Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Time Machine- H.G. Wells Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Time Machine- H.G. Wells - Essay Example The writer may have used the word â€Å" time traveler†in order to increase the readers’ interest in the story. The readers must have developed an urge to know who this time traveler is. For that reason the readers must have read the story till the end. H.G.Wells himself considers it convenient to name the protagonist as time traveler. In the initial lines of the novel the writer declares, â€Å" The Time Traveller(for it will be convenient to speak of him) was expounding a recondite matter to us†( Wells 5). Another reason may be that the main priority of the writer may be the events of the story not the characters. Perhaps â€Å"Wells’ focus is on atmosphere and plot more than on character. Only three people in the book are given names (the narrator and the traveler not among them) and none are developed with any great psychological depth†( Greenlee para 2). The writer has used generalized characters and has left the specific details omitted. He has used his characters as generalized symbols representing different aspects of his own
Monday, October 28, 2019
Too Much Medication Essay Example for Free
Too Much Medication Essay One Source Cited: On 9 February 2007 The Boston Globe presented an obvious example of partiality in its presentation of an overdose of psychotropic drugs; leading to the death of 4-year-old Rebecca Riley. Consequently, this sparked debates about whether health officials should press urgently to establish the advantages of treating children with psychotropic drugs, and the safety measures that go along with their use. From top to bottom, the text questions: the dangers of over-medicating children who show signs of potential mental disorders; the age at which children should start the prescribed medication; assessment of children after psychotropic medication treatment; and the responsibility of doctors to evaluate the ability of parents to oversee these potentially fatal drugs (The Boston Globe). For the purposes of this essay, I am forced to agree that ‘health officials should press urgently to determine the advantages of treating children with psychotropic drugs, and the cautions that must accompany their use’. The research I found on this topic appear to support the idea that intense discussion and consideration about pharmacotherapy is vital for future directions of treating children with these medications. According to Hyman (2006) there are far more difficulties in determining the risks and benefits of psychotropic drugs in children. There is also less information known about mental disorders in children than in adults and numerous drugs have not been sufficiently tested in children, particularly because their brains are still developing. In addition, there is even less data about the safety and efficacy of antidepressants in children (Hyman 2006). In actual fact, Hyman (2006) states that these drugs are being used even in the absence of data. That is why I strongly argue in favour of the need for more clinical research involving children, to identify the potential risk-benefits of psychopharmacology. It is the responsibility of caregivers to diagnose; manage and be commited to training in this area. Therefore we need to find out whether the approaches of these drugs are beneficial and safe for children. Furthermore, we have to think about a greater goal and a more practical way to enhance the quality of life for children showing signs of possible mental disorders. What we need to do is patch-up the treatment gaps and incorporate an effective monitoring system which allows health professionals to liaison with schools, other professionals and agencies. In doing so, we may improve diagnostics, treatment and follow-up services and possibly even avoid the recurrence of over-medication? References The Boston Globe: Hyman, S.E. (2006). Improving our brains? [Electronic Version]. Biosocieties, 1, 103-111. Retrieved 16 February 2007 from:;jsessionid=36ED98BDE8893D2A30D1BEED7CE0AD3C.tomcat1
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Hamlet Criticism :: Literary Analysis, Shakespeare, Classics
In “Hamlet';; Literary Remains, Samuel Taylor Coleridge describes Hamlet as an intricate planner who’s thought process is slow and methodical. He describes Hamlet as someone having “Supercilious activities…of the mind, which, unseated from its healthy relation, is constantly occupied with the world within, and abstracted from the world without…throwing a mist over all common-place actualities.'; Cooleridge is explaining the fact that Hamlet seems to always be in his own fantasy world when it comes to thinking about things that are going on in his life. Hamlet appears to be very caught up in his own thoughts that he doesn’t have the time or ability to carry out his plans efficiently and effectively. Cooleridge contrasts Shakespeare’s use of a tragedy in Hamlet to the play MacBeth. Cooleridge shows that Hamlet proceeds in his schemes with the utmost slowness, while MacBeth has a pace that is crowded and moves with breathless rapididty. These tw o plays with themes of Greed and Revenge are both rooted in the same systems of belief but are carried out in totally different directions. Cooleridge goes on to say that perfection is usually only found in one’s mind and is rare if impossible to find in reality. This is again shown through the fact that Hamlet’s planning seems to take a backseat to luck and fate as the others end up dying from the poison, which they had planned to use against Hamlet. Cooleridge also stresses the inconsistency of Hamlet and his plans for revenge throughout the play. One minute the audience believes that he cares greatly for Ophelia, and the next minute we see him showing a sort of disrespect for her at her funeral.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Does My Head Looks Big in This?
The novel, ‘Does my head look big in this? ,’ written by Randa Abdel-Fattah the main character had the challenging decision to wear the hijab which came with not only advantages, but disadvantages. Amal was concerned about her appearance and what others’ thoughts. Amal feared being judges by others and she also was concerned that she wouldn’t have the necessary courage to commit to wearing the hijab. Furthermore, she really did not want to have to justify her decision whenever she went out in public.Amal managed these challenges in a mature way by talking to others about her problems. One challenge Amal faced in wearing the hijab is being judged by people (at school). Tia and her friends made nasty racist comments and teased. The manager of the fish and chip shop didn’t allow Amal to be hired because she was wearing the hijab, Amal then doubted or decision on whether it was a good idea to wear the hijab. Judging and comments made Amal feel insecure a nd doubtful about her decision.Another challenge Amal faced to decide whether she was able to stick to her decision. She realised there were many disadvantages in wearing the hijab as a full-timer, having to justify to teasing, racist comments and pressure. â€Å"Mum, maybe I shouldn’t have worn it†¦Maybe I was stupid†¦Where am I going to go now? †Amal cries to her mother after she is rejected for her interest in a job. Once you wear it, there’s no backing out, Amal has many doubts if wearing the hijab was a good decision or not.A challenge that Amal faced was the likelihood of racist comments when she wore the hijab in public. Tia and others in her life were rude and disrespectful towards Amal. Another challenge was having to explain her decision to everyone. Her class thought because Amal was Muslim, she was an impact on the Muslim terrorists. Mr Pearse was thoughtful towards Amal and was always lending a hand if she needed any help. When Amal start ed wearing the hijab at school, everyone stared and thought differently about her.Amal tried to make it clear, that it was her decision, not her parents, especially to Ms Walsh and her Aunt and Uncle. Amal is Australian, and it was her choice to wear the hijab as a full-timer because she thought it respected her religion and beliefs and everyone has the right to make their own choice. Amal’s friends and most of her family, respected her decision and supported her through the tough times. Amal realised she wasn’t wearing it for attention, she was wearing it because it’s what made her feel comfortable about herself and she is proud of it.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Effectiveness of Dibels
Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) Validity and its Relationship with Reading Comprehension Introduction to Research Reading fluency is considered an integral component of the reading process and it has a big presence in the classroom. Its importance became evident since the National Reading Panel (2000) pronounced fluency instruction and assessment an essential and was thus incorporated into the reading First guidelines of No Child Left Behind in 2002 (Shelton, Altwerger, &Jordan, 2009).Reading fluency has been defined in many ways; an outcome of decoding and comprehension, a contributor to both decoding and comprehension, the ability to recognize words rapidly and accurately, the connections readers make between the natural phrasing when speaking and the phrasal segmentation when orally reading, among others (Abadiano &Turner, 2005).Nevertheless, Roehrig, Petscher, Nettles, Hudson and Torgesen (2008) state that perhaps fluency is best defined as having three main components, word recognition accuracy, automaticity, and prosody. Reading with accuracy is the student’s ability to read with few or no errors. Reading with automaticity is the students’ ability to recognize words quickly with little effort; quantifying the students’ reading rate. Prosody is the students’ ability to read with expression such as suing intonation, stress patterns, and phrasing.Due to No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Reading First program, which requires that validated standardized reading fluency assessments be used to progress monitor and identify any readers that might not be making sufficient progress to be at grade level, the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) is one of the few empirically validated assessments to progress monitor fluency (Roehring et al, 2008). The purpose of this literature review is to explore the validity of DIBELS and its relationship with reading comprehension.Students who demonstrate prer eading skill deficits often fall even further behind in later elementary years. Alternately, students who master essential reading skills in primary grades are able to maintain progress in later educational years. According to Goffreda, James, and Pedersen (2009) this is known as the Matthew Effect, in which the â€Å"rich get richer, while the poor get poorer†. They furthermore state that not only does illiteracy imit school success throughout the life span but that it is also associated with social problems such as school dropout, incarceration, and homelessness (Gofreda, James, & Pederson, 2009). It is this realization, along with the National Reading Panel’s recommendations, that led to the focus on early identification and precursors, such as DIBELS, in order to identify early literacy interventions. The National Institute for Literacy recommended DIBELS as a scientifically researched based assessment and thus DIBELS was adopted in many states (Shelton, Altwerger, & Jordan, 2009).Furthermore, early literacy individual growth and development indicators (EL-IGDIs) are also being put in place for pre-kindergarten children in some states (McCormick & Haack, 2011). Geofrada, James, and Pederson (2009) state that first grade has been identified as a particular critical period since the probability (88 percent) of poor readers remain so until fourth grade or higher grades. They found DIBELS indicators scores were predictive of district and state standardized exams.Gonzales, Vannest, and Reid (2008) conducted a study to discriminate the usefulness of first grade DIBELS to populations other than the general population, more specifically to students identified or at risk for emotional and behavior disorders. The researchers in this study found that DIBELS are efficient and effective for identification of at-risk students for populations other than general education students. In concurrence with these studies, Scheffel, Lefly, and Houser (2012) found t hat DIBELS is an effective tool in identifying English Language Learners (ELLs) who may be at risk for underachieving in reading.Combined, these studies affirm the validity of DIBELS for all students, including ELLs and students identified as having emotional and behavior disorders. However, In a more complex study, Yesil-Dagli (2009) found that on average, ELL students who are eligible for free or reduced price lunch compared to those not eligible for free or reduced lunch, Hispanic ELL students compared to White ELL students, and male ELL students compared to female ELL students, read fewer words at the beginning of first grade and demonstrate a slower growth rate.This directly impacts their fluency rate in DIBELS. Paleologos and Brabham (2011) found that DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency (DORF) is effective for predicting the performance of high-income students in overall reading standardized tests but not low-income students. According to their research, high-income students demonstra te higher abilities in reading fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension in comparison to low-income students although both groups had achieved â€Å"benchmark†proficient scores in DIBELS.Furthermore, Shelton, Altwerger, and Jardon (2009) analyzed the relationship between DIBELS (DORF) and authentic reading and found that students employ different reading approaches when reading for a DIBELS test and when reading for authentic literature. That is, when students read a passage in a DIBELS test, they do so in a quick manner to achieve a high rate, but when reading authentic literature the reader slows down to read for comprehension.They found that readers in their study read almost half as many words when reading literature than they did as they read for fluency assessments (Shelton, Altwerger, & Jardon, 2009). This in turn does not reflect the true reading rate when testing for DIBELS. To conclude their study, the authors of this study state that their data showed no con nection between DORF scores and student’s comprehension when reading authentic literature. There have been both strong positive and strong negative research studies regarding the validity of DIBELS and its relationship with reading comprehension.Furthermore, a study conducted by Martin and Shapiro (2011) found that teacher’s judgments, although having strong correlations to student performance, was consistently and significantly overestimated when compared to students actual DIBELS performance. Not only that, but another study conducted by Hoffman, Jenkins, and Dunlap (2009) found that educators were not clear about how DIBELS data should inform and guide their instruction or were not even sure that DIBELS aligned with state-mandated testing.Future research is needed in this area. Nevertheless, in states that have DIBELS in place as an assessment to comply with the No Child Left Behind stipulations, DIBELS is present for teachers and their students. It is important the n, that teachers recognize the vast variables in research regarding the validity and relationship to reading comprehension, and as with any assessment, not use DIBELS as the sole criterion when determining student achievement.It should be kept in mind that fluency is only a part of the reading process. However, due to the fact that DIBELS is in place in many states, perhaps an area of concern that arises in the literature is how DIBELS data-drives instruction. That is, how do schools use DIBELS data to drive instruction? This is especially important since this literature review discussed the study by Hoffman, Jenkins, and Dunlap (2009) who found that teachers are not clear as to how DIBELS data should guide their instruction.If this writer were to draft a tentative research design pertaining to this literature review, the research question would be: In terms of qualitative data, how do teachers in Crane School District#13 and Yuma District #1 use their DIBELS data to drive teacher i nstruction? The purpose of the research would be to find effective ways schools use DIBELS data to drive teacher instruction. The data would be collected through interviews, questionnaires and observations methods.This type of analysis in known as qualitative study however, quantitative data will also be used when analyzing and reporting information from the surveys and questionnaires. This is also known as a multiple or mixed method. According to the learning in introduction to research, the best studies include both qualitative and quantitative data. The participants in the study would be administrators, coaches, and teachers. The responses they give will provide triangulation to the study, that is, validate that all participants know exactly how the data is driving the instruction taking place in the classroom.The exact amount of participants is not known since the study is not being conducted yet and forms have not been signed. However, it would be random sampling at each school to ensure that survey results can be statistically representative of the schools. The instrumentation that would be used for the study would be DIBELS data, surveys, and questionnaires. Observations would also be used to triangulate the information from the surveys and questionnaires. The research time line would be approximately two to three months.One month to gather participants and administer the questionnaires and surveys, another month to observe the actual data driven instruction in the classroom, and another month to analyze the data. The survey would include the following tentative questions: 1. What steps are taken to analyze DIBELS data? 2. Once the data is analyzed, how are the results used to drive teacher’s instruction for students classified as â€Å"at-risk†? 3. Once the data is analyzed, how are the results used to drive teacher’s instruction for students classified as â€Å"some-risk†? 4.Once the data is analyzed, how are the results us ed to drive teacher’s instruction for students classified as â€Å"low risk†? References Abadiano, H. R. (2005). Reading fluency: The road to developing efficient and effective readers. The New England Reading Association Journal, 41(1), 50-56. Goffreda C. T, Diperna J. C. , & Pedersen, J. A. (2009). Preventive screening of early readers: Predictive validity of the dynamic indicators of basic early literacy skills (DIBELS). Psychology in the Schools, 46(6), 539-552. doi: 10. 1002/pits. 20396 Gonzales, J.E. , Vannest K. J. , & Reid, R. (2008). Early classification of reading performance in children identified or at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders: A discriminant analysis using the dynamic indicators of basic early literacy skills (DIBELS). Journal of At-Risk Issues, 14(1), 33-40. Hoffman A. R. , Jenkins J. E. , & Dunlap S. K. (2009). Using DIBELS: A survey of purposes and practices. Reading Psychology, 30, 1-16. Martin S. D. , & Shapiro E. S. (2011). Examini ng the accuracy of teachers’ judgments of DIBELS performance.Psychology in the Schools, 48(4), 343-356. McCormick, C. E. , & Haack R. (2011). Early literacy individual growth and development indicators (EL-IGDIS) as predictors of reading skills in kindergarten through second grade. International Journal of Psychology: A Biopsychosocial Approach / Tarptautinis psichologijos zurnalas: Biopsichosocialinis poziuris, 7, 29-40. National Reading Panel. (2000). Teaching children to read, an evidence-based assessmnet of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction.Washington, DC: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Paleologos T. M. , & Brabham E. G. (2011). The effectiveness of DIBELS oral reading fluency for predicting reading comprehension of high-and-low income students. Reading Psychology, 32, 54-74. Roehrig A. D. , Petscher, Y. , Nettles S. M. , Hudson, R. , & Torgesen J. K. (2008). Accuracy of the DIBELS oral re ading fluency measure for predicting third grade reading comprehension outcomes. Journal of School Psychology, 46, 343-366. Scheffel, D. , Lefly D. , & Houser, J. (2012).The predictive utility of DIBELS reading assessment of reading comprehension among third grade English language learners and English speaking children. Reading Improvement, 49(3), 75-95. Shelton, N. R. , Altwerger, B. , & Jordan, N. (2009). Does DIBELS put reading first? Literacy Research and Instruction, 49(2), 137-148. Yesil-Dagli, U. (2009). Predicting ELL students’ beginning first grade English oral reading fluency from initial kindergarten vocabulary, letter naming, and phonological awareness skills. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 26, 15-29.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Child Rearing Strategies and Their Long-Run Consequences Essays
Child Rearing Strategies and Their Long-Run Consequences Essays Child Rearing Strategies and Their Long-Run Consequences Essay Child Rearing Strategies and Their Long-Run Consequences Essay ASOC – 440 Assignment # 4 Whether or not parents are aware of it, child-rearing strategies have predictable long-run consequences. Two child rearing strategies are â€Å"Concerted Cultivation†and the â€Å"Accomplishment of natural growth†. â€Å"Concerted Cultivation†is the child rearing strategy that is most commonly seen amongst families of the middle class while â€Å"Accomplishment of natural growth†is the child rearing strategy that is most commonly seen amongst families of the working class and of the poor. There are different aspects of the Child rearing strategies but for now we will be concentrating on â€Å"Play†. Let’s look at â€Å"play†as the activities that kids take part in where they have interactions with other kids and/or adults. Play is heavily affected by the type of Child rearing strategies. The different strategies affect a child’s structure of play and have different long tern effects. So that we can further break down â€Å"Play†and compare it by the different child rearing strategies, â€Å"Concerted Cultivation†and â€Å"Accomplishment of natural growth†, we will concentrate on two of Annette Lareau’s family cases from her book Unequal Childhoods; Garrett Tallinger and Tyrec Taylor. Garrett Tallinger is a 10 year old white kid who belongs to a middle class family. He is being raised under the ideas of â€Å"Concerted Cultivation†. Let’s take a look into Garrett’s structure of play. Garrett’s structure of play is very hectic. He is involved in many extra-curricular activities. He plays and is on many different organized sport teams, including basketball, baseball, swimming, two soccer teams, and also plays piano. Now since his parents are using the concerted cultivation approach, they look at their children as projects and try and get the most out of them. Garrett’s Parents encourage him to join as many organized activities as possible. They are so into it that they will rearrange their own schedules to make time around his, drive him places, make a point to be at games, and paying of team fees and equipment. Garrett interacts with a number of different kids, all usually around the same age as him, and a number of different adult instructors. Also as a result of Concerted Cultivation Garrett ends up spending less time with family members such as his siblings, and spends more time with different teammates. Tyrec Taylor is a 9 year old Black kid who belongs to a working class family. He is being raised under the ideas â€Å"Accomplishment of natural growth†. His structure of play is different the Garrett’s. Tyrec’s schedule of play isn’t hectic; doesn’t have many appointments to uphold. He isn’t a part of sport teams; he spends most of his free time playing games with the kids from his block and his siblings ranging from different ages. His parents don’t encourage him to join any organized activities. One time him mother finally allowed him to participate in an organized football team. But halfway during the season she found herself tired and over worked and struggling to keep up with the responsibility. Tyrec himself also started to rethink his choice. No we can probably see how a families well-being can affect weather they use Concerted Cultivation of Accomplishment of natural growth. Middle class families are more susceptible to Concerted Cultivation; they make enough money and have enough room in their schedules to accommodate the obligations of organized activities. They find that organized sports/activities teach their kids things that they can’t learn in school. Working class families are more susceptible to Accomplishment of natural growth; they aren’t well off so most times organized activities become a burden financially and they can’t keep up. They are concentrating the majority of their time and money into keeping the family safe, fed, clothed etc. Instead of encouraging organized sports, they encourage family bonds. Now both of these approaches have their up and downs and can have predictable long term effects. We find that children of Concerted Cultivation are more competitive and hostile towards their sibling as compared to their working-class(Accomplishment of natural growth) counter-parts. They also have weaker ties with extended family. Children under Concerted Cultivation may take their right to be involved in various activities, and the organized sports they take part in can help prepare them for performance-based assessments at school. Children like Garrett, who meet and learn to work with a new set of adults for every activity they enroll in, are acquiring a basic job skill; the ability to work smoothly wit acquaintances. In Tyrec’s case (Accomplishment of natural growth) he plays with a relatively stable group of boys, because this group functions with no adult monitoring, he learns how to construct and sustain friendships and how to organize and negotiate. Tyrec also develops skills in peer mediation, conflict management, and personal responsibility.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Heidi essays
Heidi essays Heidis Obstacles for Happiness The Heidi Chronicles by Wendy Wasserstein is a novel all about feminism, and what happened to those women who decided to challenge societys standards. More specifically one could say the theme of the play is about Heidi Hollands quest for her own happiness and how it is difficult for her to reach this happiness because a lot of it goes against societys norms. Three of the main components of Heidis happiness are her personal ambitiousness referring to her career, her political feminist views and her need for a family. These issues that make her happy and she has passion for, also become some of her biggest problems because all of these things also go against societys standards in some way. In order to get a better picture of what is going on during this time one has to take into consideration the time frame during which the play takes place. It starts off in Chicago during 1965; Heidi was a part of the baby boom generation, born in the post WWII era. As we all know, during this tim e women had many less opportunities then they do today. All of these factors influence what it means to be women in this particular time and place. Being a well-educated, intelligent women Heidi is also very ambitious. She has a lot of goals in her life. An effect of all of this is that Scoop, the man she loves and that loves her also does not want to marry her because he feels very intimidated by Heidis ambitious nature. This idea fits in with the stereotype that men want dumb and that you shouldnt be so smart because you will intimidate men or be looked upon as being high maintenance is still true today. Scoop often tell Heidi Being an Art History major, Heidi is already seen upon as liberal and this stereotype does fit her, because it is true. This is seen in Heidis explanation to Scoop for planning to be an art historian, ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Pascual Orozco, Early Leader of the Mexican Revolution
Pascual Orozco, Early Leader of the Mexican Revolution Pascual Orozco (January 28, 1882–August 30, 1915) was a Mexican muleteer, warlord, and revolutionary who participated in the early parts of the Mexican Revolution (1910–1920). More of an opportunist than an idealist, Orozco and his army fought in many key battles between 1910 and 1914 before he â€Å"backed the wrong horse,†said General Victoriano Huerta, whose brief presidency lasted from 1913 to 1914. Exiled, Orozco was captured and executed by Texas Rangers. Fast Facts: Pascual Orozco Known For: Mexican revolutionaryBorn: January 28, 1882 in Santa Inà ©s, Chihuahua, MexicoParents: Pascual Orozco Sr. and Amanda Orozco y VzquezaDied: August 30, 1915 in the Van Horn Mountains, MexicoNotable Quote: â€Å"Here are the wrappers: send more tamales.†Early Life Pascual Orozco was born on January 28, 1882, in Santa Inà ©s, Chihuahua, Mexico. Before the Mexican Revolution broke out, he was a small-time entrepreneur, storekeeper, and muleteer. He came from a lower-middle-class family in the northern state of Chihuahua and by working hard and saving money, he was able to acquire a respectable amount of wealth. As a self-starter who made his own fortune, he became disenchanted with the corrupt regime of Porfirio Dà az, who tended to favor old money and those with connections, neither of which Orozco had. Orozco became involved with the Flores Magà ³n brothers, Mexican dissidents trying to stir up rebellion from safety in the United States. Orozco and Madero In 1910, opposition presidential candidate Francisco I. Madero, who lost due to election fraud, called for a revolution against the crooked Dà az. Orozco organized a small force in the Guerrero area of Chihuahua and quickly won a series of skirmishes against federal forces. His force grew with every victory, swelled by local peasants who were drawn by patriotism, greed, or both. By the time Madero returned to Mexico from exile in the United States, Orozco commanded a force of several thousand men. Madero promoted him first to colonel and then general, even though Orozco had no military background. Early Victories While Emiliano Zapatas army kept Dà az federal forces busy in the south, Orozco and his armies took over the north. The uneasy alliance of Orozco, Madero, and Pancho Villa captured several key towns in Northern Mexico, including Ciudad Juarez, which Madero made his provisional capital. Orozco maintained his businesses during his time as general. On one occasion, his first action upon capturing a town was to sack the home of a business rival. Orozco was a cruel and ruthless commander. He once sent the uniforms of dead federal soldiers back to Dà az with a note: â€Å"Here are the wrappers: send more tamales.†Revolt Against Madero The armies of the north drove Dà az from Mexico in May 1911 and Madero took over. Madero saw Orozco as a violent bumpkin, useful to the war effort but out of his depth in government. Orozco, who was unlike Villa in that he was fighting not for idealism but under the assumption that he would be made at least a state governor, was outraged. Orozco had accepted the post of general, but he resigned it when he refused to fight Zapata, who had rebelled against Madero for not implementing land reform. In March 1912 Orozco and his men, called Orozquistas or Colorados, once again took to the field. Orozco in 1912–1913 Fighting Zapata to the south and Orozco to the north, Madero turned to two generals: Victoriano Huerta, a relic left over from the days of Dà az, and Pancho Villa, who still supported him. Huerta and Villa were able to rout Orozco in several key battles. Orozcos poor control of his men contributed to his losses: he allowed them to sack and loot captured towns, which turned the locals against him. Orozco fled to the United States but returned when Huerta overthrew and assassinated Madero in February 1913. President Huerta, in need of allies, offered him a generalship and Orozco accepted. Huertas Downfall Orozco was once again fighting Pancho Villa, who was outraged by Huertas murder of Madero. Two more generals appeared on the scene: Alvaro Obregà ³n and Venustiano Carranza, both at the head of huge armies in Sonora. Villa, Zapata, Obregà ³n, and Carranza were united by their hatred of Huerta, and their combined might was far too much for the new president, even with Orozco and his colorados on his side. When Villa crushed the federales at the battle of Zacatecas in June 1914, Huerta fled the country. Orozco fought on for a while but he was seriously outgunned and he, too, went into exile in 1914. Death After the fall of Huerta, Villa, Carranza, Obregà ³n, and Zapata began slugging it out among themselves. Seeing an opportunity, Orozco and Huerta met up in New Mexico and began planning a new revolt. They were captured by American forces and charged with conspiracy. Huerta died in prison. Orozco escaped and was later shot and killed by Texas Rangers on August 30, 1915. According to the Texas version, he and his men tried to steal some horses and were tracked down and killed in the ensuing gunfight. According to the Mexicans, Orozco and his men were defending themselves from greedy Texas ranchers, who wanted their horses. Legacy Today, Orozco is considered a minor figure in the Mexican Revolution. He never reached the presidency and modern historians and readers prefer the flair of Villa or the idealism of Zapata. It should not be forgotten, however, that at the time of Maderos return to Mexico, Orozco commanded the largest and most powerful of the revolutionary armies and that he won several key battles in the early days of the revolution. Although it has been asserted by some that Orozco was an opportunist who coldly used the revolution to his own gain, that does not change the fact that if not for Orozco, Dà az may well have crushed Madero in 1911. Sources McLynn, Frank. Villa and Zapata: A History of the Mexican Revolution. New York: Carroll and Graf, 2000.Pascual Orozco, Jr. (1882–1915). Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture,, 2019.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Habituation in sow bugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Habituation in sow bugs - Essay Example Because they are generally harmless to humans, sow bugs could be kept in plastic containers that are sealed with a ventilated lid. Use damp soil and decaying organic materials like wood, leaves, compost, etc. Put in an adequate amount of water to keep the habitat humid. Place paper towel in the container to aid in maintaining the humidity. If molds should appear, increase the ventilation or reduce the quantity of water use to make the habitat humid and cool. Keep the container in a dimly lit area of a room which has a temperature of 68 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit. If a large number of sow bugs are to be kept in a single container it is best to change the soil from time to time to keep them in a healthy condition (Carolina Teamed with Teachers, 1-2). Caring includes feeding these terrestrials with fish food flakes, leaf litter, pieces of potatoes, apples or carrots. Aside from these foods, they also feed on their feces in order to extract extra nutrients and to regain precious copper, si nce copper based pigments are needed to carry oxygen in their blood (Gadsby, 4), while the bacteria present in their intestine helps in the digestion of any ingested cellulose (Woodland Dunes Nature Center, 1-2). In order to protect their environment while encased in ventilated containers, immediately remove food that becomes moldy. Sow bugs are preyed on by bigger and many insects such as spiders, centipedes, and ground beetles . These bugs could emit a foul tasting or foul smelling substance to ward off would be predators (Kentucky Critter Files, 2). Although when in danger, sow bugs either run or remain perfectly motionless pretending to be dead (armadillo style) (Carolina Teamed with Teachers, 1-2). In the Spring time and summer time, sow bugs sometimes migrate from their current habitat in large numbers, and would often settle into homes. The migration could be attributed to a combination of
Friday, October 18, 2019
Asian Film term paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Asian Film term paper - Essay Example In the East, everything is bound by traditions and the ones revolting against this cruelty are either banished from the society or are abandoned or locked up. The purpose of this paper is to figure out and analyze about the lives of the women, to the modern concepts of individualism vs. the old traditional concepts. Following their identity how they are kept and what happens will all be described in the context of three of the Asian films Peking Opera Blues, Water and Rouge. Three of the films depict more or same the story of women, their loyalty, freedom followed by traditions. Let us take a look and analyze the story with supporting evidence and arguments. A. Peking Opera Blues: Directed by Tsui Hark Peking Opera Blues is one of the finest films one comes across of 1986 depicting the portrayal of a woman and her loyalty. The general’s daughter has been much in focus showing her loyalty and bonds with the customs and the traditions. She is always loyal, obeying her father, no t participating or standing with men and when tagged with betray, she still is on her father’s side (Tao ma tan, 1986). The director’s first bold step was to cast three women in a serious role. It was conflicting as no other director ever casted three women with the leading role other than stupid, foolish or jerk acts. The second step the director took against the traditions was the touching scene of the two women but they were not projecting their needs or greed as it was not a stereotypical role or image of the women. The third step was the impression people had for them as being women as a symbol of a lower status (Tao ma tan, 1986). Analyzing the above movie, what we see is that a woman as a tool to be suppressed, treated as a toy saying yes every now and then to either the right or the wrong. Her freedom lays in the hands of others either husband, his father or his brother, her decisions are to be taken by a man who is stronger in position and her fate is decided by them. She does not have her identity, feelings, and emotions. She has to be loyal, putting her head in front of a sword if commanded and still the men in these societies do not let them breath in fresh air. Quoted by Charlotte Bronte I am not a bird to entangle me: I am a human being, free of my will and independence. These people do not let their daughters, mothers, wives or sisters to live independently, with freedom of will, power and expression. They are bound to follow the customs and traditions followed by the society and their revolt leads them to a fatal life. The overall impact of the movie is reflecting how a positive, loyal, honest and truthful a woman could be. B. Water: Directed by Deepa Mehta the film holds the breath of a person to see what actually people do on the other side of the world. The role of the women portrayed in this film is very meek, worthless and a symbol of one’s pleasures. The director projected a woman being a worthless creature when her h usband dies and she has to be in a ashram for the rest of her life. The second thing was the forced prostitution. The third thing was the freedom in the end (Water, 2005). This is the male dominating society. Everything runs under his command. The traditions and customs have already made woman a worthless creature, living only to please a man, does his chores and sacrifice for him (Water, 2005). This is a true image of the society has been portrayed. However it has also been visibly
Workplace bullying in Japan as cultural phenomena Essay
Workplace bullying in Japan as cultural phenomena - Essay Example Workplace bullying is defined as repeated and health-threatening mistreatment that is humiliating, intimidating and threatening in a manner that interferes with full participation in work. The perpetrators desire to control the victim and bullies in the workplace select their victims and methods of bullying. Bullying at the workplace is a form of aggression and includes spreading of malicious rumours, gossip or physically attacking someone socially (Inceoglu, 2002). The topic is of great importance since bullying at workplace takes different forms such as undermining a person’s contribution at the workplace, threatening abuse, withholding necessary information, establishing unattainable deadlines, changing the work guidelines, intruding in to individual privacy, yelling, constant criticism, unwarranted punishments, assignment of unreasonable duties and tampering with individual personal belongings in order to intimidate the individual (McCarthy, 2001). Workplace bullying in Ja pan is a social problem that is linked to the current cultural phenomenon. Japanese culture is complex and multi-layered since it has been developing for the last a thousand years. Japanese people view the culture as a source of inspiration especially fashion, geisha traditional dancers and Samurai warriors wielding their two swords. Japanese business leaders perceive themselves as Samurai warriors and deal effectively with subordinates through bullying or issuing verbal commands that may be insulting. Social ranks and status in the society are clear and everyone is aware of each other’s age and status in the institution (Gordon, 1998). In some companies, the employees are issued with magazines that display the formal ages of each employee and ranking is used in various employment matters such as promotions, distribution of awards and recognition of superior performance (Jacobson, Hood & Buren, 2014, p 57). Japanese spontaneous sociability and nature of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Letter of complaint Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Letter of complaint - Article Example However, they did not arrive in time, causing a lot of inconvenience to me. Moreover, the fact that they arrived after a few days in a damaged condition has caused major doubts in my mind regarding your reputation as a leading furniture dealer. I hope you understand the gravity of the situation. I would be grateful if you would take up this matter seriously and resolve it. I had called your service many times to settle the matter amicably, but to no prevail so far. I am forced now to send you an official complaint. If you fail to take action on the basis of this complaint, I am afraid I will have to move to the next step and file a case for damages. I would like to pursue the good relationship with you and order more furniture from you in the future if you would maintain the trust I had in you so far. Otherwise, I will be left with no choice but to take a legal move against you. It is my personal interest to avoid such an incident if it would be possible at any cost. I hope you will understand my good intentions and resolve this issue without causing further damages to me.
Financial Statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Financial Statements - Essay Example However, the different groups use the various financial statements for different purposes. This essay focuses on the four types of financial statements identified above and their importance to internal users such as managers and employee as well to the external users such as investors and creditors. All the financial statements are useful since to individual as well as organizations whose decisions are affected by a company. The financial statement act as an indicator of how a company is performing. Moreover, the statements can be used to predict the future of a company. Balance sheet, which is also, referred as the statement of financial position acts as an indicator of the financial status at a given time. Balance sheet assesses the assets (economic possessions possessed by the entity) and the liabilities (sources of financing) as well as ownership equity. The assets possessed by a company are either classified as current or fixed assets. Current assets can be converted into usable cash easily and include cash, marketable securities, inventory, and prepaid assets. Fixed assets are not easily converted into cash and are awarded historical cost. Fixed assets include buildings, machinery, equipment, and land. Liabilities are those assets owed to creditors (Drake, Fabozzi, & CFA, 2012). Liabilities are categorized as current and non-current liabilities. Current liabilities include notes payable, interest payable, accounts payable, wages payable and taxes payable. On the other hand, non-current liabilities include bonds payable and mortgages payable. Equity is the proprietorship, partnership, shareholders, or stakeholder’s equity in a corporation. Equity owners are claimants of the residue equity after creditors have been paid. Therefore, balance sheet acts as a record of resources owned by an entity and acts as a crucial tool used to evaluate the capability of a firm to meet long-term obligations. Comparative balance sheet is an example of balance sheet (D rake, Fabozzi, & CFA, 2012). Creditors are involved in offering credit, which is a risky practice. Therefore, balance sheets are important to creditors since they use them to assess the wealth possessed by individuals or firms and determine their capability of paying for liabilities incurred. Creditors make use of other financial statements when providing loans to companies. In case companies file bankruptcy, the creditors make use of the information obtained from the various items to recover their money by liquidating the company’s assets (Drake, Fabozzi, & CFA, 2012). Income statement is another important form of financial statement that indicates the net income of a firm. The net income is calculated by subtracting the operating expenses from the revenue or fees earned. Therefore, income statement is reflective of the company revenue or income as well as expenditure. Revenue is the inflows that a company obtains from its operations while expenses are the outflows that a co mpany uses to create revenue. Net income of a company is obtained by adding the revenue to the gains less the losses and expenses. Income statement is thus indicative of the performance of a business (Drake, Fabozzi, & CFA, 2012). Statement of cash flows is a record of a company’s cash flow activities such as the investing, operating and financing undertakings. Statement of cas
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Letter of complaint Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Letter of complaint - Article Example However, they did not arrive in time, causing a lot of inconvenience to me. Moreover, the fact that they arrived after a few days in a damaged condition has caused major doubts in my mind regarding your reputation as a leading furniture dealer. I hope you understand the gravity of the situation. I would be grateful if you would take up this matter seriously and resolve it. I had called your service many times to settle the matter amicably, but to no prevail so far. I am forced now to send you an official complaint. If you fail to take action on the basis of this complaint, I am afraid I will have to move to the next step and file a case for damages. I would like to pursue the good relationship with you and order more furniture from you in the future if you would maintain the trust I had in you so far. Otherwise, I will be left with no choice but to take a legal move against you. It is my personal interest to avoid such an incident if it would be possible at any cost. I hope you will understand my good intentions and resolve this issue without causing further damages to me.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
A Novel of Nature and Love Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
A Novel of Nature and Love - Personal Statement Example I suppose nature did not accept my ultimate presence on the scene forever and in no time a roaring sound of thunder rejected my proposal and the sky went black with it, bashing the windscreen of our car with heavy rain, thunder shook the whole mountainous range which made me think of my death (Sprague, 2005). We all in response to the shattering flood decided to pull over the side by the road. Unfortunately, not everyone on the road had the same decision of stopping by. As we pulled over, I heard a gaudy scratching of tires and shouts which passed our car and then bang. The driver had faced the music of his erroneous all rushed to the scene and found the eventual misery of nature (Anderson & Alison, 2004). The driver and the front seat passenger unfortunately by the will of God had flown to their final destinations, though children at the back seat were safe. I couldn’t stand the decision of nature and roll back to the car with mourn and grief. It was an unforgettable trip whe re joy drowned me into the positives of nature but as I seemed to forget the balance of nature, it made me taste the dip of its flipside too. I had visited this hill station before in winter too but now coming back here in summer again helped me realize its natural significance again with a different perspective. Whistling breezes, musical sounds of pine trees, carved attractive mountains, sunshine, frosting waterfall, cuddling of clouds, fearlessness of monkeys, colorful rainbows and elegant landscapes had taken my heart which helped me inhibiting natural positives to my memory but soon enough the thundering rain spoiled the whole attraction of hill stations and revealed the flipside of nature (Lawrence and O'Brien, 2000), I experienced the ultimate grief of humanity in the form of death. In the incident of accident and death, I forgot every joy of this trip what I saw, what I felt, what I touched, what I heard? Every inch of my dream and desirable memory got deleted within seconds . I asked my father to proofread my essay, his feedback encouraged me to submit this point of view essay for grading. He stated that the description is overwhelming, in contrast, were the first para explained the positive elements of nature than the other side of the picture. The essay used and explained all the rhetoric tools of writing. The event described follows consistency and transition in happening and occurrence according to the features specified. The storyline progresses as we move from one para to another as the journey and trip decision is made then with the car moving to the hill station, sceneries progress, cold breezes, sounds of pine trees, rain, mountainous landscapes, waterfalls, aqueducts floating water down the range, sunshine, clouds, rainfall, thunderstorm, heavy rain, scratching of tires, accident and consequences of accidents etc.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Console games vs Pc games Essay Example for Free
Console games vs Pc games Essay Let’s start with the console’s themselves. Maybe you’ve heard it before, but some people say PC-gaming is dying. Can PC games still compete with Console games? Gamers have never been so spoiled for choice. While the console vs. PC war has been around for ages, consoles today have bridged the gap by finally providing decent multiplayer capabilities. Is this the end of the PC as the dominant gaming machine? Gaming has been around for a long time. It is serious business nowadays. With a host of companies creating everything from award-winning games to those collaborating with businesses on workforce training and development, the area is poised for continued success. And we are creating this success by buying all kinds of games. So what is the difference between the total price of playing games on a console or on a PC? While it is possible to get a PC at about the same cost of a console, it would be such a stripped down version that it wouldnt be able to play the latest games. Consoles such as the Nintendo Wii, PS3 and Xbox360 still offer the best price in terms of gaming power. Even if you buy a 800 pounds PC, it would only be able to play the latest games for about three years. If you look only at the three biggest consoles, the Nintendo Wii is the cheapest console, starting at about 180 pounds. The Xbox 360 will cost you about 200 pounds and a Playstation 3 about 250 pounds. Certainly the Xbox 360 and the PS3 would be able to play the latest games for many more years. Well, there actually is a way to expand the time you can play games on your PC, but it will only cost you more money. A PC has the availability to upgrade. For example, you can change the graphics card for a newer one. This is the most important part of a PC for playing games. This will not cost you as much as buying a total new PC, but in total it will still be way more expansive than a console. But one thing is cheaper for the PC-gamers in comparison to for example Xbox 360-gamers and that is that you have to pay to play online multiplayer games on a Xbox. In most situations this will be free for a PC game. So maybe you are asking now if there are any more advances of playing games on a PC instead of a console. Of course there are. There are still way more games available for the PC than for consoles. On a PC with windows as operating system, you can play like almost every game that exist for windows, even older versions of windows. But on a console you probably can’t play previous generation games. When for example the first PS3 was announced it actually could play PS2 games, but Sony removed this option quite quick. Another reason to play games on a PC is that if you have a very expansive PC it can probably play games with better graphics, but at that point you are limited to the games that are already playable. Future games will probably need a better pc to play it on full resolution. A PC is also the only option for playing big online games where thousands of people can meet each other online, like World of Warcraft. This just isn’t possible (yet) on consoles. You’re choice for playing games on a console or a PC can also depent on the controller. Whereas you play with the traditional keyboard and mouse on a PC, you can play with other kinds of controllers on consoles. The Wii is the best example of that with the motion sensitive Wii remote. There is also a different kind of consoles for playing ‘on the road’. These are called handhelds and aren’t very powerfull, but their advantage is their portability.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Chocolate Market In India
The Chocolate Market In India This is a brief report regarding Cadburys organization covering all its segments in the market. It starts with an introduction about chocolate market in India followed by a brief about Cadburys establishment in India. It also gives a clear picture about all the brands of Cadbury India. This report also includes the PEST analysis, Porters 5 Forces Model and the SWOT analysis which shows an internal architecture of the working of the Cadburys business. It gives a brief detail about the issues that the company would face for starting a new store in Mumbai and its implementation respectively. 2. INTRODUCTION: 2.1. The chocolate market in India: In India chocolate consumption was very low in the early 90s but as the decade advanced the consumption drastically increased. The late 90s witnessed a good chocolate market condition. The chocolate market in India is dominated by two multinational companies Cadbury and Nestle. The national companies Amul and Campco are other candidates in this race. Cadbury holds more than 70% of the total share of the market. Nestle has emerged by holding almost 20% of the total share. Apart from chocolate segment, there is also a big confectionery segment which is flooded by companies like Parrys, Ravalgaon, Candico and Nutrine. All these are leading national players. The multinational companies like the Cadbury, Nestle and Perfetti are the new entrants in the sugar confectionery market. (Management paradise) There are several others which have a minor share in these two segments. According to statistics, the chocolate consumption in India is extremely low. If per capita consumption is considere d, it comes to only 160gms in the urban areas. This amount is very low compared to the developed countries where the per capita consumption is more than 8-10kg. Observing this fact it would not be appropriate to consider the rural areas of India as it will be extremely low. This low consumption is owing to the notion behind consuming chocolates. Indians eat chocolates as indulgence and not as snack food. The major target population is the children. India has witnessed a slow growth rate of about 10% pa from the 70s to the 80s. But as the century advanced the market stagnated. This was the time when Cadbury launched its product- Dairy Milk as an anytime product rather than an occasional luxury. All the advertisements of Dairy Milk paid a full attention to adults and not children. And this proved to be the major breakthrough for Cadbury as it tried to break the conventional ideas of the Indians about chocolate. One of the oldest products of Cadbury which is still going strong is the C adburys Five Star which was launched in the year 1968 in India. Cadburys Five Star is the most resistant chocolate to temperature and hence it is widely distributed all across the country. In early 90s, the Cocoa prices became high due to which the manufacturers were forced to raise their product prices. But as the new variety of chocolate was launched the wafer and the chocolate variety with the brand name Perk, the volume grew significantly. In the late 90s new players like Nestle also introduced these wafer chocolates with the name Kit Kat resulting into the growth of the market. (Management paradise) 2.2 Cadbury in India: Cadbury in India began its operations in the year 1948. After 60 years of existence, it has got five company-owned manufacturing facilities at Thane, Induri (Pune) and Malanpur (Gwalior), Bangalore and Baddi (Himachal Pradesh) and 4 sales offices (New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai). The corporate office is in Mumbai. There are 4 major segments under which the Cadbury operates Chocolate Confectionery, Milk Food Drinks, and Candy and Gum category. Cadbury has maintained its undisputed leadership in the chocolate confectionery segment enjoying over 70% of the total market share. Cadburys Dairy Milk is considered as the Gold Standard for chocolates in India. Cadbury India Ltd. is a subsidiary of the Cadbury Schweppes and employs over 2000 people across the country. Since 1965 Cadbury has pioneered the Cocoa cultivation in India in association with the Kerala Agricultural University. The research on Cocoa has resulted in numerous releases of clones and hybrids improving the cocoa yield. Cadbury has formed a separate Cocoa team which visits the farmers, conducts seminars and advises them on cocoa cultivation. Hardly surprising then that the Cocoa tree is called the Cadbury tree! Cadburys India Ltd has achieved great success due to its global and local management processes combined with unique customized business models. Along with these Cadburys has improvised their techniques of manufacturing leading to huge amount of cost savings. (Cadbury India) 2.3 Cadbury and premium segment in India: Currently Cadbury has various brands like Cadbury Dairy Milk, 5 Star, Perk, Eclairs and Celebrations. And now Cadbury India has launched a premium segment Cadbury Bournville Fine Dark Chocolate. With this move, the company aims to launch a new category of dark chocolates in India. Dark Chocolate is growing at a rate of 13% globally. But India is still at nascent stage. There is less than 25% awareness amongst the young age segment. Thus, its almost like a category creation with this launch. Since this is a new category, a lot of sampling will be required in terms of marketing. Besides traditional media campaign, there will be below-the-line activities. (Media newsline) The launch of Bournville Fine Dark Chocolate in India is timely, as it will cater to the evolving consumer preferences and serve as a treat for consumers looking for a moment of sheer indulgence. It contains 44% cocoa from the worlds finest Ghana beans and an ever so smooth texture, each little chunk is dark and undeniably good. The chocolate is available in four variants: rich cocoa, hazelnut, almond and raisin and nut and plans to target, 20-30 age bracket. Dark Chocolate acts as a mood-booster; by boosting serotonin and endorphin levels that generate the feel-good factor. This more than a perfect bar of dark chocolate turns the simple act of eating it into a form of art. It demands a certain ritual, where, in a way, each of its steps offers a tribute to every stage of your journey. Made from the finest ingredients, each individually presented Bournville Fine Dark Chocolate is an irresistible in-the-mouth delight specially created to savour the Indian palate. (Campaign India) 3. Situational: 3.1 PEST analysis of the Chocolate Segment in India: Growth and progress of a company depends upon multifarious factors which are known to have direct and apparent effects on the overall target and functioning of that company. For a gargantuan corporation like the Cadburys, it is very important to keep an eye out for the butterfly effects of the political, social, economical, technological and environmental factors. Any changes in the laws or regulations, especially concerning international trade and food labeling could greatly affect the chocolate industry. Awareness of the Food Safety Act will help the chocolate industry for sustaining in the ever growing market. The chocolate manufacturers need to make sure that none of the companies are breaking laws regarding production. For example, employing children or paying under minimum wage. Otherwise, scandals and lawsuits would greatly hurt their reputation. Inspite of the economy being relatively down at the moment, it is observed that the chocolate industry has not been affected much. A s a result it would support the launch of a new chocolate product or a new store. High consumer spending and low interest rates also encourage a new product. Confectionary market is growing at a very high rate and there are still many uncovered segments that require appropriate strategic approaches. Many people are trying to eat healthy and cut down on confectionary goods and soft drinks due to the current skinny is beautiful trend. Public opinion of chocolates is very high, so no major concerns are there to stop consumers from buying their products. Production is high due to advanced technologies and well equipped factories which enables high quality mass production. Medias such as the internet, television and the radio enable large amount of cheap advertisement. Internet is a good place to sell goods, even confectionary ones. Provides a new consumer group with access to Cadbury and allows even larger sales due to a larger overall consumer group. (Business studies) 3.2. Porters 5 Forces Model: Porters Five Force Analysis of Cadbury provides a deep insight into the various aspects which influence the companys structure and growth. The constant change in the market structure, shares and prices, due to the emergence of new chocolate manufacturers, demonstrates a threat for the existing chocolate and confectionery companies like the Perfetti, Parle, Ravalgaon, Nutrine Parrys, etc. But for a giant like Cadbury such threats are of no substantial value since it is such a big and reputed company. In fact Cadbury itself becomes an exceedingly bigger threat for the upcoming companies. Thus there is no question of rising competition and dispersion of the customers across all these new manufacturers. Therefore this factor does not significantly affect the total turnover of Cadbury. Recent reports of US chocolate major Hershey entering the Indian market is not worrying the company because a lot of home work in terms of knowing the Indian consumers, brand building and wide distribution network needs to be done by it. At the same time, the rivals should never be taken for granted as this is an evergreen sector with ample profit margins and with potential initial investments and appropriate market analysis any emerging company can spread its wings to become a huge success. (Myiris) Another threat which could possibly affect sales of the Cadbury is the threat of substitute products or services. Now, if the general eating habits of the consumers are taken into consideration, substitutes would definitely point out at the sweets dominantly omnipresent in the Indian market. Festive seasons witness a big sale in both sweets and chocolates. Advertising and a strong market analysis during such peak periods helps a company in making profits. It should be noticed that even cookies, carob confections, ice creams and the other bakery products like cakes and pastries present themselves as a good substitute for chocolates. In todays health conscious world fruits and other natural products are rising up to become a substitute for chocolates. (Good housekeeping) Another important force is the Bargaining power of supplier. It is the pressure that the suppliers can impose on sources for inputs that are needed in order to provide goods or services. Supplier bargaining power is likely to be high when, the market is dominated by a few large suppliers, the switching costs from one supplier to another are high, threat of forward integration by suppliers and the buying industry has low barriers to entry. Cadbury seeks high quality, great value and excellent service from all of its suppliers. Hence, it has formed an Ethical Sourcing Program which is a fundamental element in ensuring that the standards are met at every step in the supply chain. Also, Cadbury is developing a Supplier Diversity Program to enhance its supplier base and ensure that it reflects the markets they serve. Cadbury itself selects such suppliers who deliver the best overall value; value that consists of competitive pricing, technological foresight, customer service excellence an d the ongoing achievement of its supply chain and material standards. (C.S-supplier) Some what similar to the above would be another force which is Bargaining power of the buyers. Customers bargaining powers are likely to be high when they buy in large volumes, when they have knowledge about the production cost and most importantly when there are other potentially competitive companies selling the same type of product at reasonable costs. Cadbury faces tough challenge in this aspect as the customers are very well aware of all the above factors. Cadbury has thus designed the overall strategy to maintain its market dominance along with targeting the impulse buyers. (Hinduonnet) The most important force amongst all the Porters 5 forces is the Rivalry among existing firms. Cadbury currently faces tough competition from the international giants like the Nestle and Hersheys and national giants like the Amul and Campco. The company profit is inversely proportional to the intensity of rivalry. But it is observed that Cadbury has always welcomed strong competition (like that from Nestle from past 7-8 years). Cadbury believes that strong competition increases the market pie. This confidence is very well reflected from that fact that, despite Nestle launching its famous Kit Kat brand, Cadbury India has maintained its market share. 3.3. S.W.O.T Analysis: Based on the above introduction to Cadbury, the Porters Five Forces and PEST analysis a new SWOT analysis can be charted out. It is observed from the following analysis that Cadbury holds a bright future provided they fill in for the loop holes existing in their system. Cadbury being a reputed company has its brand name as one of its biggest strengths. It has been present for over 50 years even before competition could peep-in. Due to its presence for so many years people tend to associate chocolate with Cadbury. It is almost as if Cadbury is synonymous with generic category chocolate. Cadbury Schweppes is a very profitable organization, generating revenue in billions. The company recorded revenues of  £7,157 million during the fiscal year ended December 2005, an increase of 6.2% over 2004. Cadbury India Ltd is supported by its parent company, Cadbury Schweppes. A large range of products like chocolates, beverages, malted foods etc. are manufactured by Cadbury. These products are reasonably priced to suit different economic consumer categories. Celebrity endorsements have increased sales and also added glitter to the brand name. Cadbury India has the biggest market share at 60 per cent while Nestle is the second largest at 25 per cent. Amul holds the rest. In spite of innovation in the chocolate segment, their basic chocolate, Dairy Milk, still seems to remain the all time favorite of most people. The scenario of worms being found in Cadbury chocolates lead to a temporary decline in sales. Also Cadbury offers a limited variety of products as opposed to other leading competitive brands, e.g. Amul and Nestle that offer an array of products like biscuits, dairy products, etc. One of the major raw material i.e. Cocoa has to be imported leading to bunched imports and higher inventory. Also majority of markets in India are not Air conditioned and hence cannot store chocolates at least during hot summers, which limits the market access. As Cadbury has established i tself very well in the Indian market, it can now narrow down to some popular products and can bring down its own individual Cadburys store. It has capabilities to increase the range of products manufactured. The company can easily venture into new segments individually or jointly. Another very important opportunity that can be observed is the introduction of foreign products in India. The company can focus on targeting urban areas and developing sectors by working on availability and affordability. As observed in the Porters 5 forces, the company aims at bringing efficiency in logistics and distribution. This can very well be achieved by using information technology. Cadbury can also focus on gaining profits through chewing gum market in India. As Cadbury has already faced a worm scandal, its reputation has been put at stake by the competitors trying to exploit this situation. Also as earlier observed in Porters five forces, Cadbury faces a serious threat in the confectionery segmen t from companies like Amul, Nestle, etc. As Cadbury produces chocolates and a few related products, effective management of all the areas proves to be difficult at times. Trends of purchase may change with the ever-changing taste preference of consumers. Changing restrictions and rules from Government quality control boards may result in pressure on the production of the company cost increase. Also, Cadbury is exposed to rise in the cost of cocoa beans, dairy products and other vital ingredients. 4. Issues identification: After going through the important aspects of Cadburys, what issues I have come through are that Cadburys has a strong market position and is a major player in confectionary and chocolate industry. It serves in all segments like the chocolate confectionary, bars, candy, gums, milk food drinks and premium segment. Cadburys have a great brand name and it is well established from many years. Cadbury India has the biggest market share at 60 percent and it is expected to increase year by year. Also, due to its presence for so many years, people have started to associate chocolate with Cadbury which is a great advantage and achievement. They have a good rivalry with the existing companies and it doesnt bother much because of the goodwill created. As all these points shows how well established the company is in India, I think of recommending them to launch an individual Cadbury store where in all the products of different segments will be there in that store. And the brands which are not in India, I think of launching those brands with this store. There are already successful stores like Candies, Fantasie and Birdies in India and launching this would bring a tough competition in this new market sector. 5. Implementation: I believe that the stores should come up in Mumbai city because it is a metropolitan city and it is really a fine area to look out for potential customers. The stores should be located at places in Mumbai which are Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus, Bandra and Vashi. I think that these places are densely populated and the crowd is very happening. These places are also the hubs because many people from different cities prefer to go to these places for work, spending leisure time and to meet people. Chattrapati Terminus is located in South Mumbai. It is a market area; where millions of people go to and fro daily and therefore it would be easy to target the customers coming there for work and who stay there. It is also very close to Nariman point, Colaba and Marine drive and it would be easy to grab the attention of people coming from such extreme end of the city. Now about Bandra, it falls in the suburban side of Mumbai and it has a large multipurpose population. Bandra is also known for be ing the favourite shopping spot in the entire Mumbai. People go there for their daily work and also a huge amount of population resides there. So it is a nice place for the Cadbury store to flourish. Vashi is a huge market residential place as well as a commercial township in the city of Navi Mumbai. It is the prime locality in New Mumbai. The store must be located in any malls such as In-orbit, Centre one, Raghuleela or Palm Beach Galleria as many people visit these malls on a daily basis mainly for shopping and for fun. Bringing Cadburys store would serve as a competition for the retail stores such as Birdies and Croissant which are already in these malls. So these places come to my mind when I think about launching the store. 6. Conclusion: The Indian Chocolate Industry is a unique mix with extreme consumption patterns, attitudes, beliefs, income level and spending. Understanding the consumer demands and maintaining the quality will be essential. Pricing is the key for Cadburys to make their product reach to every consumer houses. Right pricing will make or break the product Success. Theres also an immense scope for growth of chocolate industry in India, geographically as well as in the product offering. So I think that bringing a store would bring prosperity and increase the sales of Cadburys as a whole again resulting in the goodwill of the company.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Child Abuse and Neglect Essay -- Violence Against Children, 2015
Child abuse in America is an ongoing problem and something needs to be done. There are approximately one million children abused annually in the United States. (Table 339) Cases of child abuse and neglect are reported every ten seconds, and researchers believe that there’s three times that amount that goes unnoticed. (Child Abuse: Know the Signs and Stop the Violence Against Children.) Something needs to be done for these children who are too weak and too powerless to help themselves. Children who have been abused are left with more than just physical scars. They have many psychological, emotional, and behavioral problems as well. Their social lives are affected dramatically, and they suffer lifelong effects. (Lambert) Children tend to be emotionally disturbed years after the abuse, many have IQ scores lower than average, and some have even been classified as mentally retarded. Children who have been abused also show signs of personality and neurological changes. (Oates 119) Sexual abuse has been linked to nightmares, bed wetting, sadness, clinging behavior, and anxiety. Children also showed more aggressive and anti-social behaviors. (Oates 127) Adults who were sexually abused are more prone to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and drug or alcohol problems. (Oates 132-133) Studies show overwhelming evidence of the effects abuse can have on a child, and the way the effects continue into their adult lives. (Oates 135) Speech is dramatically affected from abuse and neglect. Over one third of physically abused children have language delays. (Oates 119) All aspects of language are affected. Written and oral language is affected. The area that children tend to exhibit the most difficulties with is pragmatics. They tend to be l... ...g/topics/humanserv/child_abuse/ Layman, Richard. Child Abuse. Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics Inc., 1991. Moses MD, Scott . "Child Abuse." Family Practice Notebook. 08 Sept 2007. Web. 18 Oct 2014. . Oates, R. Kim. The Spectrum of Child Abuse. 8. New York: Brunner/Mazel Inc., 1996. Palusci MD, MS, Vincent J.. "Shaken Baby/Shaken Impact Syndrome." Kids Health For Parents. August 2004. Nemours Foundation. Web. 18 Oct 2014. Santrock, John W. Educational Phycology. Third. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008. Lambert, Regina. Personal interview. Web. 13 Oct 2014. "Table 339. Child Abuse and Neglect Cases Substantiated and Indicated Victim Characteristics: 2000 to 2008" Census Web. 18 Oct 2014.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Intimate Apparel Synopsis
Tommy DelZenero Intimate Apparel Feb 6th, 2013 The character I really tried to focus on while watching Intimate Apparel was George, the man from Panama. I thought he was the best actor on the stage that night, but that’s not saying too much. For the first half of the play, the actor performed a monologue with the spotlight solely on him. After the break, the actor participated in scene work with multiple characters. George in the storyline is a man who works a very physically demanding job digging canals in Panama.He one day decides to write a letter to Ester, the unmarried woman who works with fabrics, and he immediately takes a liking to her. They exchange letters for about six months and then it happens- George sends her a letter proclaiming his love and asks Ester to be his wife. She replies and says she would love to; he comes a few weeks later for the wedding. Off the bat when they met, it seems to be a little awkward; they had never met and barely knew each other. Over time, they got closer due to their proximity but emotionally they grew distant.George doesn’t seem to be the romantic that Ester had originally talked to. Also, she finds out that he has been cheating on her. He ends up taking her money and leaving Ester. There were a lot of good things that the actor did throughout the course of the play that I have been taught to do as well. He knew his lines for the most part, his inflection changed at appropriate times, and he used a lot of good hand motions and other gestures. Also, in the first half of the play (before the intermission), the actor played a roll in which he was very romantic and sweet.When he recited the letters, he was able to come across as a very well together and in love man. I genuinely thought he was being sincere and true to Ester. Later in the play, George became very distant and withdrawn. He became a cheating man without morals, who was selfish and inconsiderate. The actor was able to portray two different extr emes in the same play, and he did a pretty good job making the transition. I think this would be hard to accomplish, but he was effectively able to do so. Another effective part in the play was the anger the man who played George was able to show.At the scene in the bedroom talking to Ester, he stomped around, making a certain amount of noise without drowning out his own vocals. Throughout the journey of the theater performance, he made a lot of hand gestures and facial expressions that showed me how he felt; he let me feel his emotions. With that said, George didn’t have a flawless performance. For the most part, I thought it was poor acting; but he did well relatively speaking as I addressed above. With that said, it was hard to understand him half the time. At certain parts it seems he wasn’t exactly sure of his lines.He stuttered at parts that didn’t call for stuttering; it wasn’t apart of the script. That just comes down to memorization. Additionally , the actor lost the role at one point, letting out a smirk mid-scene. That smile kind of threw the audience; actors must be in character at all times. Physically, the actor made the audience believe he was a physically worn man. From the clothes he wore to his whole demeanor. His facial expressions showed exhaustion; while speaking from Panama, his voice was strong but tiresome and showed uncertainty. When he came to the contiguous United States, his physical appearance changed.Although he was not in Panama any longer, his true roots came out in the way he spoke and the heavy accent he placed on his words. George became better dressed and modernized; this led to an emotional change as well. Emotionally speaking, in the beginning of the play George was such a smooth talker; he was a sweetheart who was very persuasive and manipulative. The inflection George had in his voice was very sincere. He showed his charm and passion through the words in his letters (even though they turned out to not be his own words). Regardless, he made Ester fall in love with him and want to see him.He seemed genuine. In person though, he wasn’t so loving. George showed his heartlessness and rudeness in his cheating and dialect towards Ester. He showed anger by the way he stomped about the bedroom and stormed out of rooms. He showed his impatience by the way he knocked at the door, so hard and so loud. There were subtle things that could’ve been done better, but the emotion was attempting to be displayed. Intellectually the actor had a few different motives. The first half of the play the audience thought George was all about love and being Ester’s husband.After the intermission, his true colors came out and he became a money hungry hustler. Throughout the play, the character George had many different emotions and types of person he had to show. The actor did a pretty decent job with his faces and body language that he performed. I thought overall, he did an okay job and the play was interesting. I enjoyed watching the storyline play out, though the acting could’ve been much better. It seemed as though the performers were not prepared to act in front of an actual audience. With that said, I look forward to seeing other productions in the future.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Marketing Evaluation
MARKETING PLAN EVALUATION WORKSHEETS Your task is to describe and evaluate the marketing plan of an automobile brand and model of your choice. For the marketing aspect of your evaluation focus on a particular model not the whole company: for example consider the Chevrolet Camaro, not GM as a whole. For the situation analysis you will need to consider more than just specific model, i. e. what is the situation of GM as a whole and how is this impacting the marketing of your particular model. You focus should be primarily Canada while recognizing that for the situation analysis especially, there may be issues globally (e. . world economy) that will be relevant. These worksheets are designed to assist you in your project. Worksheets are a useful tool because they help to ensure that important information is not omitted from your evaluation. Answering the questions on these worksheets will enable you to: 1. Organize and structure the data and information you collect during the situation a nalysis. 2. Use this information to better understand your firm's strengths and weaknesses and to recognize the opportunities and threats that exist in the marketing environment. 3. Identify if goals and objectives that capitalize on strengths. . Identify if a marketing strategy that creates competitive advantages. 5. Identify and critique a plan for implementing the marketing strategy. By downloading these worksheets in an electronic format, you will be able to change the outline or add additional information that is relevant to your situation. Remember that there is no one best way to organize an evaluation of a marketing plan. The outline was designed to provide an analytical framework and to be flexible enough to accommodate the unique characteristics of the company you are reviewing.It is possible that not everything in the worksheets will apply equally to your company. You could start by reviewing Figure 2. 6, the overview of the marketing planning process found on page 62 of the text. You should also review Table 2. 2 and appendix 2 of your text. As you complete the worksheets, you should refer back to the text of the chapters as suggested throughout. In completing the situation analysis section, be sure to be as comprehensive as possible. The viability of your analysis depends on how well you have identified all of the relevant environmental issues.Likewise, as you complete the analysis, you should be accurate and realistic about the firm's characteristics. Do not attribute strengths to the firm that it does really does not possess. Being accurate also goes for your listing of weaknesses. I. Executive Summary The executive summary is a synopsis of the overall evaluation. The executive summary is easier to write if you do it last, after you have written the entire evaluation . Include a description of the product, the target market, and the need for it in the market. You should give an overview of the main points of your evaluation.Most importantly, kee p in mind that this is your opportunity to sell your marketing plan and entice your audience to read the details of the report. Company Description and Input from Corporate Strategies (pp. 45 – 54) Include a description of the company’s recent history and successes and touch briefly upon the strategy for the organization as a whole. This may include elements such as: Mission Corporate objectives Strategic Business Unit (SBU) objectives (Figure 2. 1 on page 46 illustrates the stages in formulating a strategy for the company as a whole. )III. Situation Analysis A situation analysis considers the internal circumstances of the organization or product, the external environment, competitive activity, and characteristics of the customer that may be relevant to the marketing plan. A situation analysis includes: †¢ Internal analysis †¢ Environmental analysis †¢ Customer analysis †¢ Competitive analysis A. Internal Analysis Review of marketing goals and objec tives Identify the firm's current marketing goals and objectives. State whether these goals and objectives are: Consistent with the firm's missionConsistent with recent changes in the marketing or customer environments Leading to expected performance outcomes (sales volume, market share, profitability, awareness, brand preference) Review of current marketing performance Describe the firm's current performance compared to other firms in the industry. Is the performance of the industry as a whole improving or declining? Why? If the firm's performance is declining, what is the most likely cause (e. g. , environmental changes, flawed strategy, poor implementation)?Review of current and anticipated organizational resources Describe the current state of the firm's organizational resources (e. g. , financial, capital, human, experience, relationships with key suppliers or customers). How are the levels of these resources likely to change in the future? If resource levels are expected to ch ange: How can the firm leverage additional resources to meet customer needs better than competitors? How can the firm compensate for future constraints on its resources? Review of current and anticipated cultural and structural issuesIn terms of marketing strategy development and implementation, describe the positive and negative aspects of the current and anticipated culture of the firm. Examples could include: The firm's overall customer orientation (or lack thereof) The firm's emphasis on short-term vs. long-term planning Willingness of the culture to embrace change Internal politics and power struggles The overall position and importance of the marketing function Changes in key executive positions General employee satisfaction and morale B. Environmental AnalysisReview Chapter 4 Economic Growth and Stability Identify the general economic conditions of the country, region, province, and local area in which the firm operates: Political, Legal, and Regulatory Issues Identify any po litical activities that affect the firm or the industry: Changes in elected officials (domestic or foreign) Industry (lobbying) groups Consumer groups Changes in Technology Identify ways that changing technology has affected the firm's customers: Identify ways that changing technology has affected the way the firm or the industry operatesIdentify current technologies that the firm is not using to the fullest potential: Identify future technologies that may increase the risk of product obsolescence: Sociocultural Trends Identify changes in society's demographics and values that will affect the firm or the industry (if this becomes too broad, focus on the firm's target customers): Explain the changes that shifting demographics and values will have on the firm's: Identify any problems or opportunities that may be created by changes in the cultural diversity of the firm's customers and employees:Identify any ecological issues (pollution, recycling, energy conservation) that the firm or industry is facing: Identify the ethical and social responsibility issues that the firm or industry is facing: C. Customer Analysis Review Chapters 6 & 7 There are seven general questions that marketers should ask about their customers: 1. Who are our actual and potential customers? 2. Why do they buy our product? 3. Why do others not buy our product? 4. Where do our customers buy our product? 5. How do they buy it? 6. When do they buy it? 7. What do they do with our product?Who are the firm's current and potential customers? Describe the important identifying characteristics of the firm's current and potential customers: Demographic Geographic Psychographic Product usage Identify the important players in the purchase process for the firm's products: Purchasers (actual act of purchase) Users (actual product user) Influencers (influence the decision, make recommendations) Financial responsibility (who pays the bill? ) What do customers do with the firm's products? Where do customers purchase the firm's products?Identify any trends in purchase patterns across these outlets (e. g. , how e-commerce has, or could, change the way the firm's products are purchased). When do customers purchase the firm's products? Factors under the firm's control Factors not under the firm's control Why (and how) do customers select the firm's products? Describe the basic benefits provided by the firm's products relative to competing products: Describe the degree to which customers' needs are being fulfilled by the firm's products relative to competing products: Describe how customers' needs are expected to change in the future.Describe the relative importance of transactional (short, one-time) vs. relational (long-term, ongoing) exchange processes when customers make a purchase: Why do potential customers not purchase the firm's products? After answering these seven questions, then you can look at segmentation and positioning analysis (see p. 267 for positioning analysis and position ing maps). D. Competitive Analysis (pp. 121-12,; 295, 387) Identify the firm's major competitors (brand, product, generic) Identify the characteristics of the firm's major competitors: List any potential (future) competitors not identified in the preceding.IV. SWOT Analysis: The previous analyses should have uncovered the essential elements for a SWOT analysis. This is essentially a summary of the previous findings, and its format may shed further light on the current company situation (pp. 62 – 63; see Blackboard â€Å"Things to consider for a SWOT and PESTEL analysis; also review concepts from Comm 101). A. Strengths Strength 1: _________________________________________________________ How does this strength enable the firm to meet customers' needs? Does this strength make the firm different from (better than) its competitors? Repeat as needed to develop a complete list of strengths) B. Weaknesses Weakness 1: ________________________________________________________ How doe s this weakness prevent the firm from meeting customers' needs? Does this weakness make the firm different from (worse than) its competitors? (Repeat as needed to develop a complete list of weaknesses) C. Opportunities Opportunity 1: _______________________________________________________ How is this opportunity related to serving customers' needs? How can the firm capitalize on this opportunity in the short- and long-term? Repeat as needed to develop a complete list of opportunities) D. Threats Threat 1: ___________________________________________________________ How is this threat related to serving customers' needs? How can the firm prevent this threat from limiting its capabilities in the short- and long-term? (Repeat as needed to develop a complete list of threats) F. Matching, Converting, Minimizing, and Avoiding Strategies Describe ways that the firm does or can match its strengths to its opportunities to create capabilities in serving customers' needs.Does the firm convert i ts weaknesses into strengths or its threats into opportunities? If not, how can the firm minimize or avoid its weaknesses and threats? Does the firm possess any major liabilities (unconverted weaknesses that match unconverted threats) or limitations (unconverted weaknesses or threats that match opportunities)? If so, are these liabilities and limitations obvious to customers? Can the firm do anything about its liabilities or limitations, especially those that impact the firm's ability to serve customers' needs? V.Marketing Objectives and Strategies: from your analysis, what do you infer as the company’s marketing objectives? A. Marketing Goal A: __________________________________________________ Objective A1: ______________________________________________________ Be as specific as you’re able. Objective A2: ______________________________________________________ Be as specific as you’re able. B. Marketing Goal B: __________________________________________________ Objective B1: ______________________________________________________ Be as specific as you’re able.Objective B2: ______________________________________________________ Be as specific as you’re able. (Repeat as needed to develop a complete list of goals and objectives) VI. Marketing Strategies: based on your observations of the company activity, what are the marketing strategies being pursued? A. Primary Target Market and Marketing Mix (pp. 106-109) Primary target market: ________________________________________________ Review Chapter 7 This target's primary need: Identifying characteristics (demographics, geography, psychographics): Purchasing/shopping habits and preferences:Consumption/disposition characteristics: Product: _______________________________________________ Review Chapters 8 & 9 Major features and benefits: Sustainable competitive advantage: Differentiation / positioning strategy: Brand name and packaging: Customer service strategy: Complementary product s: Pricing: ________________________________________________ Review Chapter 10 Pricing objectives: Description of per unit costs: Discount/markdown policy: Distribution: ____________________________________________ Review Chapter 11 General supply chain strategy: Intermediaries and channels to be used:Elements of customer convenience: Promotion: _____________________________________________ Review Chapters 12 & 13 General IMC strategy: IMC objectives and budget: Elements of the advertising/publicity strategy: Elements of the personal selling strategy: Elements of trade sales promotion (push) strategy: Elements of consumer sales promotion (pull) strategy: Elements of the sponsorship strategy: B. Is there a Secondary Target Market? If so, repeat the above analysis VII. Marketing Implementation A. Structural Issues What organizational structure is being used to implement the marketing strategy:Describe any changes to the firm's structure needed to implement the marketing strategy (e. g . , add/delete positions, change lines of authority, change reporting relationships). B. Tactical Marketing Activities: what is the company doing specifically to implement the strategy that you have identified? |Specific Tactical Activities | | | |Product Activities | | | |1. |2. | |3. | | | |Pricing Activities | | | |1. | |2. | |3. | | | |Distribution Activities | | | |1. | |2. | |3. | | |IMC Activities | | | |1. | |2. | |3. | VIII. Evaluation and Control A. Formal Marketing Control Describe the types and levels of formal control mechanisms that should be used to ensure the implementation of the marketing plan. Summary and Conclusions Write approximately one to three paragraphs summarizing your analysis and providing a broad overview of the key actions recommended.
Fool Chapter 25
TWENTY-FIVE THE KING SHALL BE A FOOL Alas, your humble fool is the King of France. Actually, France, Britain, Normandy, Belgium, Brittany, and Spain. Perhaps more, I haven't seen Cordelia since breakfast. She can be a terror when left to her own devices, but she keeps the empire in working order and I adore her, of course. (As has always been the case.) Good Kent had his lands and title restored, and was also given the title Duke of Cornwall, and the attendant lands and properties. He's retained the black beard and glamour given him by the witches, and seems to have convinced himself that he is younger and more vibrant than the multitude of years he carries on his back. Albany retained his title and lands and signed an oath of fealty to Cordelia and me, and I trust he will be true to it. He's a decent, if dull chap, and without Goneril in his ear, his will be the way of virtue. We've given Curan the title of Duke of Buckingham, and he acts as regent of Britain when we are not on the islands. Edgar took his title as Earl of Gloucester and returned to his home where he buried his father in the walls of the castle temple built to his many gods. He's started his own family and will no doubt have many sons who will grow up to betray him or simply be dolts in the image of their father. Cordelia and I live in a number of palaces around the empire, traveling with an embarrassingly large entourage that includes Bubble and Squeak, as well as Shanker Mary and other loyal staff from the White Tower. I have a crashingly large throne, on which I hold court with Drool on one side (who has been given the title of Royal Minister of Wank), and my monkey, Jeff, on the other. We hear cases of the local farmers and merchants, and I pronounce judgments, damages, and sentences. For a while I allowed monkey Jeff to pronounce sentences while I was off having lunch with the queen, giving him a little plaque with various penalties to which he could point, but that had to stop when I returned one afternoon from a protracted Cordelia bonking to find that the cheeky little bloke had hanged the entire village of Beauvois for cheese violations. (Awkward, that, but the French understand. They are very serious about their cheese.) Most of the time justice can be satisfied with a bit of verbal humiliation, name-calling, and pointed sarcasm, at which, it turns out, I excel, so I am viewed as a fair and just king and much beloved by my people, even the fucking French. We are at our palace in Gascony now, near northern Spain. Lovely, but very dry. I was just saying to froggy Queen Jeff today (he and Queen Burgundy are visiting), â€Å"It's lovely, Jeff, but bloody dry. I'm English, I require dampness. I feel as if I'm drying out and becoming all crackly as we speak.†â€Å"It's true,†Cordelia said. â€Å"He's always gravitated toward the moist.†â€Å"Yes, well, darling, we shan't speak of that in front of Jeff, shall we? Oh, look! Drool has sprouted an erection. Let's ask him what he's thinking about. Had his way with a knotted oak on the way here. A right spectacular tree-shagging it was, too. Knocked down enough acorns to feed the village for a week. They wanted to have a special feast day in honor of the git – declare him god of the tree-shag – more fertility symbols there than you can shake a stick at, innit?†â€Å"C'est la vie,†[47] said Jeff, in perfectly incomprehensible fucking French. Later, as I was holding audiences with the public, there entered the great hall three ancient, bent figures. The witches of Great Birnam Wood. I suppose I'd always known they'd show up at some time or another. Drool ran and hid in the kitchen. Jeff jumped on my shoulder and screeched at them. (Jeff the monkey, not the queen.) â€Å"A year has passed for witches three, And we are here to collect our fee,†said Rosemary, the green, cattoed witch. â€Å"Oh, for fuck's sake, you're on with the rhyming again?†â€Å"A need was filled, a promise made, For service done we must be paid,†the witches chanted in unison. â€Å"Just stop the rhyming,†said I. â€Å"And those rags are entirely too heavy for this climate. You'll get a rash on your warts and carbuncles if you're not careful.†â€Å"You've been made a king and enchanted your true love to be yours forevermore, fool. We only want what is our due,†said Sage, the most warty of the three. â€Å"Rightly so, rightly so,†said I. â€Å"But Cordelia is not enchanted to love me. She is with me of her own free will.†â€Å"Balderdash,†said Parsley, the tall witch. â€Å"We gave you three puffballs for three sisters.†â€Å"Aye, but I used the third to enchant Edgar of Gloucester, so he would fall in love with a laundress at his castle named Emma. Lovely lass with smashing knockers. She'd been mistreated by the bastard brother – only seemed just.†â€Å"Still, the spell was used. We will have our payment,†said Rosemary. â€Å"Of course. I have more treasure than you crones could carry. Gold? Silver? Jewels? But Cordelia doesn't know of all of your manipulations, nor that the ghost was her mother, and she mustn't ever. If you agree, name your reward, I've important kingly things to accomplish and my monkey is hungry. Name your price, crones.†â€Å"Spain,†said the witches. â€Å"Fuckstockings,†said the puppet Jones.
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