Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Environmental Factors Essay Example for Free
Environmental Factors Essay There are many environmental factors that affect the global and domestic marketing strategies of organizations. What is necessary is an assessment of the company’s attempts at positioning its product to meet the needs of an undisclosed market. Environmental factors always affect the domestic and international marketing performance of companies in many environments. What environmental factors do is that they shape and set targets on the entry and operational decisions of Coca Cola Limited. Established in 1886, Coca Cola owns four of the world’s top five nonalcoholic beverages, operates in over two hundred countries and serves over one point five billion consumers locally and international. The environmental factors that Coca Cola has to battle with include the level of competition, cultural attributes, consumer characteristics, political and legal concerns. These factors have an impact on both the potential local and international marketing functions of the company. One factor affecting the marketing decisions of Coca Cola is competition among alcoholic beverages. These competitive factors include pricing, advertising, production innovation and brand and trademark development and protection. Of interest to us is the fact that one of Coca Cola’s major competitors is PepsiCo. The marketing decisions of the company have to be guided strategically because it impacts on the actual sales levels of the firm. Coca Cola continues to maintain a cutting edge in the industry because it continues to uphold its hallmarked values of refresh the world, inspiring moments of optimism and creating value through making a difference. Cultural also has a part to play in the marketing decisions of Coca Cola. Of later, governments across the world have been placing pressure on beverage companies to regulate alcohol content because they affect consumer’s thinking. While Coca Cola does not have to fight up with this cultural implication, it may have to attend to means of re-establishing consumer loyalty. For example, Marketing Coca-Cola in China has been a long and trying road. Firstly opening bottling plants in Shanghai and Tianjin in 1927 and then a third plant opened in Qingdao in 1930, Coca had a fight gaining a solid marketing lead. After a 30-year absence from the country, The Coca-Cola Company re-entered China in 1979, following the re-establishment of relations between China and the United States. Coca-Cola was the first American consumer product to return to China and is doing very well today. Another environmental factor affecting Coca Cola’s development of effective marketing tools and campaigns across the world is legal requirements for entry and set up. All multinational companies are forced to abide by laws requiring high tax entries although maximum profits are to be repatriated. It is Coca Cola’s policy to comply to consumer protection laws, occupational, health and safety acts, and local statues and regulations concerning advertising, transportation, distribution and food and safety laws. Additionally, Coca Cola’s principle challenge was is water resource management which in some countries is bound by legalities. In 2004, the company was forced to take a major step in reducing the potential impact of climatic damage via the use of coolers and vending machines. So that dealing with legal implications enabled Coca Cola to adapt a marketing strategy that considers its social responsibility. The end result of that was Coca Cola, partnering with the United Nations Environment Programme and Greenpeace International as a means of finding natural refrigerants. Explain how technology impacts the organizations marketing decisions. Coca Cola decisions have been affected by the impact of technology. In an interview done by a researcher, he commented that â€Å"as industry leaders it is Coca Cola’s responsibility to invest in the research and development necessary to develop economically viable and commercially available refrigeration solutions to take us toward an HFC-free, climate-friendly future. We hope that other companies will join our commitment to sustainable refrigeration. By working together, we can continue to reduce the impact of commercial equipment on the environment. †It is obvious that Inorder for Coca Cola to remain a leader in the beverage industry there was the need to re-examine its products and production processes; its packaging, design, equipment and quality assurance. Coca Cola attempts to strike a balance between the use of modern and traditional technologies depending on the marketing initiative and project location. Interestingly, with the launch of eKOfreshment, Coca Cola used more than ten different technological options to improve its environmental performance, regulatory compliance and overall price and operational costs. The end result of using technology as a point of reference for marketing is the winning of the United States Environmental Protection Agencys Climate Protection Award for their joint efforts in promoting the development of environmentally friendly commercial refrigeration technology through the creation of the refrigerants naturally coalition. So that as Coca Cola evolves with technology its marketing habits and values change to accommodate consumer characteristics and behaviours. Of great importance to Coca Cola is their social responsibility and ethical considerations of which its management has found to be a contributing factor to the development of a strong marketing campaign globally. In analyzing its importance, we must consider the company’s priority; its marketplace, workplace, environment and community. To us, this is a key side; Coca Cola has opted to have social responsibility as a sub heading to their website. In the marketplace, they take pride in quality, marketing more than 450 brands and over 2,800 beverage products, just still living up to giving our consumers a choice of still or sparking beverages that refresh, hydrate, energize or nourish. Our ethical value is that each of those products must be of the highest quality and must meet consumers changing tastes, needs and expectations. In each of the more than 200 countries where we operate, Coca Cola is an active member of the business community, working hand in hand with local individuals, merchants and governments to improve the health and prosperity of the local economy and environment. We know that the continued health and sustainable growth of our business depends on the long-term health of the communities that surround it. After all, we need healthy consumers, communities, environments and economies for our business to thrive. So we encourage human right laws in the workplace as our business ultimately depends on the combined talents, skills, knowledge, experience and passion make Coca Cola who it is. Wherever Coca Cola operates, it seeks to get involved in the work of communities, governmental organizations and NGOs to create and support projects most relevant to them. Marketing is a critical step in the success or failure of a company. For Coca Cola, an international company operating in years of integrity and business sense, today they have stood to repeat the rewards of their actions. Together with many other partners, this company continues to forge it way to be a continued leader in the beverage industry. Reference Blythe, Jim. (2004). Canada. Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Meiji Period Essay -- essays research papers fc
Meiji Period 1868-1912 Meiji Period, also known as Meiji restoration, was a turning point for Japan as it created equality amongst all Japanese people. The new Japanese government (after the failure of the Tokugawa government) successfully broke down the boundaries between the social classes, established human rights such as the religious freedom, and took all the land that belonged to the former feudal lords (daimyo) and returned it to the government. With an effort to expand to acquire Western skills in all fields of technology, legislation and science, Japan sought all aspects of western culture and education. While receiving the skills and knowledge, Japan also received its first European style constitution in 1889. In order to carry out the expansion effort to turn Japan into an Industrial country, exchanges of educators and students within the Western and Eastern countries frequently took place. Foreign experts entered Japan to teach the Western culture, while some Japanese students migrated to the West to learn what the West had to offer. In 1880, 140 Japanese lived in the United States. Within ten years time, the number of Japanese living in the United States increased to 2038. This alarming figure triggered the United States government, which led to the implementation of the Immigration Act in 1924, targeting directly to Japanese Immigrants in the United States. While seeking westernization of all parts of society and culture, Japanese brought back the â€Å"Western st...
Monday, January 13, 2020
Computer Virus Expository
Computer Virus â€Å"A true virus cannot spread to another computer without human assistance. †Computer virus has now become widespread. It’s almost everywhere in every computer. It is one of the major problems of the computer users. Viruses are like the disease of the computer. Letting the virus in it can cause harm or even destroy all files stored in the computer. Virus infection costs millions even billions of money if virus penetrates into major servers like government database system, bank and airport systems.Computer virus can destroy, control or even steal information without the knowledge of the user. There are three kinds of computer virus. First kind is the Trojan horse; it pretends to be a legitimate program. It attaches itself to a program then executes itself. Named after the Greek army’s tactic of hiding their soldiers in a giant wooden horse. This virus does not multiply but rather make the computer’s protection weaker and more susceptible to other threats. Second kind is the worm, is has a self replicating ability that spreads itself through computer network.It search for loopholes in the network copies itself and reaches another computer in the network. This kind of virus invades the kernel of the computer that makes it halt and become slow. It replicates in drastic number that make duplicates of files that cause confusion in the computer user. The third kind is the malware; it is a malicious program that steals information from the computer and the user. Steal personal information like bank accounts, credit card numbers and other information that can be used against you. This information is being used by hackers to generate money and make fraud.The program also downloads other files and viruses into the computer. There are also other kind, unusual kind of viruses that is less encountered by common computer users. These viruses may be found in corporations and companies for conspiracy. This is the rabbit/wabbit and the logic bombs. The rabbit also known as wabbit is a kind of virus that copies itself and sends twice through the ASP output stream. It copies itself in drastic number that makes the system clog, become slower and make the files more difficult to remove/delete.Cleaning of the infected system was became a long and complicated process. The other kind is the logic bomb, virus that acts like a time bomb. It is a piece of code intentionally inserted into a program or software system that will set-off malicious functions when certain conditions are met. The code is hidden in program and software written by hackers. Certain logic bombs sometimes execute at certain payloads or at pre-defined time like Friday of the 13th and April fool’s day (April 1st).Trojans that activates on certain dates are also called time-bombs. There are tips and trick that can be done to prevent the infection of the computer by viruses. First is to set-up your computer. Consider running a firewall on the co mputer. Also install an antivirus program. Regularly update the operating system and antivirus software, and delete all unnecessary files and programs. Second is on downloading files and email attachments. Be careful of opening files from untrusted sources. Always scan the file before opening.Also be aware that email attachments are also a source of computer viruses and last, be knowledgeable about viruses and the behavior of the computer. Computer virus is one of the major problems of the computer users. It can destroy, control or even steal information. Virus infection can be prevented by being aware of the viruses, about its behavior and the things that it can do. Always remember that a virus cannot spread by itself without human assistance. So be aware and be knowledgeable in all things that you don in computer. Think before you click.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Which Terror Is Greater Secular or Religious Essay
Which Terror Is Greater: Secular or Religious? Alexandra C. Zuà ±iga CJ290/ Terrorism Mr. Scott Thompson Kaplan College 12/20/2012 Abstract Secular terror is anything that does not have to do with religion; however, religious tactics can be used to get ahead in secular terrorist organizations. Religious terror is based on the protecting, converging, and maintaining beliefs of a religion upheld by a religious terrorist group. Although different tactics are carried out by each different group of terror, they have some core features in common, such as emotionally evocative symbols, rituals, and myths (Alcorta, Phillips, Sosis, 2012). With their differences and similarities, the question at hand is which terror is greater? Religious†¦show more content†¦The main goal of secular parties is assassination. Once realization of any goal set is achieved, the secular group is finished. Secular Terrorist Organizations The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam or LTTE is â€Å"secular and is eager to maintain its secular status,†(Schalk, 2003). The LTTE is the only terrorist group in the world that once had its own military. The FBI stated that the LTTE â€Å"is one of the most dangerous and deadly extremist outfits in the world and the world should be concerned about the outfit as they had inspired networks worldwide†in their report of January 10, 2008 (SATP, 2011). Their main objective was to create a separate homeland for the Tamils known as the Tamil Eelam in the Northern and Eastern provinces of Sri Lanka. One of the major aspects of the LTTE’s operations was its publicity, fund-raising and military gaining schemes. The largest publicity centers were located in the UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, and Australia. The most financial support they received came from six main areas: Switzerland, Australia, the UK, Canada, and the Scandinavian countries. At one time, the L TTE had come to gain control of nearly one-fourth of the territory of the island nation. However, they were demolished when their chief, Velupillai Prabhakaran, was killed on May 18, 2009.Show MoreRelatedDoes Religion Cause War? Essay1239 Words  | 5 Pagesits shares of promoting violence. Many will argue that a cause of religion wars is for economic and political reasons, but others argue that those who start wars are, by definition, not religious. In reality, separating religion out of economic and political motives can be involved in such a way finding religious motives innocent of much. Excuses for Christianity responsibilities cannot be accepted whether the person has misappropriated the message of Christ. The primarily set of doctrines is notRead MoreThe Issue Of Popular Support1508 Words  | 7 Pagesobjectives, or goals. In general, terrorists motivated by a religious component are often associated with ‘apocalyptic’ like goals. 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