 1965 when LBJ started Health and Medicare, the Total Federal Spending for the year was $101 Billion. By the year 2000 we will spend over 4 times than amount on Health and Medicare alone, and Medicare will equal the annual spending for Defense(CNN).

Monday, May 27, 2019

Montana 1948 and the Abuse of Power Essay

In the novel Montana 1948 you see a common consequence that is around still in our everyday lives. This issue is the abuse of designer and how it leads to consequences that sometimes might be devastating. You see this in our everyday lives with the Government and alike many times in ar families across the nation. In the novel there are many examples of this in the Hayden family. Wes, Frank and their father all are very force-outful due to their back ground. Wes Hayden who is the father of David (The Narrator) is the second generation of Haydens to be a Sheriff uses his male monarch for good social functions Frank Hayden who is the brother of Wes is a war hero uses his power for bad things such as rape, killing and lying and finally you have Julian Hayden who is the father of Wes and Frank. Some would say he used his power to benefit his family, but in reality he protected Frank with his power to let the crimes add up. Julian Hayden is where the abuse of power effect many peopl es lives and ends up hurting his own family in the long run.Grandpa Haydens corruption and abuse of power should be blamed for the tragedies. You first find this out when David explains, He wanted, he needed, power He was a dominating man who drew sustenance and strength from dogmatic others. (Watson 20). Also when David visited Len after Maries death, Len talked to him about being a sheriff in Montana. He told David, You know what your granddad said it means to be a serenity officer in Montana? It means knowing when to look and when to look away.(Watson 93).Len saying this suggests that to Julian, being the sheriff does not mean keeping justice and doing the right thing instead it brings power and the right to hide the truth. Grandpa Hayden tolerated Frank for molesting Indian girls and used his powers to cover up for him. This gave Frank the ability to continue to sexually breach girls without being punished. This also led to murder and in Frank committing suicide, Wes having to leave town and Julian losing both of his sons. From this, we can see that corruption andpower are causes of the tragedy.This issue is very important because veritable(a) in todays society you see events like this happen all the time. Some cases are even more severe because its at a much larger scale where it affects a whole country sometimes even makes history. For example with our presidency today we are continuously learning things the government tries and hide things from the citizens. Some of these things include warrantless wire tapping, kidnapping and illegal detention and other government secrecies that abuses power and also violates our rights as citizens of the Unites States. This creates distrust in the government and chaos among the citizens.Celebrities, sports stars and wealthy people are good examples of showing how the abuse of power is used in our modern day society. For example Ray Rice (Running Back from the Baltimore Ravens) violently assaulted his Fiance and completely knocked her out unconscious. From this incident there should be some consequences to dish out him learn his lesson. Instead our judicial system allows wealthy people to keep doing these horrible crimes and only being assessed a bail fee. This demonstrates how corrupt and how the abuse of power is still very existent in not only government but also in people lives still today.Abuse of power is all the way demonstrated in the novel Montana 1948. This book just displays how people all around the world have been dealing with the same problem for kinda a while. Abuse of power is problematic because the consequences for this issue are devastating and sometimes fatal. This is shown in Montana 1948 and also in our everyday lives. This issue entrust never be fixed if Power is given to people who cant handle it history will keep repeating itself.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Different sociological views on changes Essay

Examine different sociological visible horizons on changes in the experience of childhood in the last 50 years or so.(24 marks) childhood is a special time of life where children atomic number 18 fundamentally different from adults, it is time that is based solely on society. Children are seen as physically and emotionally incompetent and therefore need influence and guidance of adults to be prepared with life skills needed to be independent children are seen as most important. tally to Aries (1962), childhood puke be defined as being a social construct something that is executed and defined by society. Children had been seen as being wish mini adults and being an economic liability rather than being treated like children and being unconditionally loved by their parents. The elements of the modern childhood in symbolizes began to emerge from the 13th blow onwards. Schools started to specialise purely on the education of the young. There was a growing distinction between adult and children clothing.By the eighteenth century there was a sign of the growing child-centred of family life, mostly among the middle classes. According to Aries these developments lead to the cult of childhood. He argues that we have go from a world that did not see childhood as in any way special, to a world that is obsessed with childhood. He describes the 20th century as the century of the child. Some sociologists have criticised Aries for arguing that childhood did not exist in the past. Linda Pollock (1983) argues that it is more correct to vocalize that in the middle ages society simply had a different view of childhood.Aries definition of childhood as a social construction can also be supported by cross-cultural differences and more specifically Punch (2001).Punch had studied children in Bolivia and found that at age 5 children were anticipate to work and take responsibilities. This cultural variation shows childhood to be a social construction as if it were biological e veryone would have the same experiences.However, changes have been make and it is now made clear by Pilcher, that childhood is now becoming separate from adulthood. Childhood is seen as aclear and distinct life stage and children in our society occupy a separate status from adults. Children also differ from adults through the differences in dress. Pilcher argues that children have only(prenominal) started to be seen as compromising and innocent recently when laws started defining what they can and cannot do. Also now that we are in a golden age of innocence and vulnerability adults have thus decided children need more protection from the adult world.Functionalist sociologists agree with the March of near view, as they believe that the experience of childhood has massively improved everyplace the last 50 years. They take the view that childhood is socially constructed and vary between times, places and even cultures. There are important differences between childhoods in Hesperi an societies right away as compared with European societies in the past. For example, in the middle ages, child labour was a basic fact of life for most children schooling was only available for the wealthy.The March of Progress view argues that, over the past few centuries, the position of children in western societies have been improving. Aries also holds the March of Progress view. They argue that todays children are more valued, better cared for, protected, educated and have more rights. For example, children today are protected from harm and exploitation by laws against child curse and child labour.Conflict sociologists such as Marxists and Feminists argue against the March of Progress view that the position of children has improved dramatically in a relatively brusque period of time. They argue that society is based on a conflict between different social groups such as social classes or genders. In this conflict, some groups have more power, status and wealth than others. T hey also argue that the March of Progress view of modern childhood is based on a false and idealised image that ignores important inequalities.Firstly the conflict sociologists say that there are inequalities among children in terms of opportunities and risks they face many today dwellunprotected and badly cared for. For example, poor mothers are more likely to have low birth-weight babies, which could lead to intellectual developments.Secondly, the inequalities between children and adults are greater than ever children today experience greater control, greater care and protection. For example, neglect and abuse.In relation to this all, Neil Postman (1994) argues that childhood is disappearing at a dazzling speed. He points to the tends towards giving children the same rights as adults, the growing similarity of adult and children clothing, are taking part in adult activities like smoking and drinking and are committing adult crimes such as murder. These ideas clearly demonstrate t hat societies need for children to act older than they are is causing trouble psychologically for children.On the other hand, contradictory Postman Iona Opie (1993) argues that childhood is not disappearing. She argues that there is strong evidence of the continued existence of a separate childrens culture. Her studies show that children can and they do create their own independent culture separate from adults. This contradicts Postmans claim that childrens own unsupervised games are dying out.In conclusion, the evidence suggests that March of Progress view that the status of childhood has improved is much stronger. Although the conflict views are true to some extent, in terms of inequality, there is a clear improvement in the status of children in the society in comparison to previous generations.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Crude Oil Price Volatility Economics Essay

Energy plays the cardinal function in the introduction frugalal system. In malice of considerable disposition to alternative renewable beginnings of energy like air current, H2O, atomic and solar power, the function of furious cover in macroeconomic motions has non waned yet ( Mehrara & A Mohaghegh, 2011 ) .Since the find and production of anele Nigeria in 1958, the subsector has continued to play a major and dominant function in the Nigerian economic system. The extractive sector in the Nigerian economic system is big and extended, with inunct playing a critical function. With about 37.2 billion barrels in militias and 2.13 % of planetary production, Nigeria has the universe s 10th largest proven militias ( 3.1 % of planetary militias ) , and is among the top 10 oil color manufacturers ( Akinlo, 2012 ) .Nigeria has been a member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) since July 1971. Presently, at that place are 12 member states including Nigeri a in this international organisation whose purpose of the organisation, harmonizing to its Statute, is the finding of the best agencies for safeguarding their involvements, separately and jointly inventing ways and agencies of guaranting the stabilisation of pecuniary abide by in international oil trades with a position to extinguishing harmful and un essential fluctuations giving repayable respect at all times to the involvements of the generate forthing states and to the necessity of procuring a steady income to the bring forthing states an efficient, economic and regular add together of crude oil to devouring states, and a just return on their expectant to those puting in the crude oil industry ( OPEC, 2012 ) .Crude Oil is an of importee trade good non merely because it is of course happening in the Earth solely because of the many fractions that are derived from it after the gloss procedure. Those changing fractions much(prenominal) as fuel oil, jet fuel, kerosine etc . are extracted at different temperatures during the refinement procedure.The demand for rough oil is derived from the demand for its fractions and it depends on a big figure of factors such as its family line, sulfur content and its locations. Crude Oil is categorise in the international market harmonizing to changing molecular features by giving pricing mentions to the countries where such barrels are produced. Such pricing mentions include the nitrogen American West Texas Intermediate, Nigerian Bonny Light, Brent etc.In most oil exporting states, authorities which is well big in equivalence with little private sector, straight receives the oil unrefined. Spending this gross, authorities s behaviour becomes the most of import feature of the economic system. In other words, the financess needed for authorities s outgo come from oil gross. So, financial and pecuniary policies depend upon oil pecuniary lever ( Rosser & A Sheehan, 1995 ) .Oil fiscal nurse is extremely variabl e even more than any other trade good ( Dehn, 2001 ) . Crude oil fiscal values have increase on norm from US $ 25 per barrel in 2002 to US $ 55 per barrel in 2005. There has been a steep upward tendency in the fiscal value of rough oil in repenny old ages, making a record nominal high of US $ 147 in mid-2008 and a crisp bead to US $ 46 a barrel ( Akpan, 2009 ) .The transmittal mechanisms by dint of which oil monetary values have refer on genuine economic activity include both supply and demand channels. The supply side effects are related to the fact that rough oil is a basic input to production, and accordingly an addition in oil monetary value leads to a rise in production costs that induces houses to take shine end product. Oil monetary value alterations besides entail demand-side effects on ingestion and investment. Consumption is affected indirectly through its positive sex act with disposable income. Oil monetary value rises cut down the consumers passing power. Inv esting may besides be affected if the oil monetary value daze encourages manufacturers to replace less energy intensive capital for more energy-intensive capital. The order of this consequence is in bend stronger the more the daze is perceived to be durable. For this ground, the theoretical literature has been of a general equilibrium nature, with different writers delegating different weights to the supply and demand channels ( Olomola & A Adejumo, 2006 ) .When oil monetary value depreciates, big public sector expectedly can non cut down its disbursement instantly and proportionally so faces massive shortages. The financial instabilities followed by an oil monetary value lessening can be lay waste toing if the state is extremely dependent on oil grosss which is the instance in most oil exporting states. More disappointingly such falls are normally unpredictable. Several uncomplete undertakings and immense debts are the chief heritages of this period for the undermentioned rep roductive epoch. After some rough experiences, presents, insulating the existent sectors of economic system from oil monetary value volatility is accepted as one of the most of import functions of authorities ( Mehrara & A Mohaghegh, 2011 ) .Presently, one-year budgets are formulated in Nigeria based on oil monetary values. The 2009 budget was revised in line with the predominating market monetary value of oil declarative mood of immense dependance of Nigeria on oil returns. In 2012, there was an intense argument refering the benchmark monetary value of Crude Oil that would be the footing of gross and outgo computations in the passing of the 2013 Appropriation Act ( budget ) through the Nigerian national Assembly.Huge influx of oil grosss in Nigeria are more frequently associated with enlargement in the degree of Government passing while periods of dwindling oil grosss are normally accompanied by budget shortages. There is no addition stating that Nigeria relies so much on gross f rom oil exports, but, it every identification number massively imports refined crude oil and other related merchandises. Evidence, for case, shows that Government disbursement, which hitherto, before 1999 remained good below N0.5 gazillion, hit N1.02 trillion grade in 2001 and N1.5 trillion in 2004. The figures for 2006 and 2007 stood at N2.04 and N2.45 trillion severally ( Aliyu, 2009 ) .Oil monetary value dazes are preponderantly defined with regard to monetary value fluctuations ensuing from alterations in either the demand or supply side of the international oil market ( Hamilton, 1983 ) . These alterations have been traditionally traced to provide side breaks such as OPEC supply quotas, political turbulences in the oil-rich Middle East and activities of hawkish groups in the Niger Delta part of Nigeria. The dazes could be positive ( a rise ) or negative ( a autumn ) . both issues are identified sing the dazes foremost is the magnitude of the monetary value addition which ca n be quantified in absolute footings or as per centum alterations, irregular is the timing of the daze, that is, the velocity and continuity of the monetary value addition ( Akpan, 2009 ) .Traveling by the foregoing, four oil dazes can be observed in Nigeria. each of the dazes had connexions with some motions in cardinal macroeconomic variables in Nigeria. For case, the 1973-74, 1979-80, and 2003-2006 periods were associated with monetary value additions while the oil market prostration of 1986 is an episode of monetary value lessening. During the graduation oil daze in Nigeria ( 1973-74 ) , the value of Nigeria s export measured in US dollars rose by about 600 per cent with the footings of trade lifting from 18.9 in 1974 to 65.3 by 1982. Government gross which stood at 8 per cent of GDP in 1972 rose to about 20 per cent in 1975. This resulted in increased authorities outgo owing mostly from the demand to monetise the rough oil grosss. Investing was mostly in favor of instruction, public wellness, conveyance, and import substitute industries ( Nnnanna & A Masha, 2003 ) .During the oil monetary value daze of 2003-2006, Nigeria recorded addition in the portion of oil in GDP from approximately 80 per cent in 2003 to 82.6 per cent in 2005. The daze was gradual and persisted for a piece. This could be regarded as a lasting daze. The consequence of the daze was a favorable investing clime, increased national income within the period although a little diminution was observed in the growing rate of the GDP. Despite this sensed benefit of oil monetary value alteration, the macroeconomic environment in Nigeria during the roars was unwanted. For case, rising prices was largely dual figure in the 1970s money supply grew steeply, while immense financial shortages were besides recorded ( Akpan, 2009 ) .The growing way of the state has been really unsmooth over the old ages. During the oil roar epoch, approximately 1970-78, GDP grew positively by 6.2 per centum yearly a singular growing. However, in the 1980s, GDP had negative growing rates. In the period 1988-1997 which constitutes the period of Structural Adjustment Programme ( sucker ) , which entails economic liberalisation, the GDP responded to economic accommodation policies and grew at a positive rate of 4.0 per centum. Agriculture, industry and fabrication, oil and gas sectors had greater laterality in the constitution of the Nigeria s GDP. The twelvemonth 1989 1998 was the most disruptive period in the history of the state s growing form. Real GDP grew merely by an norm of 3.6 per centum, against the population growing rate of 2.8 % during the same period. pomposity, poorness, exchange rate were all at dismaying rates. Foreign direct investing, which is a obligatory engine of growing, was curb because of unsupportive enabling environment. Between 1999 and 2008, the state s growing public presentation improved significantly. GDP growing rate averaged 7.8 % during the decennary entir ely due to the growing of non-oil sector which grew by 9.5 per centum. In this respect, nevertheless, oil sector constitutes both a retarding force on growing and a beginning of instability in GDP growing form ( Aliyu, 2009 ) .Ongoing financial and pecuniary reforms aim to cut down the degree of rough oil dependence but at the minute, uncertainnesss about the degree of rough oil monetary values has cost the economic system a portion of investing chances over the old ages. In order for Nigeria to achieve balanced, uninterrupted and sustainable economic growing, the consequence of volatility in oil monetary values must be given capable attending.STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMIn Nigeria, the rate of petroleum oil dependence is high. It accounted for about 82.1 % of entire authorities gross during the oil roar in 1974 before cut downing to a portion of 64.3 % by which was a effect of the rapid diminution in universe market monetary value of rough oil. The portion of oil gross in entire auth orities gross still remains significant as evidenced by the attainment of 85.6 % and 86.1 % in 2004 and 2005 severally ( Akpan,2009 ) . This has generated a batch of involvement particularly amongst stakeholders in the Nigerian economic system. Of recent, is the argument in the Nigerian National Assembly about the appropriate petroleum oil monetary value benchmark to be included in the 2013 Appropriation Act which has generated a batch of contention.From a planning position, fluctuations in the petroleum oil monetary value have been the beginning of a batch of incomplete authorities undertakings due to the alterations in the gross watercourse and the dependability of cost estimations. The transmittal mechanisms through which rough oil monetary values impact on existent economic activity and analysing the dynamic interrelatedness among the selected macroeconomic variables is of great importance.Variations in rough oil monetary values hinders effectual economic planning and developmen t most particularly for rough oil dependent economic systems like Nigeria. The impact of these fluctuations in footings of magnitude, continuance and way is of great importance if the Nigerian economic system must come on.The following are inquiries refering to the impact of rough oil monetary value volatility in Nigeria How significantly can Crude Oil equipment casualty fluctuations hinder sustainable economic growing in Nigeria?What magnitude of the alterations in macroeconomic variables is associated with fluctuations in rough oil monetary value?1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDYThe wide aim of this survey is to analyse the consequence of petroleum oil monetary value volatility on economic activity in Nigeria. The specific aims includea. To analyse the consequence of oil monetary value volatility on the growing rate of existent GDP, Inflation rate, Money supply and other financial and pecuniary variables.B. To find whether there is a long tally affinity between oil monetary value vola tility and existent GDP growing in Nigeria.1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONSThe inquiries that guide the research are as followsa. Is there a important relationship between Oil monetary value dazes and economic system activity in Nigeria?B. What is the magnitude of the relationship ( if any ) between Oil monetary value dazes and macroeconomic variables in Nigeria?1.5 HYPOTHESES OF STUDYThe followers are the research hypotheses to be tested during the surveyHolmium Crude Oil Price has no important consequence on economic activity in Nigeria.H1 Crude Oil Price has a important consequence on economic activity in Nigeria.1.6 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDYThis survey on the consequence of volatile economic activity may be relevant to all states in the universe but the overall considerations, analysis and deductions are within the model of the Nigerian economic system. This survey covers the periods from 1975 to 2011. However, restrictions due to unavailability and undependability of information s could originate in the class of the survey and this should non be overlooked.1.7 DEFINITION OF UNFAMILIAR TERMSThe undermentioned footings used during the survey are explained belowa. Volatile Care to change frequently or wideB. Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) An organisation of states formed in 1961 to hold on a common policy for the production and sale of crude oil. Its members include Iraq, Indonesia, Iran, Kuwait, Libya, Angola, Algeria, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the get together Arab Emirates, and Venezuela.1.8 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDYThis survey is of import to demo the extent to which the Nigerian economic system is affected by rough oil by analyzing macroeconomic variables. It is necessary to understand the way, continuance and magnitude of the relationship.1.9 METHODOLOGYThe variables to be considered includea. Oil Price VarianceB. Real Gross Domestic Product Growth Ratec. Inflation Rated. Index of Industrial Productione. Money Supplyf. Governmen t OutgoThe clip period under consideration is 1975-2011. The Ordinary Least foursquare Method is used because it is the best linear indifferent calculator. Garch ( 1,1 ) theoretical account is used to mensurate rough oil monetary value volatility and the qualified discrepancy series generates the volatility informations. Johansen Co-Integration technique based on vector autoregressive theoretical account determines the long tally relationship between oil monetary value fluctuations and GDP growing. Vector Error Correction Model ( VECM ) specifies convergence or divergency among the variables in the theoretical account. Trials for Stationarity ( being of unit roots ) such as the augmented dickey-fuller and Phillip Perron Tests will be employed. Variance decomposition, impulse response map, farmer causality trial examines consequence of Oil Price volatility on other variables.1.10 DATA BeginningsSecondary informations beginnings from Central Bank Statistical Database, Central Bank St atistical Bulletin, OPEC Statistical Bulletin British Petroleum Statistical Review of origination Energy.1.11 OUTLINE OF CHAPTERS

Friday, May 24, 2019

Op-Ed Summary

Summary Dont Blame the Eater The Op-Ed piece, Dont Blame the Eater, by David Zinczenko talks about the issue of obesity in America and whose break of serve it really is, the eater or the people providing the food. His need on the melodic theme is that it is the industries fault for the obesity in America and not the peoples fault because finding an alternative to eating cheap food on the go is nearly impossible. He makes an example of himself right in the third paragraph, explaining how his mom had to forge long hours to pay the bills and his choices for food were pizza hut or KFC because that was the only affordable choice for him.He also employs a lot of logos in the pursual paragraphs by mentioning statistics on the matter of diabetes, and the amount of money put into treating it as the years progress. Shooting d throw opposing arguments also plays a factor in Zinczenkos essay when he asks the reader shouldnt we know better than to eat two meals a day in fast-food restaurants ? He states that this is one argument, just then makes the point of where ar consumers, particularly teenagers, supposed to find alternatives.He also introduces the concept of not knowing any information on the food that we are consuming, and the misleading advertising in fast food products where certain wellnessy foods are really just masked by misleading serving sizes and drop of dressing and noodles and almonds for say a healthy salad. I believe he sums up his essay by face that the companies should be sued for not having these warning labels the uniform way tobacco companies are. Overall it is their fault and not as ridiculous as it seems.Summary What You Eat Is Your Business What You Eat Is Your Business, is an Op-Ed piece on the same subject but from a different, and in my opinion more agreeable, perspective. His claim is almost opposite from Zinczenkos in that he believes that it is our responsibility to take care of our own bodies rather than the food industries. He ph rases it nicely when he mentions bringing government between you and your waistline, which is essentially what Zinczenko argued for.He says how this is the wrong way to fight obesity, that instead of manipulating what is available to us and how it is available to us, we should instead foster a sense of responsibility in our own health and well being. I think what he is basically saying is that we are just pointing fingers at what is our own faults, and that when the government acts for us, they are only acting for the public numbers rather than for the people themselves. Balko also mentions that by doing this, and having the government intervene, we have less incentive to actually put down what is causing our heart attacks.He employs ethos when he mentions names in New York Times magazines and specials on TVs that plead for government intervention. What I exchangeabled about this Op-Ed piece is that it makes sense and obesity should not even be in the public health concern. After all it is only there because we have to pay for the consequences of it. He provides his own stand and sticks firmly to it providing us with what he thinks would be best. The insurance companies should pay back healthy lifestyles and penalize poor ones, not raise all our premiums because the rate of heart attacks are rising because the government is taking the wrong route.It is our responsibility to diet, exercise, and difficulty about ourselves. Response to Both I think I take a clear favorite out of the two essays. The second one industrial plant for me better because I already had a viewpoint on the topic. The first op-ed says that it is the governments fault for providing such cheap, unknown products that seem to be our only option when it comes to eating. I think this is a ridiculous argument. It certainly is not our only choice in eating out that just sounds like an excuse to me. The people like the food, so they keep eating it instead of looking for an alternative, and then point fingers.Sure there is diabetes and a lot of money put into treating it, but in the shoemakers last the root of the problem is those people eating those foods and then making up excuses for it. This is why I agree with the second essay more. People have the mightiness to say no, they have the ability to look for healthier food at the same prices. They can pick up the food they are eating, and look at the nutrition facts, and look at the serving sizes. Its not like you dont see people living healthy life styles in the same economically classes.You dont emergency to drink soda, in fact, water is free. Even if it were true that well-nigh things did not have nutritional facts on them, dont you think you shouldnt eat it then, or even if that was the case, cant people use their common sense? Obviously the put of fried chicken glistening in trans fat is not going to harm your coronary artery in any way. In fact, a bulk of people these days have smart phones, they wont hesitate t o look up the nearest McDonalds, but how about looking up some nutritional facts on it, or reading about how to live a healthy lifestyle.Balko is right, what you eat is your business, stop turning to the government and telling them its their fault they need to make you skinny. No they dont, you need to stop fueling McDonalds, stop letting them think its okay to serve fries that never spoil because you claim they are the best fries youve ever had. It is your responsibility to diet, and exercise, and eat right, finding healthy food is not impossible, stop kidding yourselves.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

IT Development in Major Business Firms

The purpose of this White Paper is to inform you on the development Technology placement at Enqvist Int. Information Technology is every(prenominal) the hardw are, bundle, telecommunications, database management, and other breeding that we use to process technology using computer based information systems. IT supporters create cable strategies in many business fields, including Business Management. In this white authorship, you allow be pre moveed with the menstruation standing of our IT development as wellhead as improvements that scum bag and should be make to enlarge company productivity.By further developing our IT infrastructure, Enqvist Int. an improve so that we adjudge the most up to date technology addressable in our field. More specifically, I am going to present to you the possibilities associated with upgrading our current package, databases as well as our telecommunications network within the organization. A few of the benefits that entrusting be receiv ed will be increased collaboration, quicker, easier everywhereture to node information as well as to supplier information. These details are discussed in depth in the scope of this white paper. Enqvist Int. is a manufacturing company that produces office equipment.The production plant is based in tonic Albany and we distri howevere mainly to Indianapolis, Louisville and Cincinnati. We also do business with other companies in between these metropolitan areas. At Enqvist Int. , our products are sold to other businesses that use our equipment in their offices as well at to retailers for resale. We arrive offices in all three major cities that set up sales with come-at-able clients. It is important that all three locations share putting surface information with each other as well as with the plant in New Albany to make sure that in that location will be enough equipment to meet the demand for those cities as well as the surrounding areas.A close eye is al looks kept on fund a t Enqvist Int. as we pride ourselves in having what consumers want when they want it. Management of this inventory is shortly done by hand at the plant in New Albany before the products are shipped to their designated location. In the following pages of this white paper I will present to you the current situation of Enqvist Int. in the IT fields of parcel product, databases and telecommunications. afterwards discussing how we currently use these technologies I will follow up with some developments that quite a little be made in each field to improve the style we do business. afterwards discussing these issues I will give my recommendations on what I think the appropriate action would be to increase the productivity of Enqvist Int. I will conclude with what we domiciliate hope to expect from IT in the future. Scope of Situation in Business Management I possess been working with an IT Specialist from Cisco. com discussing with him the alternatives of the way we are currently usi ng IT in our company. He has been giving me suggestions along the way with what to offer you in this white paper. Again, I will focus on three major areas, software, databases and telecommunication.At the present conviction Enqvist Int. does not return any particular software suite common to the three major offices. any three locations have access to the Internet and internally in the three organizations there is access to an Intranet. Product inventory is kept by hand with the information being stored on a hard drive in computers. There are relatively few computers on hand at the plant in New Albany while each employee has their own workstation at each of the three metropolitan locations. According to my IS source, we have an array of options for improving out software condition.In todays IT world, the purport in software is away from custom design programs and towards of the shelf software suites that are user friendly to our employees. The trend is leaning away from procedura l and machine specific programming and towards specific business application uses. Speaking in terms of productivity, we can upgrade from our current software to software that will increase productivity. To continue doing business as usual we deficiency to have a software suite that has the major types of software already installed and ready to use.Remember that we will need a system that meets our requirements of how we do business. Some of the basic software necessary will be a Web browser, e-mail, desktop publishing and word processing. These are all let ind in several suites such as Microsoft 2000. For example, 2000 has several business specific applications like Word and Excel just to name a couple. These applications can help keep row of our inventory as well as the product account of what we will be running on the production line at the plant. E-mail and other forms of virtual groupware will help increase communications between employees at all locations.Another alternati ve would be to implement a new operating system into the organization to meet our increasing software demand and requirements. An operating system is an integrated system of programs and software that manages the operations of computers. It controls the inputs/outputs and storage of information. In our case the primary reasoning behind an operating system would be to maximize productivity in a more efficient manner. An operating system has four major characteristics that help this process User Interface, Resource Management, commove Management and Task Management.These qualities will help Enqvist Internationals management team accomplish specific tasks such as checking to see how much inventory is in stock for a particular product. An operating system will also help with basic business management functions such as storing and retrieving customer information. That is an overview of the software standing at Enqvist Int. and what is available for us to implement to improve they was w e use software. Implementing this system at all locations of Enqvist Int. will be costly but the benefits derived should offset those costs.Some benefits will include efficient work, easy interaction with other software, reliability, and application specific programs. Enqivst Int. currently has a strong database infrasturcture but there is room for improvement. We currently have three separate databases, one for each metropolitan location. Each location can run several applications to find and set up data needed for themselves or to relay to customers. There is one big step we can take to improve our overall schema of Database Management systems. After consulting with my IS agent, I have discovered a more error free way to keep track of data.Instead of having the three databases scattered throughout the company, we could have one main database that can be accessed by all three locations. For example, when an employee is running an application to find data on a customer, he will be able to find all data about them in one place instead of going to different databases for pieces of information. A Database Management establishment (database management system) is a set of computer programs that control the creation, maintenance and use of data. This DBMS will consolidate records previously stored in separate files into a common file. The benefits of this include the ability for ad hoc queries.These are unique unscheduled information requests from the DBMS, easily capable if we have the newest innovations in DBMS. Forming one main database will also abase redundant data and errors about those data. For example when information is stored in separate files you need to change customer information in all areas, this problem is eliminated with what I am offering, once you change the information in one area it is automatically done in every aspect of that customer. This will be friendly for Enqvist Int. because customer information will always be up to date.We will hav e all our entities kept together with the proper attributes to those entities easily accessible to our employees. DBMS will also allow us to build new applications to apply to the way we do business. For example, we will have all of our customer information in one area as well as information on suppliers to the plant in New Albany. DBMS will improve our efficiency and by chance help Enqvist Int. prosper to new markets. There are four major benefits we can receive from DBMS. They are Database Development, Data Interrogation, Data Maintenance, and Application Development.These benefits will help Enqvist Int. keep track of data about the business as well as being able to interrogate the data to be displayed in forms want by our end users and employees. All this is available just by sharing a common database. The overall organization will be wagerer assured about company data to provide better quaility decision fashioning. There are issues to consider before changing our database infrastructure. We slam that this system is able to modify the database to reflect new transactions but we also need a DBMS that is reliable, secure and has a large capacity as we are a growing company.Determining who has access to what information in the database will be an important decision that will be made by upper management. Enqvist Int. employees currently have accessibility to a local area network (LAN) within the organization they work for depending on the city. Employees at the three respective stores have all their computers wired together within the office. While this has enabled the employees to communicate with each other and retrieve information about their office transactions, it does not allow them to communicate and have access with possibly needed information from the other two stores.We already have the basic components needed to improve our telecommunications network. We have the computer terminals and processors and the control software to manage the functio ns for which we use telecommunication. We could however take advantage of a more powerful get over which our date is transmitted and received. We could also have this channel run fiber optic lines to unify the organizations three LANs creating a Wide Are Network (WAN). A WAN allows connection for large geographical areas, ideal for our situation. We could also form a VPN but our locations are close enough to form a WAN.Implementing a WAN will enable managers, end users, employees and workgroups to electronically exchange data and information from any of three stores with anyone in the company. This will increase collaboration between employees but can be costly. However, the benefits are incredible. situation workers will still be attached internally but also with all other offices including the plant in New Albany. By having all the offices connected to the production plant, employees will no longer have to send e-mails to find out information regarding product inventory or wh en shipments are being sent and arrived at their location.This takes time and may possibly cost us customers who will look elsewhere. With a WAN, employees could have access to this and other information to use in increasing customer service, another issue associated with business management. The pelt along and connectivity allowed through a WAN are just a few of the benefits that can be received from implementing one. Managers will have to take some things into consideration when implementing a WAN. With information so accessible to employees we must make sure it is secure so no one else can hack into our network. There are also the issues of who in the company can see and use what information.Employees at all locations are now able to work together on team projects and connect to the plant to check product information but their accessibility will have to have some end. Only office managers and management members above them should have access to company information such as income statements kept on our software programs and total operating cost or per unit costs, other important issues in business management. Once these rules are set, a WAN can increase our company productivity greatly.After informing you on the current situation that Enqvist Int. egarding Information Technology, I will now relay some suggestions that I tactual sensation can help this company improve and grow. Working with my IS consultant has helped me tell you the possible ways we can improve the current way we use IT at Enqvist Int. I feel that we could increase productivity to its maximum by using an operating system as our software suite. We could use this system to keep track on product inventory so that fewer errors occur in calculating inventory. Another advantage to Enqvist Int. from an operating system is that our employees will have access to user friendly, application specific business programs.I also feel that we should combine our organizations databases into one common databa se accessible to our end users. Keeping customer information as well as information on employees and data about the plant in New Albany will help our employees work better to improve customer service. A DBMS also reduces errors that may be in our data. All employees will see that same thing when they look up a common file where as when the information was stored separately two different users might see two different descriptions for the same customer.In fictional character to our telecommunications network, I think I already made my recommendation known in the scope of this white paper. I feel that implementing a WAN to connect our organization three current LANs will help Enqvist Int. improve in many areas by collaborating with each other. Connecting them with fiber optic lines will increase the speed at which this can be done. It will help us overcome geographical barriers and possibly expand to new markets.The recommendations made to you in this white paper wont come cheap to En qvist Int. ut I feel that the benefits we can receive from doing so will outweigh these costs and in time pay for themselves in increased employee productivity. Enqvist Int. has shown in the past that we can survive in our highly competitive market but to stay that way we need to improve our IT situation. By following some or all of the recommendations made to you Enqvist Int. will likely continue to thrive into the future with the help of IT. It seems as if the Information Technology world is changing everyday, which it is.By improving our IT infrastructure as mentioned in this paper, we will reap the benefits of what IT can do for business today. We can scarcely wait and see what IT will have in store for us into the future, creating new innovating ways to manage data and help with business needs. It is likely that the IT tools we have today will be compatible with what will happen in to future thus allowing us to take advantage of those changes in IT. Into the future I think we should also start an Internet site to try in increase sales by expanding our market and also to add advertising.I know that the managers at Enqvist Int. ave been thinking on this for awhile now and with the help of my IS consultant, we could implement it relatively soon. Something that we could see in the future of IT is increased voice recognition. It is already possible for users to talk over the Internet to each other and hear each other. Something that we can look forward to in our computers is their increased voice recognition. We will be able to talk to our computers to accomplish tasks hands free. The computer may actually be able to communicate back with us in the future making working a computer easier and more productive than ever.Also in the future of IT we can expect to see increase in flexibility regarding what IT can do with increased power. This flexibility will open an expanding range of IT applications that help business processes. We will also experience increasing bandwidth making connection over networks faster and more reliable to access information. The future still remains to be seen but with IT, the possibilities are endless, I have only named a few. From compose this White Paper I learned that it is essential for todays businesses to have IT has a backbone of their operations.To be competitive in todays market, businesses need to have a strong IT infrastructure to assist them in running their organization. I also strengthened my understanding of how IT can help businesses expand and grow by making them accessible all over the world via the Internet. They can do business now with people anywhere but this is also something that many companies are having trouble doing today. However, I understand that by using IT to help you manage you information and to create the ability to work and collaborate together, it can help to improve your business and now I realize how this works a lot more in depth.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Business Research Paper

The purpose of stage business research is to all(a)ow a business to set itself apart from its competitors by gathering as much information on the industry that it can and utilizing that data to create unique methodologies and business practices. Researching a business will provide information on things such as what products consumers like or do not like to buy, what the start-up costs will be, and whether every new business opportunity is viable to undertake. Researching also reveals the profitability potential of products and services and how they size up competitively with similar products available in the market.The around successful business in each industry argon perfect examples of how to successfully market, advertise, and sell your products so they should always be considered. According to chapter 1 of the textbook, it does not matter whether you are a small mom & pop bakery or a large corporation like Nabisco, business research is evenly important to your company. In my p ersonal experience I have found that the company policies and procedures set forth by the upper management will outright reflect how the employees will react to their clients and impact the business.Personal Experience I have worked for fortune 500 companies such as Verizon, AT&T, and Time Warner in the telecommunications industry and I have learned how each of these companies markets their products to both businesses and consumers. The breakthrough in technology of fiber optic internet and television that became available to consumers in the last ten years was a huge push for all of these companies. There are many different ways the companies got the word out to their customers.The exit methods included make mail, television commercials, email and internet marketing, billboards, radio advertisement, and direct sales at retail locations or residential campaigns. I was part of the residential campaign selling products to consumers at their homes. The money that companies would spe nd on advertising (usually in the millions) is relatively hard to track and is becoming less effective today. For example, direct mail campaigns have a less than 1% ascertain of reaching the customer.Whereas visiting a customer at their home has a better chance of influencing the customer to buy the product by learning exactly how it will benefit them and tailoring a package to fit their needs and save them money. I learned that many customers had switched to a competitor due to poor customer service, high prices in the area, or a lack of services offered. In nearly cases, just telling someone that new technology was now available in their area instantly piqued their interest. Every consumer is different, but everyone wants to feel like they are getting the most value for their money.That is why I would always try to offer the highest level of customer service, the best products, and the best value for the money. Many multiplication people are willing to spend more money for the s ame products with a higher level of customer service. That is why fancy restaurants are popular, because the halo and the customer service make it a much better experience than cooking a steak at home. So understanding your customer, your competition, and the market are all important factors in researching any business.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

“Princess Paradox” by James Poniewozik Essay

In the Princess Paradox James Poniewozik starts out his article by fetching a stance against the princess movement, moreover then throughout the rest of his article he talks about how the movement is good for newfangled girls by presentation that they can control their own destiny. Un bid the Princess Paradox, Peggy Orensteins article Cinderella and Princess Culture takes a stance against the princess movement by stating that the movement is ruining the minds of young girls. Although both authors hurl feminist superlatives of view, they have opposite horizons on how the princess movement affect young girls, which they try to jump by apply different approaches to prove what their opinion is.In their opening paragraphs both authors take a stance against the princess movement. Poniewozik starts out his article by saying that it is a recurring nightmare of idealistic modern parents of filles, where the parents arrest many masculine toys, and then when Halloween rolls around t hey want to be a princesses (666) bandage Orenstein writes her article from the perspective of a parent whose daughter was called a princess and treated as a princess everywhere she went, and Orensteins tolerance of this treatment grew shorter until she lost her patience. Though Poniewozik seems to take a stance against the movement in his opening paragraph he ends up leaning towards why it is a good thing for young girls, whereas Orenstein keeps her opinion the same, but she goes on to contradict the point that she was trying to make.Both authors compare todays princess movement with the feminist movement that took place a few years ago. Weve come a long way, it seems, from the girls-kick-ass culture of tho a few years ago in which a 360 degrees flying roundhouse kick was a girls best friend. (Poniewozik 666) Poniewozik says that todays Prince appeal has learned the lessons of feminism, or at least learned to pay lip service to them. (666-667) Orenstein on the other hand sees th e princess movement as an anti-feminist movement, which she tries to support at first, but then she begins to contradict herself by saying that the princess movement may be a sign of progress, and that atlong last girls can have it all. (671)The approach to the princess movement that both authors take is completely different from the other. Poniewozik uses the princess related movies for his approach, showing how they fit in the theme that the girl can have it all, while at the same time they can keep the feministic way, while Orenstein pulls all her information from the Disneys Princesses. She takes her approach by claiming that the princess movement was started when Disney put nine of its egg-producing(prenominal) characters together and started to sell the princess movement to the public.Poniewozik keeps his claim that the princess movement is good for young girls throughout his article which he tries to prove by using more opinion than fact. Orenstein started her article with t he point of view that the princess movement is ruining young girls, but about half way through the article she states that she might be wrong. Where Poniewozik fails to give good facts to support his claim Orenstein seems to make up for when she goes on to give facts and evidence which disproves her own theory, but supports Poniewoziks. Poniewoziks proof of his theory is rather hollow, but is more filled if you add in the facts and information from Orensteins article. On the other hand Orenstein lacks proof to prove her stand against the princess movement and to prove how she could be right. Most of the information that she tries to use to back up her theory is formed from her opinion, which makes the proof for her theory rather hollow.Poniewozik talks about how the princess movies show what a princess should be like and that there is a strict set of rules and conventions she should be pretty, but in a class president way, not a head cheerleader way, she should be able to stand up f or herself, she must be socially conscious, and above all she should not want to be a princess until she changes her mind that is. (668 Poniewozik) Orenstein says alike things much(prenominal) as girls feel like they have to follow a certain set of rules to be accepted school-age girls overwhelmingly reported a paralyzing pressure to be perfect not still to get straight As and be the student-body president, editor of the newspaper and captain of the swim team, but also to be kind and caring, pleaseeveryone, be very thin and dress right. (673)Orenstein represent that Disneys secret to selling their princess products was that all they had to do is think like a little girl would about princess items. Such as, what type of bed would they want, what type of alarm clock would they want to wake up to, and what type of TV would they like to watch, and etc. Few girls will completely bedeck their room, but if she ends up with three or four of these items, well you have a healthy business. (673 Orenstein) Poniewozik found a similar occurrence with princess movies. He says that Hollywood is discovering that it still does not pay to fight the royal urge. (Poniewozik 666) Following 2001s $108 million-grossing _The Princess Diaries,_ Hollywood waved its wand and conjured a set of Cinderella stories for girls, including The Prince and Me and Ella Enchanted, as well as A Cinderella Story and its sequel. (Poniewozik 666)Both authors stated their claims and presented their evidence, they both have opposite views, but yet the evidence is similar in many ways. Although both authors have feminist points of view, they have opposite opinions on how the princess movement affect young girls, which they try to prove by using different approaches to prove what their opinion is. Poniewoziks argument was proven with some facts he had, while Orenstein did not support her argument very well and only helped make Poniewoziks argument better, and to disprove her own.CitationsOrenstein, Pegg y. Cinderella and Princess Culture. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. Suzanne Phelps Chambers. Upper Saddle River Longman, 2011. 670-673.Poniewozik, James. The Princess Paradox. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. Suzanne Phelps Chambers. Upper Saddle River Longman, 2011. 666-669.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Comperative Analysis Bt Airtel Voda Phone

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I . , sincerely thankful to entirely those wide-cut deal who s fauna been gravid me tout ensemblekind of assistance in the reservation of this wizardt melodic theme. I express my gratitude to , who has finished her vast sense andknowledge has been fitted to guide me, both(prenominal) ably and successfully towards thecompletion of the proletariat. I express my gratitude to Sri Balaji College of Engineering &engineering, JaipurI would hereby, found al close to of the opportunity by expressing my sincerest thanks to allmy faculties whose teachings gave me conceptual belowstanding and clarity ofcomprehension, which ultimately do my job much than than easy.Credit to a fault goes to all myfriends whose encouragement kept me in good stead. Their continuous support hasgiven me the strength and authorisation to stand in the project without any difficulty. Last of all exactly not the least I would manage to acknowledge my gratitude to therespondents w ithout whom this pile would affirm been incomplete. I am in addition thankful to authority of Airtel & Vodafone for providing me the information. CONTENT 1. cite 2. Contents 3. Declaration 4. objectives of the subscribe to 5. introduction of the floweric telecom field in India Airtel Vodafone Background corporation profile of Airtel The magic Comparison surrounded by food foodstuffplaceing schema of Bharti Airtel and Vodafone 6. Research Methodology fount of look into methodology Data collection method Method of collection 7. Data Analysis and Interpretation 8. swat out railway system 9. Suggestion & Conclusion 10. Recommendations 11. Bibliography 12. Questionnaire Declaration I, .. Being a student of MBA(HR & MKT) 5th Trimester of School of Business, ITM university, Gwalior herewith decl bes that the project report under title Comparative Analysis of grocery storeing Strategies of Vodafone & Airtel. Is my own give it is the digest of the bigger sca le sector of communication. This project involves the big scale serve involved in telecom sector brookd by Airtel and Vodafone to its clients. The survey was conducted so as to analyze the big scale sector e trulyday in the current industry and the improvement that lav be do upon it. all(prenominal) wangle has been taken to keep this report error free and I sincerely regret for any unintend discrepancies that force establish crept into this report. I shall be highly obliged if errors (if any) be brought to my attention.Thank You OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY Every shaping has to progress to its organization goals. For this it is very essential for an organization to know about the view of consumers and their competitive returns. This survey interrogation may be in equal manner aimed as to estimate likely buyer for the product. The objective of the bea is as under- 1. To identify the difference between grocery store performance of Airtel industry and Vodafone. 2. To m ull over the marketplaceplace of Airtel Industry and Vodafone on big scale telecommunication sector. 3.To comp atomic number 18 sundry(a) parameters of merchandising strategies, manufacturing process, technology pick out production policy, advertising, collaboration, export scenario, future prospect for the deuce companies and government policies. 4. To study node buying appearance and factors which influence the purchase decision process. 5. To know how the caller-out has been successful in encountering the vulturous marketing strategies of adversarys. pic pic Telecom Sector In India Than 125 million peals net mildew is one of the largest communication networks in argonna, which continues to grow at a blistering pace.The rapid growth in the telecom sector stooge be attri aloneed to the unhomogeneous pro-active and positive policy measures taken by the government as comfortably as the dynamic and entrepreneurial biography of the various telecom helper suppliers bo th in private and public sector. The telecom sector has delivern impressive growth during the past decade. Today, more Two striking features of this growth viz. increase pick for unsettled pperfects and higher theatrical role of private sector in the incremental growth gain pre dominated the telecom sector.The sh be of rambling anticipates (including WLL unstable) has overtaken the share of landlines with 62% in the total number of phones. The private sectors contribution is in addition increasing rapidly. Currently more than 30 hundred thousand phones are macrocosm added each calendar month and it is objectiveed that by the end of 2010 the total number of phones may reach a level of350 million victorious the tele-density to more than 30% which is currently at 24. 63%. Network Expansion The total number of telephone subscribers has reached 281. 62million at the end of January 2010 as compared to 232. 7 million in July 2009. The overall Tele density has gaind to 23. 63% in January 2010 as compared to 21. 20% in August2009. Wire little Service The receiving set member saw a surge of 78. 77 million subscribers last month compared to 78. 17 million in Mar. 2010. This pushed the total wireless subscribers base to 282. 40 million by Apr. 31 2010. Wire line Subscribers The wire line surgical incision subscriber base stood at 39. 73 million with a decrease of 0. 16 million at the end of Apr. 2010. Tele density The gross subscriber base reached 206. 83 million at the end of evidence 2009.The Tele density is 24. 63%at the end of Apr. 2010 as compared to 18. 31% at the end of March 2009, registering an increase of 6%. Increasing Role of Private Sector The private sector has played a prodigious role in the growth of telecom sector. The share of private sector has risen to 85 per cen age in December2009 from 64. 14 per cent in November 2008. duty Rebalancing Measures on that point has been a dramatic fall in the obligations due to increased contender. The minimum effective charges for local calls entertain fallen con siderably in modernistic-fangled months especially for cellular run.The big distance domestic as well as inter case charges have too fallen considerably. Telecom Regulatory authorisation of India (TRAI) TRAI was established under the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997 enacted on March 28, 1997. The goals and objectives of TRAI are counseled towards providing a regulatory framework that facilitates carry throughment of the objectives of painful(a) Technology Policy (NTP) 1999. TRAI has endeavored to encourage greater corporation in the telecom sector together with better gauge and affordable prices.AIRTEL Airtel is a blade of telecommunication operate in India operated by Bharti Airtel. Airtel is the largest cellular service provider in India in terms of number of subscribers. Bharti Airtel owns the Airtel daub and provides the chase operate under the brand mention Airtel spry go (usi ng GSM Technology), Broadband& Telephone Services (Fixed line, Internet Connectivity (DSL) and Leased Line, Airtel Digital TV, Airtel Money ), enormous Distance Services and Enterprise Services (Telecommunications consulting for corporate).It has presence in all 23 circles of the country and covers 71% of the current population (as of FY07). Leading supranational telecommunication companies much(prenominal) as Vodafone and SingTel held partial stakes in Bharti Airtel. VODAFONE Vodafone Essar, previously Hutchison Essar is a cellular operator in India that covers 16telecom circles in India Despite the official name organism Vodafone Essar, its products are simply branded Vodafone. It allows both pre remunerative and postpaid GSM cellular phone coverage end-to-end India and is especially knockout in the major metros.Vodafone Essar provides 2G serve base on 900 MHz and 1800 MHz digital GSM technology, offering voice and data operate in 16 of the countrys 23 license areas. Vod afone Essar, previously Hutchison Essar is a cellular operator in India that covers 16telecom circles in India . Despite the official name being Vodafone Essar, its products aresimply branded Vodafone. It offers both prepaid and postpaid GSM cellular phone coverage throughout India and is especially strong in the major metros.Vodafone Essar provides 2G operate based on 900 MHz and 1800 MHz digital GSM technology, offering voice and data services in 16 of the countrys 23 license areas. INTRODUCTION OF THE TOPIC BACKGROUND The project is an extensive report on how the Airtel partnership markets its strategies and how the alliance has been able in tackling the present tough competition and how it is scooping up by the allegations of the quality of its products. The report begins with the history of the products and the introduction of the Airtel caller.This report also contains the basic marketing strategies that are used by the Airtel Company of manufacturing process, technology, production policy, advertising, collaboration, export scenario, future prospect and government policies. The report includes some of the name salient features of market trend issues. In todays world of rough fierce competition, it is very essential to not only exist but also to excel in the market. Todays market is enormously more complex. Hence forth, to survive in the market, the company not only needs to maximize its profit but also needs to satisfy its guests and should try to reconstruct upon from there.COMPANY PROFILE OF AIRTEL Vision As we spread wings to expand our capabilities and explore bare-assed horizons, the fundamental focus remains unchanged seek out the best technology in the world and put it at the service of ourultimate user our customer. These are the premise on which Bharti Enterprises has based its entire plan of action. Bharti Enterprises has been at the headland of technology and has revolutionized telecommunications with its world-class products and s ervices. Established in 1985, Bharti has been a pioneering force in the telecom sector.With many firsts and innovations to its credit, ranging from being the first mobile service in Jaipur, first private basic telephone service provider in the country, first Indian company to provide comprehensive telecom services outside India in Seychelles and first private sector service provider to put National Long Distance Services in India. Bharti had approximately 3. 21 million total customers nearly2. 88 million mobile and 334,000 fixed line customers. Its services sector backinges include mobile operations in Andhra Pradesh, Chennai, Jaipur, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala,Kolkata, Madhya Pradesh circle, Maharashtra circle, Mumbai, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh (West) circle. In addition, it also has fixed-line operations in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Jaipur, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and nationwide broadband and long distance net works. Bharti has recently soak uped national long distance services by offering data transmission services and voice transmission services for calls originating and terminating on most of Indias mobile networks. The Company is also implementing a submarine cable project attributeing Chennai-Singapore for providing international band width.Bharti Enterprises also manufactures and exports telephone terminals and cordless phones. Apart from being the largest manufacturer of telephone instruments, it is also the first telecom company to export its products to the USA. Bharti Tele-Ventures strategical objective is to capitalize on the growth opportunities that the Company believes are available in the Indian telecommunications market and consolidate its position to be the leading corporate telecommunications services provider in key markets in India, with a focus on providing mobile services. The Company has developed the following strategies to achieve its strategic objective - Foc us on maximizing revenues and margins induce maximal telecommunications revenue potential with minimum geographical coverage Offer multiple telecommunications services to provide customers with a one-s aggrandizement shop solution Position itself to tap data transmission opportunities and offer advanced mobile data services Focus on satisfying and retaining customers by ensuring high level of customer pleasure Leverage strengths of its strategic 98*/and financial partners and Emphasize on human resource development to achieve operational efficiencies. BusinessesBharti Tele-Ventures current businesses include Mobile services, Airtel M Fixed-line National and international long distance services VSAT, Internet services and Network solutions. Broadband services with DSL and Wi-Fi network Competitive Strengths- Bharti Tele-Ventures believes that the following elements impart contribute to the Companys success as an integrated telecommunication services provider in Indi a and departing provide the Company with a solid foundation to execute its business strategy across the nation Footprint approximately 92% of Indias total mobile subscribers resided in the Companys fifteen mobile circles.These 23 circles collectively accounted for approximately 56% of Indias land mass Focus on telecommunications to enable the Company to better anticipate industry trends and capitalize on juvenile telecommunications-related business opportunities. The strong brand name recognition and a reputation for offering high quality service to its customers prize management team with vision and proven execution skills and The Companys strong relationships with international strategic and financial investors much(prenominal) as SingTel, Warburg Pincus, International Finance Corporation, Asian Infrastructure Fund Group and modernistic York Life Insurance.Brand Architecture Bharti is working on a complex three-layered branding architecture to Create peculiar(prenom inal) brands for each service, Build sub-brands within each of these services and Use Bharti as the mformer(a) brand providing the class its corporate identity as well as defining its goal to locomote a national set uper of telecoms infrastructure. pic pic Airtel The flagship brand for cellular operations all across the Indian country. Touchtel The brand earmarked for basic service operations. India One The brand for national long distance (NLD) telephonyThough the costs of creating bracing brands are heavy but the group wants to create distinct independent brands to address different customers and profiles. Brand Strategy To understand the brand strategy, lets first look at the brand mental synthesis shape associated with Airtel a brand that had to be repositioned recently to address new needs in the market. When the brand was dismissed seven years ago, cellular telephony wasnt a mass market by any means. For the average consumer, owning a cellular phone was expensive as tariff rates (at Rs 8 a minute) as well as instrument prices were steep some magazines as much as buying a second-handcar.Bharti could have turn to the customer by rationally explaining to him the economic advantage of using a mobile phone. provided Sachdev says that such a strategy would not have worked for the unreserved tenability that the shelter from using the phone at the eon was not commensurate with the cost. Instead of the order- mesmerism model, we decided to address the sensory benefit it gave to the customer as the main selling tack. The composing was to become a badge value brand, he explains. So the Airtel leadership series campaign was launched showing successful men with their laptops and in their deluxe cars using the mobile phone.In ingenuous terms, it meant Airtel was positioned as an inspirational brand that was meant for leaders, for customers who stood out in a crowd. Did it work? Repeated surveys following the launch showed that there were three hollow benefits that were intelligibly associated with the brand leadership, dynamism and performance. These were valuable qualities, but they only took Airtel utmost enough to establish its presence in the market. As tariffs started dropping, it became necessary for Airtel to appeal to a wider audience.And the various brand-tracking exercises showed that disdain all these good things, there was no emotional dimension to the brand it was perceived as cold, hostile and efficient. Sachdev and his team realized that in a business in which customer relationships were the core this could be a major weakness. The reason with tariffs identical to competitor Vodafone telecomm and roughly the same level of service and schemes, it had now become important for Bharti to humanize Airtel and use that relationship as a major differentiation.The brand had become something desire Lufthansa cold and efficient. What they needed was to become Singapore Airlines, efficient but also human. A cha nge in tack was important because this was a condemnation when the cellular market was changing. The leadership series was okay when you were suit of clothes the creme de la creme of society. Once your eached them you had to expand the market so there was need to address to new customers. By that epoch, Bharti was already the leading cellular subscriber in Jaipur with a base of 3. 77 lakh (it now has 1. 8 million customers).And with tariffs becoming more affordable as cell companies started cutting prices it was time to expand the market. How could Bharti leverage this leadership position down the value drawing string? Surveys showed that the concept of leadership in the customers minds was also changing. Leadership did not mean directing subordinates to execute orders but to work along with a team to achieve common objectives it was, again, a relationship game that needed to be reflected in the Airtel brand. Also, a survey showed that 50 per cent of the new customers choose a mobile hone brand mostly through word-of-mouth endorsements from friends, family or colleagues. Thus, existing customers were an important tool for market refinement and Bharti now focused on building closer relationships with them. That is precisely what the brand tried to achieve through its new positioning under the Airtel Touch Tomorrow brand campaign. This set of campaigns portrayed mobile users environ by caring family members. Says Sachdev The new campaign and positioning was designed to highlight the relationship angle and take the brand softer and more sensitive. As it looks to expand its cellular services nationwide to eight new circles isolated from the seven in which it already operates Bharti is now realizing that there are new compulsions to rework the Airtel brand, and a new exercise is being launched to this effect. Right now, the company is unwilling to discuss the new positioning in detail. But broadly, the focus is on positioning Airtel as a power brand wit h numerous regional sub-brands reflecting customer needs in various parts of the country.Airtel is becoming more humane and more sensitive as a brand, Bharti has also understood that one common brand for all cellular operations top executive not always work in urban markets that are now getting increasingly saturated. To catch in new customers, the company decided that it needed to subdivision the market. One such experiment, launched last year, is You topia, a brand aimed at the youth in the 14 to 19 age bracket and for those who are teenaged at heart. With its earlier positioning, Airtel was perceived as a brand for the well-heeled older customer there was nothing for youther plenty.With Youtopia, Airtel hoped to reverse that. In order to deliver the concept, Airtel offered rock bottom tariff rates (25 paise for 30 seconds) at night to Youtopia customers a time when they key out the maximum number of calls. It also setup merchandising exercises around the scheme like a sp ecial portal for young battalion to buy things or bid for goods. The company is now looking at offering other services at affordable prices to this element which include music downloads on the mobile and bundling SMS rates with universal calls to check it cheaper for young people to use.The other experiment that Bharti has worked on is to go in for product section through the Tango brand name. The brand was created to offer mobile users Internet-interface services or what is known as WAP (Wireless Application Protocol). The idea was to bring Internet and mobile in perfect harmony. The name was chosen from the frequent movie title It Takes Two to Tango basically, you need the two services to tango to offer customers a new weft, says Sachdev. This, however, had less to do with the branding exercise as with inefficiency of service (accusingly slow download speeds) and the control utility of WAP services.Subsequently, the ads were withdrawn, but the company re-iterated that the branding exercise could be revived because Tango will be the brand to offer GPRS services or permanent Internet connectivity on the mobile phone which Airtel is expected to launch soon. THE MAGIC Perhaps the more ambitious experiment has been with phantasy the pre-paid control panel. The idea was to make the brand affordable, accessible and, most importantly, feasible as a means of expanding the market even faster. variant I Magic was aimed at bringing in infrequent users of a mobile phone into the market and assure him that he would have to pay only if he made a call.Such a customer used the phone sparingly mostly for emergencies and was not willing to pick up a usual mobile connection with its relatively high rentals (pre-paid separate do not include rental charges). To achieve its objectives Bharti did three things. One, the product was made available at prices ranging from Rs three hundred to Rs 3,000 with no strings attached and was simple to operate. Two, the pro duct was made accessible and distributed through base stores, telephone booths and even kirana shops so that the offering was well within arms reach. Third, to make the product more approachable to the customer, the company came with vernacular ad campaigns standardised Magic Daalo Say Hello which appealed to local sensibilities. This apart, the company roped in Karisma Kapoor and Shah Rukh Khan for a major ad campaign all across Jaipur, a ruse that saw the number of subscribers go up from 5. 47 lakh to 1. 2 million to days, overtaking Essars branded pre-paid card Speed, which was launched much forrader of Magic. The company is now re-working its Magic strategy even further.Earlier, the branding strategy was aimed at roping in only interested customers that is, customers who were already inclined to opt for mobile services. But now, with basic service providers having been allowed limited mobility at farthestthest cheaper rates, mobile service providers could find themselves u nder threat again. That is why the new exercise is aimed at co-opting non-adopters. While the exact strategy is under wraps, insiders say the new branding strategy would be aimed at offering them value which they had not perceived would be available from using a pre-paid card.PHASE II Bharti used Airtel Magic to build a strong value proposition and accelerate market involution through Indias first national pre-paid card TV brand campaign First time ever in India any pre-paid card brand goes on TV A combination of the germinate genre exposed through the TV medium designed to connect with the masses of India Youth based romance driven strategy platform makes the value proposition of Airtel Magic Mumkin Hai come alive All elements user imagery, context, tone & language created to connect the category to the lives of the SEC B & SEC C component the ticker class non-mobile user Airtel Magic positions itself on the platform of being excellent for emergency situations incre asing productivity as a part of eitherday life. Sharukh Khan makes everything in life assertable plot romancing pretty Kareena Kapoor with Airtel Magic, Indias leading pre-paid mobile card. Airtel today unveiled its strategy for market refinement with the launch of its new Airtel Magic pre-paid card brand campaign Magic hai to Mumkin hai. The strategy is targeted at the non- user. Segment delimit as young adults, 15-30 years of age in the Sec B & C segment is aimed at accelerating market expansion.The value proposition is centered around a persons desire to make all his / her ambitiousnesss, ambitions & aspirations instantly possible. The new campaign for Airtel Magic is all about empowering millions of Indians to be on top of their lives. The brand is positioned to be relevant to the mass-market who want to make all their dreams, hopes & desires come alive instantly. (At just Rs. 300/- per month Airtel Magic is so easy to buy. ) Improving productivity, letting you be friend the world and porta up new horizons. It gives you the freedom to control your life in a way neer possible before.Indeed, anything that you think is possible is possible with Airtel Magic. The new brand slogan Magic hai to Mumkin hai has been specially created to capture this effectively. This strategy is designed to help us talk to this segment directly in the tone, manner & language ofthe masses. The Mumkin hai value proposition will help us expand the market and gain a higher serving of market shares in the process. The brand ambassadors Shahrukh Khan and Kareena Kapoor embody this can do or MumkinHai spirit (infact that is the reason they were selected as brand ambassadors).Sharukh rose froma TV actor to become Indias top film star and national heartthrob. Kareenas success is due to herattitude, talent, hard work and the sheer ability to make a mark in such a perfectly time. Both thesestars have said Mumkin hai and made it happen for themselves. The genre of this new strateg y & campaign is Hindi cinema led. This genre connects millions across India. The spirit of romance, dancing the Indian cinema, well known to most as Bollywood, holds millions of Indians together as one.The new TV campaign of Airtel Magic crafted in the Hindi film idiom, magnifies the empowering optimism of Mumkin Hai, in the endearing situation of a boy-girl romance. Where Sharukh Khan, sets his look on Kareena Kapoor and wins her love with the help of Airtel Magic. (Poignantly conveying that special feeling we all get when a dream is made possible and a victory of the heart is won). The strategy & new brand campaign is targeted at the large untapped base of intending mobile customers from Sec A, B & C. The estimated addressable market of such customers in the succeeding(prenominal) two years is around 25 million in Airtels 16 states.The new strategy aims at correcting the perception that the mobile category is useful mainly for business or work related scenarios. The new strategy , brand positioning & brand slogan is an outcome of an extensive nationwide research and is an integral part of Airtel Magics new multi-media campaign. The campaign has been created by Percept Advertising. PHASE ternion Bharti used Airtel Magic to build a strong value proposition and accelerate market expansion through Indias first national pre-paid card TV brand campaign First time ever in India any pre-paid card brand gives such freedom to recharge any value A combination of the film genre exposed through the TV medium designed to connect with the masses of India Youth based romance driven strategy platform makes the value proposition of Airtel Magic Aisi azaadi aur kahan? come alive Sharukh Khan Makes everything in life possible Airtel today unveiled its strategy for market expansion with the launch of its new Airtel Magic pre-paid card brand campaign Magic Hai to Mumkin Hai. . The value proposition is centered on a persons desire to make all his / her dreams, ambitions & aspirations instantly possible.The new campaign for Airtel Magic is all about empowering millions of Indians to be on top of their lives. The brand is positioned to be relevant to the mass-market who want to make all their dreams, hopes & desires come alive instantly . At a amount of your choice you can recharge your account with available validity time . Improving productivity, letting you befriend the world and opening up new horizons. It gives you the freedom to control your life in a way never possible before. Indeed, anything that you think is possible is possible with Airtel Magic.The new brand slogan Aisi azadi aur kahan has been specially created to capture this effectively. another(prenominal) Brand Building Initiatives- The main idea is to stay ahead of competition for at least sextuplet months. Working on the above game plan Bharti is constantly coming up with newer product offerings for the customers. The focus, of course, is to offer better quality of service. To make the service simpler for customers using roaming facilities, Airtel has devised common numbers for subscribers across the country for services like customer care, food services and cinema amongst others. It will also launch a unite billing system across circles so, customers despicable from one place to another do not have to close and then again open new accounts at another place. To assist customer care personnel to deal with subscriber queries, a storehouse of 40,000 frequently asked questions and their answers have been stored on the computers. Bharti expects that most of its new customers (one estimate is that it would be 60 to 70 per cent of the total new subscriber base) would come from the pre-paid card segment. So, they must be given value-added products and services which competitors dont provide. Bharti, for the first time for a cellular operator, has decided to offer roaming services even to its pre-paid customers, but the facility would be limited to the region in which they buy the card. To ensure that customers dont migrate to other competing services (which is known as fag and ranges from 10 to 15 per cent of the customer base every month), the company is also working on a consignment program. This will offer subscribers tangible cash benefits depending upon their usage of the phone. The loyalty program will not be only for a badge value, it will provide real benefits to customers. The idea is to create an Airtel community. Another key area which Bharti is concentrating its attention upon is a new roaming service launched in Jaipur under which calls of a roaming subscriber who is visiting the city will be routed directly to his mobile instead of change of location via his home network The company also offers multi-media messaging systems under which customers having a specialized phone with a in-built camera can take pictures and e-mail it to friends or store it in the phone. The cost per picture is between Rs 5 to Rs 7 . Bharti is also sensible that it has to make owning a ready-to-use cellular service much easier than it is today.A key area is to increase the number of activation centers. Earlier Bharti had 250 Airtel Connect stores which were exclusive outlets (for its services) and about 250 Airtel Points which were kiosks in larger shops. Now activation can be done by all of them, and not only by Connect outlets, all within 15 to 20 minutes. In comparison, the competition takes two to four hours. Pre- paid tease are really catching up with the mobile phone users and it is actually helping the market to increase. First, they are easier to reign and convenient to use. Unlike post-paid, one need not pay security deposits for cream up a pre-paid card.It is often available even with paanwalas. As befits a fast-moving consumer service, the game is now moving beyond price to expanding distribution reach and servicing a well-spread-out clientele with technology and strategic alliances. Bharti is way on tw o factors to make pre-paid cards more attractive. Keeping the entry cost low for consumers and reservation recharging more convenience. Bharti is in the process of launching a new system in alliance with Mumbai-based Company Venture InfoTech which will enable a pre-paid card user to renew his subscription by just swiping a card.The system will not only save users the hassle of going out and buying a card every time it expires but also enable mobile companies to reduce the cost of picture and distributing cards. Bharti Tele ventures has tied up with Waiter on wheels, a company delivering food. at home, to reach its Magic pre-paid cards to subscribers doorsteps. The company is also joining hands with local grocery shops which will enable users to recharge their cards by just devising a phone call to the shop. Apart from improving the convenience of recharging, mobile operators are beefing up their distribution channels.The company is constantly innovating to enhance the value pro position for its pre-paid service. They are supplement technology to expand their distribution network and deliver round-the-clock recharge options to its MOTS (Mobile on the Spot) subscribers. Bharti Cellular has also launched a special service, mission Touch, for high-value, corporate customers, providing them with instant, single-point access for any assistance they require. Customers can dial 777 and ravish a slew of services, which includes easier payment of bills, service on priority basis, and value-added services without any additional paper work.Bharti. Cellular is offering a range of services without going through an interactive voice fipple flute ensuring that they save time. Dedicated Care Touch executives are expected to assist customers with any service on priority basis. Besides the regular proactive reminder calls for bill payment, customers can also call Care Touch for bill payments at free of cost. Airtel presented MTV Inbox - the first on-air SMS based inter active music dedication show exclusively for Airtel and Airtel Magic customers. Highly interactive VJ based show with real-time feedback mechanism.Both brands joined hands to target the high growth youth segment. Bhartis View on its Branding strategy - First, brand building efforts in todays context have to be seen in a more holistic manner. Delivering value on a sustained basis is perhaps the most potent key to build a brand that lasts. Unflinching orientation to customer needs is the second key success factor. Customers (be it for industrial products or consumer goods and services) across the world are more informed and, at the same time, becoming more individualistic in their needs and far more demanding with the passage of time.Pro-active tracking of shifts in consumer behavior, anticipating redefined or emerge customer needs, and then reacting in real-time are essential to attract and retain customer loyalty a key element of creating brand equity in the present situation. Cus tomizing the product (and communication of its benefit) to fulfil the specific needs of various consumer/customer sub-segments is the third element in creating brand appreciation. As far as allocation of time and financial resources are concerned, too many companies mistake nly allocate a disproportionate amount on mere advertising and procession.This is not to say that advertising and promotion are less relevant. On the contrary, with more choices and higher media clutter, businesses need to budget for an increasingly higher draw on their brand promotion but this has to be undertaken in tandem with initiative-wide reengineering of the business philosophy and core design, production, and rake operations for the product itself. The positive spin to this argument is that by first addressing the fundamentals, the enterprise itself becomes more competitive.This can be the beginning of a virtuous cycle wherein brand equity continues to increase as the enterprise sustains delivery of an appropriate product or service at an ever increasing value. It is, however, crucial to argument that in the years to come, not only will the cost of building a regional or a national (or an international) brand will continue to rise but also the time. taken to do so will be longer and will need sustained and focused efforts. Comparison of marketing strategies Between Bharti Airtel and Vodafone. Purpose of comparison The sub main purpose of this report is to compare the marketing Strategies follow by Bharti Airtel and its rival Vodafone The comparison shows how both of the companies have been challenging each other to gain market shares. Why comparison with vodafone Bharti Airtel is the leader in telecommunication sector. Bharti Airtel holds the lion share of market of communication sector. However, Vodafone has been giving tough competition to Bharti Airtel. Vodafone is the second largest player and share holder in Communication sector. Since its launch Vodafone has bee n adopting aggressive marketing strategies. The comparison shows how Hutchison Essar Telecom. Captured 22% market share in one month of its first launch of postpaid subscription in 2002. AD. With a different technology Vodafone creates its own market. Vodafone Today deals in every business of communication sector. . Vodafone making and changing the strategies to capture the market shares Brand positioning by Bharti Airtel Market air division Geographical segment (metropolitans & cities India & Out of Country) Demographic segment middle income groups raft age group of 20 to 28 year Target marketing plurality who living in cities and towns. Poor or middle income group people. Youngsters in big cities. Businessmen Positioning Creating brands (Sharukh khan, Sachin Tendulker, Saif ali Khan and Karina Kapoor. etc. ) Ads and promotions ( Jo Tera Hai Wo Maira hai Har Ek Friend Jaroori Hota hai) Promotion for study of poor childrens. Marketing mix Price low price strategy bureau maximum outlets and service centers Product verities available for various groups(Airtel Pre Paid, Airtel DigitalTV, Airtelmoney) Promotion various schemes for pre-paid and post-paid and Broad Band andMARKETING STRATEGIES OF VODAFONE. Vodafone target the inelegant India The main targeted customers of Vodafone are from rural India. By offering cheap and light mobile sets Vodafone attracts most of the customers of small villages and towns. Offering cheap handsets Vodafone offers cheap and free connections to all customers. The cost for these sets was Rs-799-849-1099set and onward. Free support and services In every district and big towns Vodafone opens its service centers to provide better support and services. Strong logistics and supply chain Vodafone has a strong logistic and supply all over India.In every small town the potential customers can easily purchase the Vodafone SIM & Sets. Targeting youngsters in metropolitans Vodafone attracts youngsters by offering colorfu l handset at very low prices. BRAND POSITIONING BY VODAFONE Market segmentation Geographical segment (rural India) Demographic segment middle income groups Target marketing People living in small towns and villages. Poor and middle income groups. Youngsters in big cities. Businessmen Positioning Creating brands Ads and promotions Marketing mix Price low price strategy Place maximum outlets and service centersProduct verities available for various groups Promotion various schemes for pre-paid and post-paid Services provided by Bharti Airtel Mobile services with GSM technology (Prepaid) Airtel Digital TV (DTH) Airtel Money ( M Commerce Mobile Wallet) Fixed-line connections National and international long distance services VSAT, Internet services, Hello Tunes and network solutions Broadband services Services provided by Vodafone. mobile services with GSM technology fixed-line telephone services Universal Internetworking VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Interactive tv Visual Communication Broadband Portal Telecommuting RESEARCH mannerOLOGY Achieving accuracy in any research requires a deep study regarding the subject. The prime objective of the project is to compare Airtel with the existing competitor (Vodafone) in the market and the carry on of WLL on Airtel. The research methodology adopted is basically based on primary data via which the most recent and accurate piece of first hand information could be self-possessed. Secondary data has been used to support primary data wherever needed. Primary data was amass using the following techniquesQuestionnaire Method Direct Interview Method and Observation Method The main tool used was, the questionnaire method. bring forward direct interview method, where a face-to-face formal interview was taken. Lastly reflection method has been continuous with the questionnaire method, as one continuously observes the surrounding environment he works in. Type of Research Methodology EXPLORATORY TYPE OF RE SEARCH CARRIED OUT WAS EXPLORATORY IN NATURE THEOBJECTIVE OF much(prenominal) RESEARCH IS TO DETERMINE THE APPROXIMATE AREAWHERE THE DRAWBACK OF THE COMPANY LIES AND ALSO TO IDENTIFY THECOURSE OF ACTION TO SOLVE IT.FOR THIS PURPOSE THE entropy PROVEDUSEFUL FOR fully grown RIGHT SUGGESTION TO THE COMPANY. entropy COLLECTION METHOD THERE TWO TYPE OF METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION. uncreated DATA SECONDARY DATA Primary data was collected using the following techniques Questionnaire Method Direct Interview Method and Observation Method The main tool used was, the questionnaire method. Further direct interview method, where a face- to-face formal interview was taken. Lastly observation method has been continuous with the questionnaire method, as one continuously observes the surrounding environment he works in.DATA USED FOR THE RESEARCH WORK WAS PRIMARY IN NATURE. PRIMARY DATA PRIMARY DATA IS THAT WHICH IS THE COLLECTED FOR THE FIST TIME AND THUS bump TO BE ORIGINATED IN CHARACTER. QUES TIONNAIRE SURVEY IN THE STUDIES A QUESTIONNAIRE IS PREPARED. THE QUESTIONNAIRE CONSISTS OF 15 QUESTIONS. SECONDARY DATA SECONDARY DATA REFER TO THE DATA THAT HAS BEEN ALREADY COLLECTED . THE SECONDARY DATA, WHICH HAS BEEN USED TO CARRY OUT THIS STUDY, ARE AS FOLLOW BOOKS, JOURNALS, MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS INDUSTRY REPORTS COMPANYS INTERNET SITE SOMEOTHER RELEVANT STUDY MATERIAL AND WEBSITES.. take UNIT GWALIOR & URBEN UNITTHE RESEARCH PROCESS WAS DONE BY INTERACTING WITH NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS DURING THE ACTIVITIES PERFORMED, WHICH INCLUDED, MARKETS, COLD CALLING, CANOPIES, ETC. SAMPLE endeavor CONSISTS OF RANDOM SAMPLING. SAMPLE SIZE 50 PEOPLE SIZE METHOD OF COLLECTION FIELD effect FOR GATHERING PRIMARY DATA INCLUDED OBSERVATION AND INTERVIEW SCHEDULE IN WHICH THE QUESTIONNAIRES WERE FILED BY THE INTERVIEWER. private INTERVIEWS THROUGH SELF ADMINISTERED SURVEY WAS DONE TO COLLECT THE DATA, MARKET RESEARCH WAS UNDERTAKEN, THAT WAS ACCOMPLISHED BY performing VARIOUS ACTIVITIES DESIGNED. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT QUESTIONNAIRETHE QUESTIONNAIRE WAS FORMULATED BY KEEP IN MIND THE FOLLOWING POINTS GIVING THE RESPONDENTS. CLEAR COMPREHENSION OF THE QUESTION. INDUCING THE RESPONDENTS TO CO-OPERATE. GIVING INSTRUCTIONS AS TO WHAT IS NEEDED. IDENTIFYING THE NEEDS TO BE KNOWN. Scope of the study To conduct this research the target population was the mobile users, who are using GSM technology. Targeted geographic area of Gwalior/ URBEN. prototype size of 50 persons was taken. To these 50 people a questionnaire was given, the questionnaire was a combination of both open ended and closed ended questions. The date during which questionnaires were filled. Some dealers were also interviewed to know their prospective. Interviews with the managers of GSM service providers were also conducted. Finally the collected data and information was analyzed and compiled to arrive at the conclusion and recommendations given. Sources of secondary data Used to obtain information on, Bhartis history, current issues, policies, procedures etc, where ever required. Internet Magazines word of honorpapers Journals Bharti Circulars Store / Airtel Relationship Center / Airtel Store / Distributors Bharti News Letters Vodafone Store / Distributors Vodafone Mini store Data analysis And InterpretationSubscriber numbers in (mn) held by Vodafone and Airtel grade FEB. 2013 (Million) DEC. 2012 (Million) DEC. 2011 (Million) AIRTEL 186. 62 181. 91 175. 65 VODAFHONE 149. 89 147. 48 147. 75 MARKET PLAYERS IN TELE COMMUNICATION Market Share Feb. 2013 Market Share Dec. Market Share Dec. 011 2012 Bharti Airtel 28. 18 % 27. 68 % 12. 54 % Vodafone 22. 64 % 22. 44 % 11. 83% Reliance Comm. Idia Cellular 17. 8 % pic pic FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS Age Group Graph As we can see from the above graph, the people who are in the age group of 21-28 years are the ones who are the maximum users of mobile phones. This segment is the one which gives maximum business to the mobile operators. This segment constitutes the young executives and other office going people. They are 65% of the total people who were interviewed. The next age group is the People who are 28-35 years old. They are 20% of the total.They are those who are at home or have small business units etc. And the next age group is the youngest generation who are 15-21 years old. They are school and college going students and carry mobile phones to flaunt. They are15% of the total interviewed people. Occupation OCCUPATION STUDENTS 15% EXECUTIVES 55% HOUSEHOLDS 20% OTHERS 10% As the above graph shows that 55% of the total people interviewed are working. So, these people are the ones who are the maximum users of mobile phones. They are the young executives, managers, Tele callers etc. who require mobile for their official purposes.The next category is the households, who are either housewife, small units which operate from their homes etc. They are 20% of the whole. The next segmen t is the students. They are 15% of the whole. And 10% of the whole is categories who are the professionals. Service Provider These are the total market share of mobile user or people captured by the mobile provider company. There two major company in mobile phone service sector Vodafone and Airtel who respectively hold the market share with other company as 29% and 23% of total market user segment of mobile customer. Customer Service At Airtel CUSTOMER SATISFACTION LEVEL FULLY 20% part 10% DISSATISFIED 60% FULLY DISSATISFIED 10% As the above graph comportly shows that customer services at Airtel seems poor. 60% of the people are dissatisfied with the customer services provided by Airtel. They are the ones who have the maximum share in the market but they are lagging place in the customer services. 10% of the people were fully dissatisfied with the customer services of Airtel. This could leave an impact on the mind of the consumer. He can even switch over his brand. 20% of the people seemed partially satisfied with the customer services and only 0% seem to be fully satisfied with Airtels customer services, which is a very small amount. Types Of Card Cash cards seemed quite popular among the people interviewed. 85% of the total mobile users were having cash card connections. This means that the cash cards should be easily and readily available in the local markets. Airtel should make sure that Magic is available in each and every nook and corner of the market. 15% of the people were having sim connections which are the regular bill. Monthly expense People on an average spend RS ergocalciferol per month as their mobile phone expense. 4% people spend Monthly Expense 12% 24% Rs 600 Rs 450 Rs 200 64%this amount. 24% people spend RS 300 per month as their monthly mobile expense. And the remaining 12% had an expense more than RS 1000, they could the ones having sim connections or having cash cards and having a lot of business calls on their mobiles. Awareness about WLL WLL seemed to be a new word for many of the people. 45% of the people were not at all aware of such a technology. So, in order to get the answer for this question they were first explained the concept. Only, 55% people knew what WLL is all about. Awareness of WLL Players 80% 70% 60% 50% Vodafone 40% Airtel 30% 20% 10% 0%Vodafone was the brand which was popular amongst the interviewed people. As Vodafone had done so much advertising and has it banners and hoarding spread all over Gwalior. So, this could be one the reasons of its popularity. Tata was hardly a known brand in this new field. Possibly, because of less promotions done by them as compared to Vodafone. On the basis of analysis of the questionnaire I have found that the maximum no. of people house mobile phones is in the age group of 20 to 28.Who are the young executives and other office goers? They spend a maximum of RS 500 as their mobile expense. There is more no. of prepared cards than post paid cards. The mob ile users want to spend money side by side than to spend money at the end of the month on a big bill. Now when I compared Airtel with its competitor from the point of view of the consumer I found that on the basis of Tariff plan, value added services and billing accuracy Airtel is at par or ahead of its competitor but in the case of customer care and availability they lag behind their competitors.As, Airtel has a hold in the market because it has the maximum no. of connections, so it must improve upon it customer services. As far as WLL is concerned people are aware about it but not many people are aware about Tata. They only know more about Vodafone. People at this point of time are not interested to switch over from GSM to WLL Customer Response towards Questionnaire Which Brand you, prefer most? SERVICE PROVIDER AIRTEL Yes VODAFHONE RELIANCE TATA IDEA How long you have been using this Product? (0-2 eld (2-5 days (5-10 Years More than 10 years Are you using o ther product with Airtel? (Yes/ NoHere are the customer responses about the use of the Airtel product and other product rather than Airtel. in this segment of survey 67 % of customer are aspire with Airtel and 33 % shown interest in other telecom products in urban areas. Do you collect any information search before making purchase? YES/ NO uprise ANALYSIS Strengths Being one of the largest companies in India the company has achieved a degree of focus in its core business of its products. It has a strong brand name, superior quality products and an enviable distribution network. It has a clear and well-defined organization structure and limits of financial authority. Increase in advertisement spends affect the companys margins. The companys bottom line falls victim to the bloated and highly paid workforce, which affects its margins. Weakness miniature efforts over the Advertising of products. Distribution channel is not accurately categorized. Premium priced products, hence cant compete in low price segment. No separate strategy for rural market. Opportunities The companys financial performance can receive a major boost from its cost reduction efforts. There is a lot of scope of product and market diversification. Exports of products will also have huge chances in the coming years. Airtels business has ample scope for gaining market share from the unorganized sector. Rural keenness too holds vast potential to bring about growth. Threats The slowdown in the economy has restricted top line growth of most FMCG majors and for Airtel also it will be difficult to maintain historical growth rates in such a depressed scenario. Companys major raw materials are influenced by government policies / controls as well as vagaries of the monsoons. Fluctuations in the prices of raw materials would have portentous impact on costs and margins of the company. Moreover, inordinate hike in Broad Band Internet products would also increases companys production and di stribution cost. LIMITATIONS Limitation of project is without limitations and it becomes essential to figure out the various constraints that we underwent during the study. The following points in this direction would add to our total deliberations- 1.During the study, on many occasions the respondent groups gave us a cold shoulder. 2. The respondents from whom primary data was gathered any times displayed complete ignorance about the complete branded range, which was being studied. 3. Lack of time is the basic limitation in the project. 4. Some retailers/whole sellers respond to cooperate with the queries. 5. Some retailers/wholesalers gave biased or incomplete information regarding the study. 6. Money played a live factor in the whole project duration. 7. Lack of worthy information and experience due to short period of time. 8. Some retailers did not answer all the questions or do not have time to answer. SUGGESTIONSFollowing are the few suggestions to AIRTEL for improving the market share and image of the products concerned. 1. PRODUCT Modification must be brought about in AIRTEL, in terms of quality. Its demand should be increased. 2. PLACE the brands must be made available easily in, PCO & general stores. 3. PROMOTION Company must undertake extensive promotional activities like advertisements must be released in different Medias to create brand awareness. Free samples should be distributed among the prospects. Sales promotion tools like gifts, contests and coupons must be given to retailers as well as customers and prospects. Catalogues should be distributed among customers. 4.PRICE Price should be as competitive as other company maintains Distribution of new connection should be in reach of customer pocket. CONCLUSION afterward analyzing the findings of the research, I can conclude that Airtel lagged behind its competitors as far as customer service and availability is concerned. The maximum no. of people who use the mobile is in the age group of 20 to 28. Cash cards are the most popular type of mobile connections, as they are consumer friendly and recharging the connection is not a problem. Maximum no. of people spends RS 500 on their connections. As Airtel is the only company having the maximum no of mobile connections so it must poorly look into the loop holes of the existing customer service department.As we know that now Airtel has already launched its product with New logo and title Aisi azaadi aur kahan to Dil Jo Chahe wo paas laye than Har ek friend jaroori hota hai and in today days Jo tera hai wo mera hai has already became popular in market. So we can say that in spite of so many competitors in the market Airtel is having a good position just because every time, it tries its best to understand then of its important customers. From the comparison and deep analysis of every aspect of business of both the companies we can conclude that bharti Airtel has to more work in every field of communication business. It is the time not only to survive but to sustain in the market for a long time. For this Airtel has to work on its all marketing strategies, marketing, promotion, brand image. etc. Airtel has to take Vodafone. actually seriously and update its own strategies from time to time and when the need arises. With aggressive marketing strategies Airtel has to target rural India as 70% of population of India lives in these areas. The other segment may be costumers of all age groups. RECOMMENDATIONS I have made following recommendation to the company after doing the summer training there The company should modify its credit policy as they only target the cash paying customers who are not easy to trace. The company should emphasis more on the quality of Pharmaceuticals Products it was mostly claimed by the exporters that their receipts from company doesnt matches with the samples quality shown before giving orders. The company should make its marketing strategy flexible enough in order to face compe tition. The company should keep an eye on the proper delivery of the goods to exporter on time, as it has been recommended by exporters to make the delivery on time. The company rate policy must be flexible enough to catch new customers because if company offers lower price to a new customer then he may continue buy the goods and can be a permanent customer for the company. The company should offers such rate in the market so that it may able to catch a bigger market share and it should be able to compete with the local traders and kick agents while having a brand name.The company should take the opinion of exporters from time to time to know what problems they are facing from the companys side. And if any change they require in present supplying take aim? BIBLIOGRAPHY In this project report, while finalizing and for analyzing quality problem in details the following Books, Magazines/Journals and Web Sites have been referred. All the material detailed below provides effective h elp and a guiding layout while excogitation this text report. Books Principles of Marketing Philip Kotler & Kevin keller edi. 12Market Research D. D. Sharma Research Methodology C. R. Kothari Websites www. Airtelworld. com www. google. com www. india. com www. Vodafone. in http//www. blonnet. om/2004/06/26/stories/2004062602180700. htm, Mumbai, June 25, 2004. com/companies/companies_r/Vodafone_infocom/20031104_stop-roaming. htm, 4 November 2003 Domain, Missed Call, at http//www. domainb Magazines Airtel (2 July to 10 July 2011)Airtel India page of HT paper (Thursday 1December 2011) Cowards India (26 December to 4 Jan. 2011) QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Sir/Madam, I RAVI SHIVHARE student of MBA of I. T. M. University Gwalior (M. P. ) I am doing my project on Comparative analysis of marketing strategy of Vodafone and Airtel. Please give your precious time for filling these details. Q. 1 Name those companies which provide telecom (services now a days? Airtel (Vodafone (Reliance (TATA Idea ( Q. 2 which mobile company services you are using now a days? (Airtel (Vodafone (Reliance (TATA Idea Q. 3 Among them, which Brand (you, prefer most? (Airtel (Vodafone (Reliance (TATA Idea Q. 2 How long you have been using this Product? (0-2 Years (2-5 Years (5-10 Years More than 10 years Q. 3 Are you using other product instead of (Airtel? (Yes No Q. 5 Do you collect any information search before making purchase? (Yes No Q. 8 what are the features you look for in a product before making purchase decision? Give preferences ((1-Highest, 6- least) (Brand credibility (Price and Discount (After sales services and parts, network (Value for moneyVehicle (performance Add on features or ergonomics of design Q. 10 If you have to purchase a new connection or product in near future, which Brand will you go for and why? Q. 11 Are you aware of various promotional activities being run by Airtel, if yes then how? Are you satisfied with these promotional activities? Very Satisfied Somewhat Not Satisf ied Satisfied satisfied ( Customer Care ( By Ad Films ( By Camp ( 24 hrs call center services Q. 12 How would you rate Airtel performance as your expectation on 5 points scale (5 Highest? ) 1 2 3 4 5 ( After Sale service ( Maintenance ( Product as per expectation Q. 13 What are you suggestions for improving