Thursday, January 31, 2019
The Immature Love of Romeo and Juliet :: Literary Analysis, Shakespeare
Just as the Friar says in the inauguration of the Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet, Wisely and slowly, they stumble that run fast. (II.iii.94). this was a sign of foreshadowing for for the finis of the l everywheres, Romeo and Juliet. Even though fate was a factor that had contributed to a sad end, there was also personal choice involved, and ultimately, the story may hand over had a different ending if it werent for the flaws of the screwrs and their inability to have a grip on universe in dire circumstances. Over the hunt down of the play, the lovers from the conflicting households have not spring upd and remain kinda motionless in development. Furthermore, in this tragedy, the only son of the montages remains rather childlike, Juliet hitherto seems immature and their relationship over either seems more like a play act on lover rather then something mature and sustainable. Overall, from start to finish, Romeo and Juliet were living in the moment, being absurd and sill y rather then focusing on the future and trying to work problems erupt effectively.Although the lovers are both fairly impudent throughout the play, Romeo, the male lead, is even out more so. Through out the play of Romeo and Juliet, the Montague heir has ceased maturity over the course of the Shakespearean tragedy. First of all, it was Rosaline (II.iii.67). whom Romeo didst love so dear (II.iii.67). at the beginning of the play as he groaned . . . woes for Rosaline (II.ii.74-78) however, he easily barbaric out of lover with her and in love with the fair daughter of the full-bodied Capulet (II.iii.58) like he was changing his mind on a repast hed order. Also, he fell out of love with Rosaline because she did not doth grace for grace and love for love allow. (II.iii. 85-88) which basically meant that Romeo didnt love Rosaline because she didnt love him back, which is very childish in hindsight. Another fashion that Romeo is immature is that he doesnt have a sense of reality fore , hes always either extremely depressed, like when Rosaline wanted to remain chaised for life or extremely elated like when he met Juliet, while having no real middle ground for his emotions. These are all reasons why Romeo is immature hes always heads over heels in love for trivial reasons and he has no to little sense of reality.Although Romeo is immature, its unexcused since hes well onto being an adult by societys standards, however, Juliet is 14, so for her to be acting like a child is to be expected.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Comparing Women in House on Mango Street and Woman Hollering Creek Essa
cultural Identity of Women in syndicate on Mango Street and char Hollering Creek The novels The theatre of operations on Mango Street (Cisneros 1984) and muliebrity Hollering Creek (Cisneros 1992) relate the spic-and-span American through the eye of Cisneros. The women in both novels atomic number 18 caught in the middle of their pagan identicalness and their American identity, thus creating the New American. Cisneros go between Mexico and the United States a good deal while growing up, thus making her feel homeless and dis taked (Jones and Jorgenson 109). The admit on Mango Street characterizes a community of girls and women restrict in their movements within the barrio. The roles of these girls and women are translated through the eyeball of a child. When women in the barrio are confined, they can become a dupe of abuse due to masculine domination. Women are confined to interior spaces in addition to their domestic roles as daughters, wives, and mothers. They live inside the barrio, but commit to escape and live orthogonal the barrio. In addition, women can escape their restricted behaviorstyle by receiving an education. Esperanza, the child narrator is the only one who escapes this ethnic lifestyle (Mullen 6). In The House on Mango Street, the vignette My Name, Esperanza was nurtured after her great grandmother, desires a life outside her interior walls of the barrio. Esperanzas name means hope in English, while it means sadness and time lag in Spanish. Her great grandmother was wild as a progeny lady, but was tamed by her Mexican husband. Cisneros states, She looked out her window her hale life, the way so many women sit with sadness on an shove . . . I have transmitted her name, but I dont want to inherit her place by the window (11). Esperanza is proud of her namesake... 1991. 22 Oct. 2000 False&origSearch=true&u=CA&u+CLC&u=DLB>. Mullen, Harryette. A Silence Between Us Like a Language The Untranslatability of visual ize in Sandra Cisneross char Hollering Creek. Gale Literary Databases Summer, 1996. 22 Oct. 2000 tally?c=1& subsidiary=false&orig SearchTrue&u=CA&u+CLC&u=DLB>. Olivares, Julian. Sandra Cisneros The House on Mango Street and the Poetics of Space. Gale Literary Databases 1998. 14 Oct. 2000 <> Servlet/GLD/hits?c=6& substitute=false&origSearch=true& u=CA&=>. Sandra Cisneros. Contemporary Artists. Vol. 64. 1998. Wyatt, Jean. On non Being La Malinche Border Negotiations of sexual practice in Sandra Cisneross neer Marry A Mexican and charr Hollering Creek. Gale Literary Databases descent 1995. 22 Oct. 2000 . Comparing Women in House on Mango Street and Woman Hollering Creek EssaEthnic Identity of Women in House on Mango Street and Woman Hollering Creek The novels The House on Mango Street (Cisneros 1984) and Woman Hollering Creek (Cisneros 1992) relate the new American through the eyes of Cisneros. The women in both novels ar e caught in the middle of their ethnic identity and their American identity, thus creating the New American. Cisneros moved between Mexico and the United States often while growing up, thus making her feel homeless and displaced (Jones and Jorgenson 109). The House on Mango Street characterizes a community of girls and women restricted in their movements within the barrio. The roles of these girls and women are translated through the eyes of a child. When women in the barrio are confined, they can become a victim of abuse due to male domination. Women are confined to interior spaces in addition to their domestic roles as daughters, wives, and mothers. They live inside the barrio, but desire to escape and live outside the barrio. In addition, women can escape their restricted lifestyle by receiving an education. Esperanza, the child narrator is the only one who escapes this ethnic lifestyle (Mullen 6). In The House on Mango Street, the vignette My Name, Esperanza was named after her great grandmother, desires a life outside her interior walls of the barrio. Esperanzas name means hope in English, while it means sadness and waiting in Spanish. Her great grandmother was wild as a young lady, but was tamed by her Mexican husband. Cisneros states, She looked out her window her whole life, the way so many women sit with sadness on an elbow . . . I have inherited her name, but I dont want to inherit her place by the window (11). Esperanza is proud of her namesake... 1991. 22 Oct. 2000 False&origSearch=true&u=CA&u+CLC&u=DLB>. Mullen, Harryette. A Silence Between Us Like a Language The Untranslatability of Experience in Sandra Cisneross Woman Hollering Creek. Gale Literary Databases Summer, 1996. 22 Oct. 2000 SearchTrue&u=CA&u+CLC&u=DLB>. Olivares, Julian. Sandra Cisneros The House on Mango Street and the Poetics of Space. Gale Literary Databases 1998. 14 Oct. 2000 <> Servlet/GLD/hits?c=6&seconda ry=false&origSearch=true& u=CA&=>. Sandra Cisneros. Contemporary Artists. Vol. 64. 1998. Wyatt, Jean. On Not Being La Malinche Border Negotiations of Gender in Sandra Cisneross Never Marry A Mexican and Woman Hollering Creek. Gale Literary Databases Fall 1995. 22 Oct. 2000 .
Report on Two Software Programs with Business Application
Recommendation Report In this report, you atomic number 18 going to find twain softw ar computer course of studys with business applications and compare them fit to four well-defined criteria. You go away then recommend one program over another on the basis of your relation. Your report get out be written to me assume Im your boss, we work together in a small company, and Ive asked you to find the best program for our purposes. The selection of programs is up to you, but you must choose two programs that do near the same thing. Dont choose a tax program and a spreadsheet, for example.You then need to think of the criteria you are going to drug ab purpose to make the proportion. Your choice of criteria is very important. This forms the basis for your comparison if you dont choose concrete, specific, and relevant criteria that allow you to make a detailed comparison of the two programs, your comparison is not going to be informative or meaningful. Also, one of the criteria you choose must be the cost of the program. This will, obviously, be a very simple point of comparison. Your recommendation report will get hold of three members The Introduction will give a short gateway to the two programs youve elect to discuss tell us the name of the software, who manufactures it, and so on You are also going to inform me as to the criteria you choose to use to make the comparison, and why you choose those criteria. The Findings department will compare the two programs according to cost and the three other criteria youve chosen. The format you choose for this section is up to you, but the comparison should be easy to process visually. This will be the longest section of your report. The Recommendation In this section you will describe why one of the programs you have discussed in the Findings section is punter than the other one. You need to make clear reference to what youve discovered in the Findings section in order to fully justify your recommenda tion. Unsatisfactory demand Work Satisfactory Exemplary Mark Introduction Introduction transfer, or one component absent or completely inadequate. Outline of programs in addition general. Introduction of four criteria lacks specifics, no justification. -Clear and laconic outline of two programs-Clear, short introduction of four criteria. Clear, concise and detailed outline of two programs-Clear, concise and detailed introduction of four criteria. /10 Findings -Many details absent or vague. -Criteria make meaningful comparison impossible. -Document is a mess. -Details are clearly absent or vague. -Criteria are flawed in some way which renders the comparison somewhat ineffective. -Organization detracts from ease of visual processing, replicate form mistakes. Programs compared with a just amount of detail. Criteria relatively well-chosen. Organization does not interfere with visual processing, parallel form used. Programs compared fully according to cost and three other criteria. -Criteria are well-chosen and work to fully illuminate the two programs. -Organization allows for ease of visual processing, parallel form used. /25 Recommenda-tion Reasons not clear or detailed, section too short. Gives general, somewhat vague reasons why one program was chosen and the other was not. Gives clear and detailed reasons why one program was chosen and the other was not. Gives specific, clear and detailed reasons why one program was chosen and the other was not. /10 Grammar and Style Errors, major and minor, pervasive. Subheadings not used. Two or three major errors. More than five minor errors. Subheadings used. - iodine or two major errors. Three to five minor errors. Subheadings used. No major errors. One or two minor errors. Subheadings used. /15
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Methods to Cope with Life in Extreme Climates Essay
People use varying methods to do with life in extreme climates. An extreme climate is an area with an abnormal stick out pattern which increases the difficulty to survive. An example of where people soak up equal to survive is in Australia. Australian settlers have spent countless decades nicety complex methods of withstanding the astringent conditions of the outback.People in central Australia use a wide variety of methods and approaches to struggle against the sweltering hop up. One example of this is the twist of houses cut from shear rock. This is a brilliant method of coping with the weather as it keeps your house the same temperature through the mean solar day and night. This is because in the day it is sheltered and cool and at night the rock radiates any heat it has absorbed through the course of the day, eradicating any need for central estrus or air conditioning. This saves any costs or pollution from the earth made systems. An example of this is shown in a hotel known as Prairie Hotel. They had an address built onto the hotel underground with no additional heating or electrical bills as it sustains itself in that sense. other way that people in Australia have adapted to living in extreme climates is by wearing longer, nevertheless thinner clothing. This is not what most members of the general British public would dribble as we tend to wear short habilitate so as to keep cool. However the risk of sunburn is so great it is not worth it. Many of the explorers who first tried to map Australia died of sun barb because of that fact. However, the native Aborigines do not nee to wear long clothes as their skin has learned to cope with the heat on its own.Another way that Australians lead a different lifestyle from us in order to cope with the extreme weather and scale of the deserts is to spawn their own electricity privately. This is so as to save the costs of put millions of pounds of cable and paying the bills. Additionally as Australia is near free from confuse cover in the outback, what other technology would you use but solar power. It may be expensive, but not when focused in coincidence to the costs to the cable company and the electrical firm. Moreover, it can also help the environment by lessening the number of people draining our burn reserves to seduce power.In conclusion, I think that the original rumor is true as shown by the evidence above. The most major of these being the fact that they generate much more of their own power. I mean that it would be fantastic if more MEDCs adopted this, however in ones such(prenominal) as Britain and the Republic of Ireland the overall climate is far to cloudy to be able to generate solar power. However many other of their ideas and ways of life are easily transferable to other cultures which could help make the world a more sustainable and better place to live.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Esol Paper Difference Between Prejuduce and Discrimination
ESOL publisher Difference between Prejudice and Discrimination Prejudice has to do with the ossified and irrational attitudes and opinions held by members of one group most a nonher, while variation refers to behaviors directed against a nonher group. Being prejudices usually means having preconceived beliefs or so groups of people or cultural practices. Prejudices can either be supreme or negative-both puzzle outs argon usually preconceived and difficult to alter. The negative form of prejudice can lead to discrimination, although it is possible to be prejudiced and not act upon the attitudes (Vogel, 2012).An example of prejudice would be, if someone is walking in a secluded area at night, and a group of senior citizens who are walking with canes in hand, come from the other side, the person will not feel threatened. Nevertheless instead of senior citizen, three teenagers dressed in jeans and t-shirt with lots of metal chains around their neck are approaching from the other side, the person might feel endangered a bit, even without any kind of aggression from their end. Whereas an example of discrimination is when a person is treated unfavorably because of his or her race, skin color, national origin, gender, disability, religion, or age .If someone choose to date a pretty granddad instead of an ugly woman essay writer australia, they have discriminated on the basis of appearance essay writer help. Likewise, if I choose to enlist a pretty woman instead of an ugly woman, Ive again discriminated on the basis of appearance. Three propositions of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Ladson-billings developed a conception called culturally relevant pedagogy which is defined as splendiferous teaching for students of color that includes academic success, developing/maintaining cultural competence, and developing a critical consciousness to challenge the status quo (Woolfolk, 2010).The three propositions that go on with culturally relevant pedagogy will help guide teachers to bend gender bias in the classroom. Also the theory provides a fashion model to overcome negative attitudes and prejudicial treatments of minority and students for whom English is a aid language by explaining how to conduct the students for all around success by producing culturally compatible classrooms.And I will do this by educating the students about all the different minorities and embracing all the cultural differences within the classroom. References Discrimination. In (2011). LoveToKnow, Corp. Retrieved from http//www. yourdictionary. com/discrimination Vogel, N. (2012). Prejudice and discrimination in the workplace. Retrieved from http//www. ehow. com/about_6680026_prejudice-discrimination-workplace. html Woolfolk, A. (2010). Educational psychology. (Custom ed. ). Boston, MA Pearson.
Type of particles with dimensions
Nanoparticles include any(prenominal) type of atoms with dimensions of less than 500 nanometres. Nanoparticles play a major croak in a assortment of Fieldss including advanced stuffs, pharmaceuticals, and environsal sensing and monitoring, as stated by ( J.B. Donnet et Al 1998 ) . Nanoparticles classified as one of deuce types, engineered or nonengineered. Engineered nanoparticles atomic number 18 deliberately designed to run into the demands of specific intents, much(prenominal) as chemical or biological. They nominate be end merchandises of a mathematical operation eg.pharmaceuticals, or ultrafine atoms have traditionally been used by the aerosol search and occupational and environmental health communities to depict airborne atoms. Nonengineered nanoparticles argon accidentally generated or of course produced, such as intense from firing wood fuel or gasoline from vehicle emanations in the ambiance.Exposure of histrions in divers(prenominal) environments to assorted s hams nanoparticle engineering exists is legion. Nanoparticle engineering ar applied in assorted industries, such as chemical diligence catalysts, adhesives, car industry fuel additives, abrasion immune pigment, Health attention, pharmaceuticals, biocompatible stuffs, and construct industry merchandises bettering wear-resistance. Occupational moving-picture show bound ( OEL ) is an of import instrument for change magnitude of movie to occupational jeopardies and bar of occupational diseases as stated by, M.I. Mikheev ( 1995 ) Toxicology garner Vol. 77 ( 3 ) , pp 183-187. The intent of ( OEL ) is to move as a worry in protection of the wellness of man-to-mans in their several functional environment from exposure to duckings good everywhere their allowable exposure bounds.The chief paths of occupational exposure to nanoparticles include inspiration, transdermic desorption and function ( BORM, 2005 ) .Harmonizing to ( HOET, 2004 ) the most common and investigate d frame of occupational exposure to nanoparticles is inspiration. A possible put on the line arises when a individual within the working environment illustration, chemical industry performs every solar day procedure where conditions as possible jeopardies exist. The hazards of nanoparticles are present and enter the human organic social organization through one of the assorted paths of exposure and at that place are interactions of the stuffs with the organic structure s biological dodges.There rear end be unpromising wellness hazards following exposure to the peculiar warmheartedness. Acute and continuing exposure of the substance associated with the magnitude and dose of the exposure, good above the limen value and continuity of the stuff in the organic structure. The built-in toxicity of the stuff, and the exposure or wellness position of the individual chip ined on with age, sex, will father the type of wellness consequence impacting the worker. Hardman R ( 2006 ) A toxicologic re judgment of quantum signals VOL 2, pp165-172.According to ( Duffin et al. 2007 ) which do mention to the fact that harmonizing to the substance of engineered nanoparticles features will change in footings of toxicity in the biological system of the organic structure and that there are uncertainnesss because the features of nanoparticles whitethorn be different from those of larger atoms with the same chemical composing.Inhalation is the most common pattern of exposure taking to respiratory diseases in footings of lung infection due to sediment of particulate affair within the respiratory piece of land over a period of clip due to dosage from point of starting time. ( Daigle et al. 2003 ) has made mention to the fact that ultrafine nanoparticles are deposited in the liner of the lungs which is the epithelial cells, to a greater extent than larger atoms of the same substance. The sum deposited in to the lungs increases with wad a breathing rate due to strenuou s activities and alteration from pinched pit to talk external respiration. This tends to worsen individuals with bing lung conditions illustration occupational asthma and chronic effects female genitals be linked to mesothelioma or lung cancerous neoplastic disease, silicosis.Based on surveies, distinct nanoparticles may pick out in the blood stream from the lungs and disperse to other renewal meats ( Takenaka et al.2001 ) . These indissoluble or low solubility atoms deposited in the pneumonic system are eliminated from the respiratory system by transporting them elsewhere in the organic structure. The motion of these ultrafine atoms in the blood stream could impact endothelial map and promote thrombosis in the arterias and other blood system jobs, including increased blood curdling ( Nemmar et al. 2002 ) , which leads to cardiovascular upsets. Expelled atoms from the lungs into the blood watercourse have effects on cardiovascular physiology, with changes of cardiac beat and art erial diam. Several epidemiological surveies ( Wichmann et al. , 2000 ) which made mention to ultrafine atoms can go through through the extrapulmonary variety meats via the blood stream. Some atoms can be transported along the centripetal axons to the cardinal nervous systems which affect the brainiac doing neurological effects. The possible for neural consumption and translocation of inhaled particulates and pathogens to the encephalon was looked by ( Oberdorster et al. 2005 ) . wasting disease may too attach to inspiration exposure because atoms that are absolved from the respiratory piece of land via the mucociliary escalator may be swallowed, ( Chen, Z et Al. 2007 ) . Nanoparticles can be straight ingested from water, nutrient, pharmaceutical drugs. Consumption can happen from unintentional manus to talk transportation of stuffs, this has been found to go on with realised stuffs, and it can be assumed that it besides could go on during managing nanomaterials. Harmonizin g to inquiry done by ( Behrens et al.2002 ) afterward consumption ultrafine atoms can be transferred across the enteric wall easy than larger atoms of the same substance.Surveies suggest that nanoparticles could come in the organic structure through the tegument during occupational exposure or through cosmetics. ( Tinkle et al. 2003 ) illustrated that atom smaller than 1 m in diameter may penetrate into stamp tegument of the organic structure, and far stated that it perforate the stratum corenum barrier by slothful diffusion and localize within the cuticular and cuticular beds within 24 hours. ( Lademann et al. 1999 ) stated that atoms making the corium can be transported to the lymphatic system by macrophages and dendritic cells. This leads to the release of inflammatory cytokines, oxidative emphasis, and reduced viability ( Monteiro-Riviere et al. 2005 ) . struggle annoyance has been noted for a few atom types, illustration for celluloid mineral fibers. This consequence is greater for larger fibers than smaller fibers.Within the working environment there are hazards, with mention to nanoparticles such as a chemical province as indissoluble atoms or fibers nanoparticles and ultrafine atoms, Diesel fumes, and man-made mineral fibers. Harmonizing to Hannah, W. ( 2008 ) Nanotechnology, hazard and the environment Journal of Environmental Monitoring VOL.10 pp291-300. enquiry workers agree that ultrafine atoms pose the strongest emerging hazard with respects to occupational exposure. probability appraisal is an indispensable measure to find what command degree mustinessiness(prenominal) be implemented to restrict emanations in the air or body of water and prevent a toxic substance from impacting certain mark variety meats in workers. The control measures must be relative to the hazard ( Roberge et al. 2004 ) .Measures must implemented to guarantee that associated hazards are minimal to workers who might be exposed to nanoparticles through inspiration, t ransdermic desorption and consumption. There must be applications of hazard appraisal methods from bing informations to the peculiar working environment which is under reappraisal for appraisal.From the appraisal 1 must determine a description of the nanomaterial whether it is engineered or nonengineered, its chemical composing, H2O solubility, aspect ratio, surface alterations and its intended use as stated by ( Aitken RJ et Al. 2006 ) . There must besides be hazard designation in which information is collected around the nanomaterial and its effects on the volume of emanations on the environment, and scattering to environing countries thereby doing wellness effects to individuals at the immediate point of release and besides long range scattering. Helland, A. ( 2008 ) Reviewing the environmental and Human wellness cognition base of C nanotubes Vol.115 pp 1125-1131The jeopardies which are identified must be categorised, an epidemiological survey in footings of who will be affected that is the workers in the environment, consumers, and other individuals in the general populace. ( Schulte et al. 2008 ) . Invitromethods which refer to local effects on the oculus and tegument, skin pervasion and genotoxicity, invitro proving refers to illustration, possible effects in the respiratory system, curiously the lungs. Inflammation, cytotoxicity or genotoxicity, which contri providede to lung toxicity in vivo ( such as fibrosis or tumour formation ) are examined. ( Hess et al.2005 ) .Another riskiness exists when there is exposure which occurs when a individual within the working environment comes into chair contact with a nanomaterial during a normal procedure or when a nanomaterial is released into the air, H2O, dirt, deposit, nutrient, or a merchandise. Exposure may be followed by veridical entry into the organic structure via in dash inspiration or consumption or transdermic soaking up though other open tissue, such as the oculus. The temperament of the nanoma terial based merchandise may take to assorted paths of exposure. ( Nasterlack, M. et al 2008 ) .Potential hazards must be evaluated and quantified due to the nature and frequence of the jeopardy that is intake emanation concentration and maximal employment concentration in footings of a high or low dosage. The hazard degree must be adjusted harmonizing to the badness or uncertainnesss of the document hazard. Harmonizing to ( Singh, al 2007 ) several(prenominal)times due to a low frequence of the jeopardy or exposure informations a full quantitative and qualitative appraisal of hazards, can be done, this may be done by comparing the trial stuff to a stuff with well-characterized toxicity judged to be much terrible as a benchmark. After the information would be assessed for divergences in stuff and applications.Risk direction involves cut downing hazard of nanomaterial procedures or merchandises to worlds and the environment. A hazard direction appraisal would supply the se quence to monitor activities, procedures, and dispose of or recycle the merchandise. It besides minimises any possible inauspicious impacts towards individuals and the environment. The degree of protection must be determined and command stairs should be proportionate with the hazard. Decisions should be based on bing criterions of wellness and safety, and the potency of the chosen control method in cut downing exposure to below the maximal degree determined acceptable in the hazard rating harmonizing to ( Paik, S.Y. ( 2008 ) Application of a Pilot Control Banding mechanism for Risk LevelAssessment and Control of Nanoparticle Exposures Vol 52 pp419-428.Health jeopardies identified above illustrates the demand to tactual sensation into thorough hazard appraisals and fix protocols which include steps for minimising staff exposure. much(prenominal) steps include administrative controls and direction determinations for nanoparticles and other risky chemicals must be included in the appraisal.Engineering control techniques such as insulating the generation beginning from the worker and local fumes airing systems must be intelligent for restricting airborne nanoparticles. The usage of good work patterns helps in understating worker exposures to nanomaterials, such as forestalling the ingestion of nutrient or drinks in workplaces where nanomaterials are handled. The instruction and preparation of workers in protocols of good work patterns reduces incidents although hazards are present at different procedures. The development of processs and rating of types of exposure to find the choice and type of PPE for employees.Although nanoparticles are present in many workplaces, from beginnings such as procedures, burning, vehicle emanations, when a hazard appraisal is undertaken trying methods may be given to take readings at points other than atom beginning doing it hard to differentiate between incidental and caused emanations.Harmonizing to ( Silkoff et al. 2005 ) pe rsons with asthma and long term wellness effects have early noticeable symptoms can non wholly be attributed to nanoparticles, illustration, and familial cistrons. From the research of ( Takenaka et al.2001 ) at that place needs to be small research saying if the ultrafine nanoparticles which transrelocate to variety meats organic structure from the lungs are more prevailing to engineered or non engineered and if the ultrafine are more toxic than the larger versions of the give tongue to substance which causes amendss to cell construction.Although from the research done by ( Tinkle et al. 2003 ) , which gave a value of atom smaller than 1 m in diameter may penetrate the cuticular beds of the tegument it does non print information as to the concentration of toxicity towards the several beds of the tegument to do annoyance and besides research on the cuticular exposure of nanomaterials is ongoing.( Wichmann et al. 2000 ) in their research made credit rating of ultrafine atoms alter ing location from organ to organ via the blood watercourse but did non uncover any informations about the continuance of these within the organic structure peculiarly the liver and kidneys, since these organ remove toxins from the blood watercourse, or after digestion as most nanoparticles are expelled from the system via faces. Little is known about possible inauspicious effects from the consumption of nanomaterials. Another country which warrants research is the transportation of nanoparticles across the placenta, the exposure which is critical to fetal development.Within some states Government face an inevitable undertaking in maintaining up to day of the month with the hazards which nanomaterial airs to the population and the environment due to inefficiency of information.There are betterments in nanoparticles development which offer a broad scope of chances particularly in footings of medical research for sensing, diagnosing and intervention of diseases. Research has besides be gun in utilizing nanoparticles in term of environmental decontamination.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Workplace Honesty: Learning and Unlearning
honesty is a virtue that is of major importance especially in business, yet very much neglected in the context of directlys rat race. Employees play a bombastic role in uplifting the goal of veracity in their workplaces, a culture that is heretofore radiated to the clients or end-users of the attach tos offerings. But what if the employees ar having problems with their own attitudes toward heapdor? What merchant ship a follow do to help maintain a culture of trust and trust worthiness among the employees, the management, and the customers as a all in all? Who wins when a phoner wins over the battle for an estimable corporate culture?This was the problem of Gerald Sy. Managing a training institution, Sy discovered that his instructors were cheating him on their timekeeping, cost him big sums for a long time because he was paying the instructors in full despite rampant tardiness. Sy moved against the problem and devised a answer of accounting the instructors timekeeping til now if it meant supernumerary work for him and additional time needed on his timeframe to process the salaries.As if that was non enough, he likewise ruled an 11-tardiness per month standard wherein whoever becomes to meet the regulation shall be dismissed. This showed that it was not the money that the company can save from deductions which was serious. On the contrary, it was the standards of the company, and how the employees uphold it, and how the last-place service is perceived by the customers. Sy expects that the measure leave behind work, and is ready to gauge if it really did.Dis silver dollar in Many FormsThere be many an early(a)(prenominal) forms of deceit in the workplace. Most be as petty as stealing a paper clip from ones officemate (no one saw anyway) or breaking experience the coffee machine and not admitting it (it could be furrowed before I used it, I would not really know). It was favourable to be dishonest in the workplace because people oft en look their own businesses while at the peak of work. No one forget ever bother to watch after an officemate reservation coffee to turn around if he leave break the machine at some chance.St horizontal Gaffney, the source behind Honesty Works, states that it is not only lies and dishonesty that cost companies most of its re locales. He insists that the mere f be that many employees cannot honestly kick the bucket with each other has wasted time, money and effort of employees and businesses. (Newswise, 2005) When a worker avoids a confrontation about an operational flaw with a workfellow to avoid conflict, the flaw go forthing stay unresolved and may even result in bigger loopholes.Small lies alike often lead to bigger dishonesties that are harder to get away with. Personnel who steal equipment from their companies, or money, or even work hours are nothing new in many workplaces. They are so common, yet they still do not fail to surprise. Some get away, yet some are ca ught to pay the big price of cheating. The problem with honesty, or the lack thereof, is that it becomes vicious. The more a individual commits a work of dishonesty and gets away with it, the harder it is to be honest. The bottom business concern is how to end the vicious cycle.Can Honesty be Taught?From a young age, virtually every child is taught basic set that are essential for living. unmatchable of these take to bes is honesty. It is easier for children to understand its treasure, and when they learn it they often grow with it. Michael Daigneault agrees. However, he states that factors modify the workplace, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as workplace pressure and competition, allow require a soul to have bedrock values to maintain righteousness. Otherwise, he go forth be tempted to sway away from childhood-learned ethics. (HR Magazine, 1999)Rigterink and Louzecky (n.d.) also concludes that virtue can be taught but do not agree that it should be taught as other academi c subjects are taught. Moderation, they said is an strategic key. Teaching honesty, the authors propose, should convert the subjects into thinkers, analyzing the preoccupancy of the value and its advantages before really absorbing it. They assert that doing so will instill the value into the subjects more than when it is taught outright.End of the GameIf honesty like other values can not be taught in its simplest sense, how then can companies assist honesty? First, we should consider how a virtue is instilled. Fact is, ethics is not automatically learned. You can tell a hardened criminal to tilt his ways and there are chances that he will, but given a chance to strike a crime again there is in spades a slim chance for him to decline the opportunity.Thus, virtues are imbibed through practice. As aforementioned, the more a person practices the act of honesty the stronger it stays inside his values and the harder it is to break. On the same way, the more a person cheats the harder for that person to be honest and break from the bondage of lies.The management is the best venue for a company to start promoting honesty. A company needs to be led by honest board of directors, managers, supervisors, team leaders, however the heads are called. If the top of the pyramid is governed by upright people, it is easier for the leaders to impose rules on moralistic values to the base of the pyramid. Honesty in this level may be showed by transparent management of funds, upfront and realistic relations with the subordinates, and open communication lines.A thickening of a company who is married and is caught by his employees cheating on his wife will definitely drive down the morale of his people. His employees will be tempted to resolve in idle chew up about him and his affair and forget about work altogether since the boss is not acting very boss-like anyway. Given that that is in a individualised level, consider a scenario were the act of a bosss dishonesty is on a pr ofessional scale.For instance, a manager was audited and the auditors discover that he was paying ten people in the payroll whereas there are genuinely only five people in his department who is actually reporting for work. The event will definitely pull down the faith and team spirit of the five people in his team. Moreover, the manager himself will lose the drive to work for shame and guilt. Ultimately, it is not the manager or the employees who are the only ones who will suffer. The company as a self-colored loses considerable work time and revenue, just because of a single act of dishonesty from just one person. It is therefore safe to conclude that honesty is an individual decision that has collective effects.It is also important that the company press out subscription to a value. If the management discovers major flaws on dishonesty, the management can ingest to make honesty a core value in the company. They will then need to desex honesty in the context of their workplac e, and define it as specific as possible. Does it mean creatively communicating issues and problems? Does it include choosing not to engage in secrets that may hurt co-employees? How does it affect clauses on confidentiality?When the management has defined the core value to subscribe to, it is important that they broadcast this decision to every person in the company. A general lying as well as departmental meetings will be a great help. In doing so, an open forum should be encouraged so that questions can be immediately answered and reactions can be resolved.For continuity, it is equally important that people are trained aboutnot taught onmoral values. From the moment that a person is oriented on the vision, mission, and goals of the company, to the time that he is undergoing annual trainings within the organization, the value system of the company should be stress and internalized by them. First, it is a good way to make them feel that they function to the organization. Seco ndly, it will help them find a basis for actions and decision making processes. Learning good values at work will also make them worthwhile people even if they are out of the workplace, which is important especially because employees represent their companies.The orientation is another good venue for value formation. Each newly hired employee should be made familiar with issues in the company and how the management is resolving them. Values should be highlighted. Thorough treatment on how the management is working against it shall be made and stress that honesty is a very important virtue for anyone wishing to join the company. This will imply the value of such virtue in the company without macrocosm popish.Annually, it will help if value system is integrated in annual improvement seminars for employees usually done after evaluation periods. The training should talk of the ethical standards that the company subscribes to, and how each employee is expected to follow through. Laps es shall also be discussed along with solutions that can be done to prevent the occurrence of such ethical issues from arising again.It is still easier said than done. However a company makes efforts on promoting honesty, it is still virtually impossible to create a cheat-free workplace. Even if a company is good, employees will have their own attitudes to live withemployees will incessantly undergo circumstances where they will be pressed on benignant into an act of dishonesty. It is therefore important for a company to follow through and have an open eye to see to it that their core value is existence followed and respected for its benefit and for the welfare of its employees and customers.Mission Accomplished?It is hard to be honest in the corporate environment. Oftentimes the ones who are honest are the ones who are left behind, or even smeared with nasty labels and judgments. However, it is important for companies to promote the value of honesty because it greatly affects th e company, employees, as well as the customers.If a company succeeds in achieving an honest workplace, the employees can enjoy a harmonious working relationship with each other. This will make them more productive and in force(p) for the company. The company, in return, will maximize its potentials and prevent loss of revenue. It may even gain more. An honest workplace also reflects honesty with its customers. As such, customers will feel comfortable in transacting with the company and can become long clients.The company should anticipate failure in promoting honesty, though, and should be prepared in making follow-up actions. When failure occurs, an evaluation should be done identifying the powerless points of the plan. This will enable determination of follow-up plans and corrective actions to try. Research and case is essential, as well as patience and determination by the company and the proponents of the core value being promoted.ConclusionHonesty is a choice. If the compan y chooses to be honest, and it can convince its employees to choose to be honest, there is more chance for such culture to exist and benefit the people surrounding the business. While it can be taught, it is still up to every person in the company to use such knowledge. It is therefore important to make them think and form the value of honesty to them, to their work, and to their clients. After all, it is the best policy.BibliographyHR Magazine. 1999. Teaching business character. Retrieved February 15, 2007Newswise. 2005. Honesty in the workplace sorely lacking. Retrieved February 14, 2007 from http//, R. Louzecky, D. n.d. Can virtue be taught? If so, should it be thought? Retrieved February 13, 2007
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Accomplishments of Ancient Rome
In the 3,000 years that make up the ancient history of the government issue of Western Civilization, Romes contributions to society accommodate the construction of connect, edible beans, and temples. The Romans had neat architecture skills that have stayed with us in one form or a nonher for thousands of years. Each construction has evolved into many different forms that are found all over the human being today. Each country or nicety uses the items differently, but without the help from the Romans and Greeks transportation may have been harder to accomplish and buildings would not have the beauty they have today. Short bridges are not hard to build.They preserve easily be made by throwing a log across a narrow stream or river. Its building a bridge across a wide river that domiciliate be difficult. Building a straight bridge across a wide gap can be unsafe and unsecure. The Romans invented a bridge in the form of an arch. This caused the bridge to be check equipped to han dle heavy weight without having to put many supports in the water itself. Like all inventions, the first few arch bridges had flaws but they were worked out and now many bridges across the world have an arch like structure to them. The arch structure can also be found in historical buildings because of its beauty and uniqueness.The Romans were very(prenominal) proud of their accomplishment and they used it whenever they could. The Ancient Romans were the first to construct the dome. The Pantheon was an consequential building built in Ancient Greece that contained a dome. It is very evident from the exterior of the building. The dome of the Pantheon is one of the largest masonry domes every built. A heavy cover base supports the weight, while the upper walls and dome are constructed of a lightness mix of concrete. The center of the dome has an opening which allows light and rain to enter.Many buildings and houses justifiedly here in New York have a roof with a dome shape to it. It is really popular in old priggish homes. The Ancient Romans were not the first to construct temples but they contributed their own ideas to the structure. several(prenominal) temples, such as the Temple of Saturn, have been rebuilt many times. Eight noggin columns still remain on the Temple of Saturn today. Romans often didnt include the fluting from the column shafts. Roman temples had columns and many pieces of artwork hung throughout the buildings exhibit Roman life just like the temples of Greece.Every building design starts turned very basic and excels into or sothing great and powerful. Each architectural design was created for some reason or another. If for some reason the Romans didnt create the arch, dome or temples it doesnt mean that it would never been created. They were just the first ones who essential or desired them first. Im sure someone someplace would have had the idea of creating such beautiful pieces of architect. But as it stands today, we give thanks the Romans and Greeks for our earliest forms of advanced architecture.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Festivals are the best way to learn about your faith Essay
Festivals be the best focus to delay rough your trustfulness. Do you agree? Give rea intelligences to support your answer and show that you generate thought slightly different points of view. Refer to Judaism in you answer. (15 marks)According to Jews, apiece individual has a muscular duty to uphold their covenant with god. In fact, this is possibly the most important thing a Jew does during his/her life meter get by and honour Gods commands and wishes. It is essential that all Jews, adults and children, perceive what this means.Festivals ar used to rejoice but they also have a strong message that testament serve up Jews to follow the Torah and to love God. They help Jews to gip astir(predicate) their reliance.E.g. Passover teaches the Jews astir(predicate) their history and just nearly Gods cogency to change history.Shabbat remembers the Sabbath day when God rested from creating the world. And so, Jews moldiness rest alike on this day and do no work whatsoever . Jews think over upon God as the creator of all things.Simchat Torah commemorates the acceptance of the Torah and Gods hash out on how His chosen people should liveRosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur both call upon Jews to reflect upon their actions to God and towards each other. They argon times of forgiving.Another way that festivals atomic number 18 very important is because of the children of Jews. They are the Jewish future and without them, the combine would die. Jews entrust on the traditions and symbolism to pass down through generations. Festivals are peculiarly effective in teaching children because not only are they more often than not fun, they present to children a time to see distant relatives, a time to relax, a time to forgive each other and to be happy.Festivals are a exceptionally good way for children to learn about their faith but in that location are many ways a Jew drop learn about his faith and although festivals may be the most fun, there are other essenti al things a Jew must learn about to learn about his/her faith.Some Jews may argue that before they are even of an age to learn, they must be initiated into their faith by a row of festivals such as Brit Milah (circumcision), Simchat Habat (The naming ceremony for girls), obstruction Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah. These festivals mark huge event the admission into Judaism and the office for nurseing the covenant and the commandments for themselves. Children learn about all this through gigantic research and reading of the Torah and the Hebrew language.Another way of learning about the religion is the reading of the Torah. Both the learning of the Written Torah and the Oral Torah is fundamental. Preferably, they will learn it in its original language, Hebrew, but nowadays, children will often learn the English version or in the language of whatever dry land they live. Synagogues provide study classes for communities of children and adults.The Written Torah contains the six hundred and thirteen mitzvoth that Jews must strive to keep for all of their life. The Oral torah provides a interpretation of these rules and how to keep them.Many Jews will also look to the local Rabbi to learn about their faith. He will advise them on any problems they have and volitionally explain anything a Jew is confused about. They are they as guidance and help for Jews and are a very good way of enlightenment about Judaism.I am inclined to agree with the statement, because the event becomes a give out more interesting and fun as it is a break from the norm and it can be easy to remember certain events by having elementary symbols to remind you. For example in Passover a Seder meal is eaten which contains several symbols to limn the event, which occurred 3,300 years ago. The Zroah is a roasted bone of lamb to mean flick the door posts with lambs blood so the holy man of Death passed over that house and spared the first-born son and the matzah symbolises the Israelites leaving in a hurry, before their bread has risen.These symbols in the festival enable Jews to understand and remember the story by relating the food theyre eating. So, when they see the Zroah they will think, Oh, yes, I remember that lambs blood was painting over door posts so the Angel did not kill the first-born son of that house This is because they can relate it to the Zroah being a roasted bone of lamb, so it jogs their memory. This is a good way to teach jr. children about the story as they relate develop to symbols and interesting stories than about lectures and rules that they MUST obey.I find that I can learn something much easier if I enjoy what I am learning and festivals are a really fun way of learning about ones faith.However I can understand the point of view of those Jews who trust that the Written and Oral Torah are essential for the awareness of Judaism. I do believe that it is very important that Jews learn about the commandments and how they should be kept, because it i s that which keeps the faith alive.I think, to sum it up, that festivals are a very good way to learn about ones faith, because children can relate to them better and children are, of course, the future of Judaism, but I think if a Jew has learnt about their faith through all of these aspects then you cannot ask for a more devoted(p) and steadfast person.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Spanish vs. Ottomans
When imperiums expand, they all have a plan in mind on how and why they want to expand. It preserve differ from religious, wealth, or power reasons. It can also be with areas border them or land far away. Simultaneously, pudding stones can use similar war machine techniques, ways of memory people in order, or ways of keeping up the economy. During the time of 1450 to 1800, the Spanish Empire and the Ottoman Empire responded to their empire building similarly in the idea that spreading their religion was their outset focus, while there were differences in their social and economic values be power their regions take them to be that way.The Spanish and the Portuguese in the first place originate from the Iberian Peninsula where Christianity was popular. In an attempt to expand, the Spanish sought after America. They look at it as a land they could conquest and convert over to Christianity. The Ottoman Empire, who was originally Turkish rising in the areas of Anatolia and the Ba lkans, was founded under the religion of Islam. The sole social occasion was to take Islam further. However, when they expanded it wasnt like a monarch any longer but the sultans just handed power over to warriors.That way they could drop off time adding more people to the empire instead of just infantile fixation the government. The Spanish, on the other hand, were more hands on. They created institutions, taxed the natives, and had forced labor deviation on. Their focus was geared toward making their empire stable enough that they could curtail more natives, not having to worry about the government. The main difference was that the Spanish were more hands on while the Ottomans disquiet shifted to status. Around the late Eighteenth speed of light early Nineteenth century is when hierarchy became a major issue for Spanish while the Ottomans degenerate into place.For some(prenominal), the ruling class, the Europeans for Spanish and the sultans for the Ottomans, was at the to p of the hierarchy. Beneath there is where some(prenominal) empires differ. The Ottomans had merchants and artisans beneath the sultans which was very uncommon. However, they gave much of the contribution of the arts for the Ottomans. They are the cause of shops creation opened and public works being done that wouldnt have been complete otherwise. On the other hand, the Spanish was more cerebrate on your race and gender while still giving fibre to your job.Whites were at the top having the dominant roles, mixed races such as ladino and mulatto in the middle, and black people at the bottom. Their structure was made so that Europeans would constantly rule and that slaves could only do their job work. That way no matter how many people were added on theyd have the psychiatric hospital that the empire can build off of. Lastly, the Spanish and Ottomans focus on building the economy had two different focuses. While the Spanish were concerned with gold, gold, and sugar, the Ottomans were focused on expansion.When landing on Peru, the Spanish quickly created capital mine. That led to labor work of people of lower class. This way the Spanish has a wide rule of people that can continue to provoke the mining industry as long as they continue to transport in slaves. Granted that that system worked, the Spanish could now export silver in counterchange for goods. Its in Brazil where they got the sugar to exchange for slaves that continued to make their population increase. On the contrary, the Ottomans wanted warriors in charge. d induce the stairs their control war and taking of nearby territory became focus.Janissaries, a base of an Ottoman army, got an increase in weapons which soon led them to dominating a lot of territory. Equally, both the Spanish and Ottomans went after an area they thought would be beneficial in growing. Ultimately, the Spanish and Ottomans had similar foundations while still being different. Both grew tremendously in their own way unde r their own religion. However, the empires ended because they were too focused on one area of the empire but not another. The Ottomans was with war and the Spanish with money. The important part was that both left a legacy behind.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
The Crucible Character Analysis
In the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the indite uses characters from the seventeenth century witch-hunts to show the corruption behind McCarthyism. The play was published in 1953, a while when McCarthyism was actively affecting and contributing to society. The intensity is modify with pretended accusations during 1692, in order to relate to the time point in time it was released. In the play, the character Abigail Williams is in grapple with bathroom reminder, a marry man, who she had an closeness with. Abigail tries to win bathroom over by using witchcraft.When she is caught by her uncle, Rever dismiss Parris she is afraid of world punished, so she blames their slave, Tituba. This accusation sparks a time of apprehension and accusation of witches in Salem. When the witch-hunt begins, Abigail realizes that she can use her lies to gain king in Salem. She thinks she can use this power to brace rid of outhouse watchs wife, Elizabeth, and that when Elizabeth is g wizard whoremaster volition love her. Abigail is control by fear and begrudge, and her corrupt decisions lead to the d testifyfall of Salem society.Abigail Williams is a seventeen-year-old orphan, who lives with her uncle, Rev. Parris. Abigail was open fire from her job as a servant by delicacy invigilate because she had an affair with John Proctor. She believes that her affair with John Proctor is professedly love and that the only thing standing between them is his wife. Abigail states in numeral 1, I have something better than hope, I think (Miller 22) because she believes that John has do a promise to her by breaking of chastity for her, that he loves her.Her envy of Elizabeth leads to her qualification very bad decisions. These decisions cause Abigail to be afraid of being convicted of witchcraft, so she accuses others, making them scapegoats for her wrong-doings. When Abigail and the other girls go dancing in the wood Abigail tries to drinking a charm to kill Joh n Proctors wife. When they are caught dancing she forces all the girls to lie about what happened. She puts the blame on Tituba. They await to make accusations against people in Salem.I truism discreetness Sibber with the disturb I saw Alice Barrow with the Devil I saw slightness Hawkins with the Devil (48) People are respite because of the girls false claims. Abigail hence tries to get Elizabeth hanged for witchcraft but Elizabeth is allowed to live because she is pregnant. By the end of the play, Abigail tries to aviate with John but his refusal to leave with her finally makes her realize that he will never love her. After this, she only has fear left as a motivator.She flees with Mercy Lewis on a boat with all of Rev. Parris money. John is hanged because he refuses to give up his name. The legend has it that Abigail turned up afterwards as a prostitute. (146) Although most of her actions caused pain for others, it did eventually lead to her own downfall. Elizabeth Pro ctor married again, four years after Proctors death. (126) It is wry that the person Abigail set out to hurt the most was one of the some people who went on to live a better life.Since Abigail is make by envy and fear, her decision to fuel the witch-hunt creates tragedy by the end of the play. Everything she does causes Johns death as well as the hanging of eternal others, the innocent people of Salem. This play really captures the effects of false accusations and theocracy when given(p) power. The witch-hunts, like McCarthyism caused suffering for many without any proof or reason. Abigail proves an manikin of the consequences when power is given to things that cannot be proven, unsupported theories.The Crucible division AnalysisIn the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the author uses characters from the 17th century witch-hunts to show the corruption behind McCarthyism. The play was published in 1953, a time when McCarthyism was actively affecting and contributing to socie ty. The book is filled with false accusations during 1692, in order to relate to the time period it was released. In the play, the character Abigail Williams is in love with John Proctor, a married man, who she had an affair with. Abigail tries to win John over by using witchcraft.When she is caught by her uncle, exalted Parris she is afraid of being punished, so she blames their slave, Tituba. This accusation sparks a time of fear and accusation of witches in Salem. When the witch-hunt begins, Abigail realizes that she can use her lies to gain power in Salem. She thinks she can use this power to get rid of John Proctors wife, Elizabeth, and that when Elizabeth is gone John will love her. Abigail is driven by fear and envy, and her corrupt decisions lead to the downfall of Salem society.Abigail Williams is a seventeen-year-old orphan, who lives with her uncle, Rev. Parris. Abigail was fired from her job as a servant by Goody Proctor because she had an affair with John Proctor. She believes that her affair with John Proctor is true love and that the only thing standing between them is his wife. Abigail states in Act 1, I have something better than hope, I think (Miller 22) because she believes that John has made a promise to her by breaking of chastity for her, that he loves her.Her envy of Elizabeth leads to her making very bad decisions. These decisions cause Abigail to be afraid of being convicted of witchcraft, so she accuses others, making them scapegoats for her wrong-doings. When Abigail and the other girls go dancing in the woods Abigail tries to drink a charm to kill John Proctors wife. When they are caught dancing she forces all the girls to lie about what happened. She puts the blame on Tituba. They continue to make accusations against people in Salem.I saw Goody Sibber with the Devil I saw Alice Barrow with the Devil I saw Goody Hawkins with the Devil (48) People are hanging because of the girls false claims. Abigail then tries to get Elizabeth hanged for witchcraft but Elizabeth is allowed to live because she is pregnant. By the end of the play, Abigail tries to flee with John but his refusal to leave with her finally makes her realize that he will never love her. After this, she only has fear left as a motivator.She flees with Mercy Lewis on a boat with all of Rev. Parris money. John is hanged because he refuses to give up his name. The legend has it that Abigail turned up later as a prostitute. (146) Although most of her actions caused pain for others, it did eventually lead to her own downfall. Elizabeth Proctor married again, four years after Proctors death. (126) It is ironic that the person Abigail set out to hurt the most was one of the few people who went on to live a better life.Since Abigail is motivated by envy and fear, her decision to fuel the witch-hunt creates tragedy by the end of the play. Everything she does causes Johns death as well as the hanging of countless others, the innocent people of Salem. Thi s play really captures the effects of false accusations and theocracy when given power. The witch-hunts, like McCarthyism caused suffering for many without any proof or reason. Abigail proves an example of the consequences when power is given to things that cannot be proven, unsupported theories.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Are video games educational Essay
television system games argon something that many a(prenominal) people on the whole around the world play. But be idiot box games educational? The answer is yes, impression games develop many of our skills, give us the untieation we need and as engineering is growth the number of educational and social aspects of games atomic number 18 increasing greatly. While video games are typically cast move out as a waste of age and scarce recreational activities, when it comes down to it, video games are actually one of the surpass and most successful musical modes to encourage teenagers to learn. The reason simply is that it is a fun vogue to learn.In video games, there are constantly problems and puzzles that need firmness of purpose in order to move onto the next gunpoint of the game. These problems makes us think with an open mind and atomic number 50 sometimes incur a long time to overcome these challenges, but aspects in games much(prenominal) as these, which are fou nd nearly in every video game, help our encephalons work faster. Although many games are created with the specific purpose of beingness educational, many video games which seem to be pure fun wealthy person hidden educational purposes and help our problem solving skills, reflexes and persistence.Some games are set in a historical era, such games broadens our knowledge of biography and can pique our interest of historical matters. Even simple games such as Tetris help us gain skills in problem solving and quick thinking. Teenagers who play video games devour been found to have better, much developed memory and performing these games makes the brain work hard and in turn helps the teenagers hone their skills. It makes the player think hard to solve problems and think at things with diametrical views and perspectives in order to get the answer.It works the brain in many different ways and generally a gamer is proficient at overcoming challenges and problems thanks to playing g ames such as these. The idea whitethorn seem a slight oddity, but it subconsciously is helping youthful adolescents use their brain much efficiently and help them view their spiritedness with an open mind. Playing games can besides drastically help with hand-eye coordination developing greater mental focus and help offspring adolescents multitask with more ease.It has also been stated by some, that video games promote and glorify violence. I cogitate that this statement is fundamentally incorrect and that it lacks the necessary evidence needed to conjure up that this theory is true. Researchers that have observed teenagers reactions to violent video games such as, august Theft Auto to test if the theory that such games can inductance aggressiveness or depression. The results of these tests have found that a majority of the reactions from the young adults differ greatly from that which was the expected one.Playing video games shockingly had a slight settling effect on a vas t standard of the teenagers and helped reduce any negative or aggressive behaviour that they may have had before playing. As people, we have freedom of rights and should have the office to play whichever games we like. Video games are not promoting violence outside of the game. It provides an make do from reality and focuses solely on entertaining the teenagers of our times. Playing video games are good for young adolescents in multiple ways. When a teenager is stressed, playing games is an legal way to help them relax and escape from realities.Everyone has the right to relax and have fun once in a while do they not? Todays genesis have many different ways to have fun and enjoy themselves, and it is only fair that they should have the choice to spend their leisure time how they please. It is a good way to spend leisure time and it provides plenty of entertainment for people of all ages. While playing video games has in the past been condoned, with technology developing as fas t as it currently is, the educational benefits in the games are sky rocketing.In time will this change our perspective on video games? A high percentage of todays generation play video games and spend a considerable amount of time on the internet, is this going to shape and change the future of our society? Video games are often seen as an unsociable act but in fact many games of today are actually multiplayer or more commonly give you the opportunity to play with other people on arguing. The developing of technology and how far it has come in recent years is astonishing.The features in games which allow you to communicate with other through gaming consoles are effective in making friends or allies in a game. On different gaming consoles there are now plenty of options you can use to communicate or play with friends such as Xbox Live, PS Vita Party and many others. These are brilliant, because it does not cut the player off from the outside world and successfully makes gaming more enjoyable. The bottom line is, playing video games are a positive and educational way to spend leisure time.While there are some games, make entirely to entertain, from every game played, you learn something new. Video games are stimulating for the brain, a great way to relax and good for social interaction. Is it not better to learn while doing something that you love, compared to being stuck learning with outdated techniques and soporiferous classes? Todays generation is changing and technology has already come an enormous part of society, should we not begin to include more technology into our education system seeing as it both impacts and benefits the younger generation so greatly?
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Essay
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) refers to teaching that mass be used to distinguish or trace an individuals identity, either alone or when combined with opposite personal or identifying schooling that is linked or linkable to a specific individual. 1 PII heap include but is not limited to a full name, an address, a home, office or mobile telephone numbers, an email address, a cordial certification number or other form of national ID number, an network Protocol address or a fingerprint or other biometric data . Non-PII can become PII whenever additional information is made accessible that when combined with existing information, could be used to identify an individual.Most people dont give a second thought to the information they ar asked to provide when apply ecommerce sites or creating accounts on various sites such(prenominal) as Facebook and Twitter. What is the data you entered being used for? What happens to this information once you suffer entered it and completed your transaction with a business? How is this information stored and for how long? How is my information protected from theft? Will my information be sold to 3rd parties? What are my rights should my personal data be lost or compromised? These are questions everyone should ask because your information in the wrong hands can be used to steal your money, steal your identity or both.According to the privateness Rights Clearinghouse, from April 2005 to April 2012 there were 3,062 data breaches nationwide affecting more than 546,000,000 PII records . Businesses mystify an ethical and legal obligation to protect your PII. Not only will a breach and subsequent loss of data cost businesses money, it will withal affect their reputations. When collecting and storing PII businesses must(prenominal) set policies on how the data is received, accessed, stored, genetical and released to third parties. Protecting PII involves a combination of only collecting and storing data that is needed to complete the task or transaction at hand, using encryption to store and transmit data, data-loss prevention and policy training and respect .Unfortunately there are not many standardized laws immaterial of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)2 exist that address the collection, depot and use of PII. There are even different standards among states when it comes to the notification of security breaches involving personal information. Forty-six states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands each have different legislation dealing with notification of the theft of PII.Businesses have to vouch they are aware of the various Federal and State laws dealing with PII. They must enact corporate policies and train their employees in the collection, handling, processing, storage and transmission of PII. Individuals must be vigilant and read the privacy policies of companies they do business with online so they are aware of what can and will be make with their personal information.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
The Meteor as a Symbol in the Scarlet Letter
The Meteor that Dimmesdale sees in Chapter 12 of Nathaniel Hawthornes The cherry-red Letter is an important symbol. As the minister watches the night sky, together with Hester and Pearl, a meteor appears that traces out an A. While most of the people ideate that the A stands for Angel and is showing that Governor Winthrop is gone and it marks his the unveiling to heaven, which go forth be proofed later on, but Dimmesdale, on the some other hand, interprets it differently.Him hiding his sins and cover his heart with his hand, the A reminds him of Hesters chromatic Letter. He regains, it is a sign for him to wear the mark of shame too, so as Hester does. Seeing that God is trying to show his sins to the public, what he does non want, even through he is dying of that. The minister only will find peace by telling and confessing his sin and accepting it finally, to what he is not able to do until the end of the book.This symbol shows us that on that point is more than one way to interpret things, like the Puritan way, who think of messages from God, typical warnings and bad things that will happen to them affecting their community. Dimmesdale only thinks approximately himself and the issue he has, he only interprets the meteor his way and no other, the symbol helped pushing him forward to finally built up the courage, he so badly needs to confess in front of the townspeople.
Monday, January 14, 2019
How does Shakespeare introduce themes in these acts both verbally and visually?
6th January in Shakespe atomic number 18s day, this was a day of posedy where people swapped roles and dressed up for the day before going back to normal life. The tend name can be related to this Twelfth darkness. The turning is developed as you go in many ship canal and information is given to add to previous or past moments. The play starts as a shipwreck and twins are torn a divulge for each other by the brutal sea. The womanly of the twins is rescued and is left on her own non shrewd if her chum be dead or alive she is left to presume care of herself.In this essay I will be rivet on who I think are the chief(prenominal) characters and in what ways they contri excepte to the understructures in the first 2 acts both(prenominal) visu wholey and verbally. The hearing will be able to pin point easily where and what the irritability means plainly there are more jokes which need to plan intimately deeply to pee them. Love that is a theme and that is what is macrocos m developed first to give the interview a better perceptiveness of events to come. Orsino who is deeply enthused by Olivia the Fair, cruel maid will do what ever it takes to get his sexual love. Orsino is a pertrachan as well is Olivia he will spare nil to get what he wants.Orsino likes his music If music be the food of love play on, give me excess of it. But he gets bored of the atmosphere as fast as he ordered it. Orsino is also enticed when he hears that Olivia refuses to entertain his messenger he just now gets more passionate about getting her. Orsino sees himself as the perfect lover but really just fancies himself creation in love. The theme provided develops because genus Viola needs a job and the only way she can get one is by disguising herself as a man. Her new name being Cesario. The audience dwell Viola is in costume but Orsino doesnt.This is now where the play is further developed because no one can get what they want all the characters have different obstacl es to overcome. Viola then realises she likes Orsino Ill do my best to cost your lady. Aside Yet, a barful strife Whoeer I woo, myself would be his wife. Meaning she wants to be his wife this is love in mask. I am not what I am. Viola says this and this is true she no longer is Viola she is Cesario. Which we would expect because twelfth Night is about dressing up and deceiving others. Disguise is a massive part of the theme in 12th Night, why? Because everybody is hiding behind a mask or costume.Olivia grieve her brother always behind a veil, Viola trying to fit in and Feste the jester who alas is perspicacious and considerably aware of the hinge uponuation is always changing his attitude and his costume. The audience know by now the danger that is brewing from the disguises and know both personalities of one person. Feste the fool who is no fool at all is amenable for a lot of verbal wit and more. The proof of this is that he exposes Olivia for mourning her brother. I thi nk his mortal is in hell, Madonna. Olivia-I know his soul is in heaven, fool, The more fool you Madonna to mourn for your brothers soul being in heaven. Feste has tricked her exposing in the process. The he uncovers the disguise of Viola saying Jove in his next commodity of hair send thee a beard. The songs that Feste sing come from the heart and this helps to reveal his character he speaks the truth in the wrangling that he sings. He also fools with Sir toby jug and Andrew. There is falseness in other characters like Sir Toby and Sir Andrew. These two characters are not what they see for behind closed doors they are like children in an adult world. Sir Toby when in company is a gentlemen a person of dignity and motive but his behaviour does not show this.He likes to insobriety a lot and is far from quiet. He likes to sing and dance not sit and be formal he likes to be different. To hear by the nose, it is odorous in contagion. But we make welkin dance indeed? Shall we squi rt the night owl in a catch that we will channelise three souls out of one weaver? Shall we do that? (Drink until the sky spins round). This is not what a formal intellectual would do. Malvolio woken up in the night by their drunkenness announces My masters are ye mad or what are you Malvolio is not pleased him being a man of normality.Sir Andrew withal is one for drink but without a brain likes to have fun and be too as loud as Toby. All of this is visual appearance and Shakespeare wants you to broadsheet this. Malvolio is also one for deception but he is only deceiving himself. Malvolio is a steward and nothing more and has ideas way above his station as Toby points out. The plot to fool him is well deserved for his arrogance, but we delay to see where it ends. Olivia clearly states, he is Sick of self love and cannot relax in any situation. The next theme developed is that if bewilderment or foolishness.This theme is not particularly big in the early stages of the play but f rom what is communicateing you can tell it will be a main theme later to come. People in the play are not what they seem nor what they truly are, and then an element is developing chaos. We the reader or audience knows who is who at the moment but the actors do not for utilization no body knows that Cesario is actually viola in disguise although Feste has his suspicions but that is the whole point the element of surprise the day of trading places 12th night that is what is meant by the name.The audience also know that her twin brother Sebastian is still alive and has not perished and even more surprising he is in the land as her. You can guess what might happen there. The potential to confuse between these two people is massive, as they timbre so similar. This is a big visual aid as we time lag for their paths to cross. Shakespeares whole point in the play is to provide visual or verbal jokes whether they are slapstick comedy for less intellectual or complicated situations that look like trouble.The whole Shakespeare motive is not funny, queer nor fun. It is drama and sadness. Shakespeare is setting a drama through comedy the play is set around trust, who can you trust. No one in the play every person has there own little secret. Disguise is punic as viola points out, Disguise through art a shadow wherein the pregnant enemy does much. Therefore comedy is not what it seems it itself is a disguise for a much darker side to life a much bleaker and unthinkable side nothing we could have thought of.
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Evidence Based Practice Essay
Examine the ways that wellness master copys cig artte utilise the five go of tell apart-establish execute (EBP) as a pragmatic framework to overcoming barriers to locating, appraising and applying trump out look exhibit. Use an occupational wellness and rubber do as an example. Examples of occupational wellness and arctic physical exercises involve Use of professional cautionary equipment (e.g. gloves) Safety reflections when using equipment (e.g. sharps) (or a topic you select yourself in talks with your LIC)Health professionals be very hot at seeking instruction from their clients and their families and dealwise from the settings in which they work yet merely they have not been as awake(predicate) of the information that they lavatory bring from look into. Although they pauperization information from many sources, endorse ground course session shows how research can likewise play a role in informing clinical decisions, (Hoffmann ,2 010). Health professionals utilize the five steps of evidence- base confide (EBP) as a structure to overcoming barriers and applying best research. Examples of this include use of professional protective equipment and safety considerations when using equipment.Liamputtong (2010) states that evidence establish get along is a process that requires the practitioner to settle empirical evidence near the posture or efficacy of different manipulation options and so construe the relevance of the evidence to a particular clients situation (pp. 252). Sackett (1996, pp.71) states that conscientious, evident and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions closely the wish of idiosyncratics affected roles. The perform of evidence based medicine office integrating individual clinical expertise with the best accessible external evidence from systematic research, and the more than thoughtful identification and compassionate use of individual patients predicaments, rights and preferences. The purpose of evidence-based practice is to facilitate in clinical decision-making. To make sensible clinical decisions, we unavoidableness to integrate rafts of pieces of information, (Hoffmann ,2010). EBP reduces inconsistency in practice and increases expertness and soundness, and therefor has been accepted by the giving medication and farm animaling bodies as essential to best health allot. (Liamputtong, 2010).Evidence based practice has 5 steps. The first step is to shift your information collects into an receptionable clinical question. The process of EBP begins with the recognition that as a health professional, have clinical information need, these types of clinical information needs can be answered with assistance of research evidence. later substituteing your information into clinical questions, you then need to find the best evidence to answer your clinical question, and then upon finding the evidence, you result need to critical ly appraise it. This authority you need to examine the evidence nigh to determine whether its worthy of being apply to inform your clinical practice. There are 3 main aspects of the evidence that need to be appraised Internal validity refers to whether the evidence is trustworthy, impact health professionals need to determine the impact of the evidence and applicability this means to evaluate whether you can apply the results of the involve to your client. The fourth step is to integrate the evidence with clinical expertise, the clients values and circumstances, and information from the practice context. The final step consists of evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency with which steps 1-4 were carried out and think about ways to improve your commitance of them beside time. (Hoffmann ,2010, pp.4)Evidence based practice is all-important(a) because it aims to rear the roughly effective care that is available, with the aim of improving client outcomes. It is as well a s important because when an individual seeks health care from a health professional, you would expect that they would provide you with most effective care and the most accurate health care information. It is in any case important because it reduces inconsistency in practice and increases efficiency and effectiveness. (Liamputtong ,2010, pp.253). Evidence based practice promotes an attitude of inquiry in health professionals and gets people thinking about things like Why am I doing this in this way? , Is there evidence that can guide me to do this more effective way?. The most important role-played is that in ensuring that health resources are used wisely and that relevant evidence is considered when decisions are make about funding health services. Evidence-based practice provides a critical strategy to undertake that care is up to date and that it reflects the in vogue(p) research evidence.In summary, it is important because it results in better patient outcomes, it contribu tes to the science of nursing, it increases assertion in decision-making and policies and procedures are current and include the latest research. (Suzanne ,2006 pp. 8) Some safety considerations, ginmill and control measures include hand hygiene the health professionals checking that all their patients hands and fingernails are clean. Health professionals must always perform hand hygiene rules before and by and by(prenominal) each contact with client/patient or any contact with environmental surfaces near the client/patient. other consideration is all personal protective equipment is to be removed/discarded before go forth the room of a patient who is surmise of having a contagion. Health professionals know these health/safety measures are effective because of instruct and previous research. (Hoffman, 2010) They can firstly convert them into questions for example what equipment will best block myself from coming into contact with any infection?, from there research is don e. Health professionals then apply this knowledge in the work and see whether its an effective mode or not.The barriers that prevent nurses from using research include omit of value for research in practice, difficulty in changing practice, lack of administration shop at, lack of internal mentors, insufficient time to conduct research, lack of education about the research process, complexness of research reports and difficulty accessing research reports and articles. Another barrier is also the insufficient fund supply. (Suzanne , 2006 pp. 10)A facilitating factor is that the organisation should support staff to practice evidence based practice by allocating time for individuals to result it. Newhouse (2007). Limitations consist of low response rate, health professionals passionate either positively or negatively more likely to move and also the self reporting to value knowledge, skills and attitudes may resulted in inflated or underestimated scores. Systematic reviews may b e of variable kinds, but all are based on rigorous protocols (Liamputtong, 2010)In finish health professionals seek information from patients/clients but they also turn a cunning eye to the information that they can gain form research unintentionally. They do this by using the 5-step mechanism of evidence-based practice to belabor barriers and to find the most valid and bona fide information. Examples of this consist of use of professional protective equipment and safety considerations such as disposing sharps after use.Reference listLiamputtong (2010). Research methods in health (2nd ed.) Australia Oxford UniversityHoffmann (2010). Evidence based practice. Australia Sunalie silva Suzanne (2006) Evidence based practice in nursing. Australia Mary JoNewhouse (2007) Evidence based practice. Monash University Gulzar MalikVernel, E. (2011, declination 9). Developing evidence based practice among students. Retrieved from http// tice-among-students/5038920.article
Media Systems in China and the Us
The world is filled with approximately diverse media systems. These media systems be built on galore(postnominal) another(prenominal) elements from cultural characteristics to media con 10t. china, for instance has actually transp arnt tidings reporting guidelines and decrees that reign the media content. In the get together realms media regulations affect what media we ar exposed to and the intelligence operation reporting that is present. These dickens media systems have some similarities but they protest greatly from each other in the way and extent that their media is regulated and by the way their tidingsworthinessworthiness is reported and by who reports the tidings.The United States has a real vivacious media system with many choices for consumers. The US is somewhat 9. 7 unrivalled million million squ be kilometers with 278 million tribe. The most(prenominal)(prenominal) common languages communicate atomic number 18 English and Spanish. Out of the 278 million good deal, 97% atomic number 18 literate. The country is run by a democratic g all all e actuallywherenment and the death chair is Barack Obama. One of the most important break of the US is the information system. It is one of the most quickly growing sectors of the economy and it has 144,000 businesses dedicate to media. Because of this, media is extremely important in worka twenty-four hour period life.Two important persuasions of the United States media system that denounce it from other round media systems argon regulation and word of honor reporting. To begin with, regulation in the US is based on democracy. every(prenominal) citizens bonk the protection of language on a lower floor the front amendment which alike protects freedom of the cupboard or the right of the people pacifically to assemble, and to petition the Government for a compensate of grievances. just now thither is still some regulation. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) restricts spread send, amateur piano tuner station, and repeater stations, fairish to name a few.These users and stations moldiness obtain and renew an annual license. Also, tidings stations must operate low licenses for their reporters to report on stories. Overall, the FCC controls six separate atomic number 18as broadband, competition, the spectrum (radio), the media, in the ha positionual eye(predicate) safety and homeland security. Its important scoreice is to promote safety by communicating and publicity. regularization in the US in like manner soundly affects give-and-take showpapers and print media. much or less newspapers, like broadcast stations, are part of chains that are own by corporations. Currently, ten disaccordent companies own over half of the newspapers in circulation in the US today.Gannett, Knight Rider and Tribune Co. are dependable a few of those corporations. Since newspapers are have by powerful companies, there is unplayful concern that they exit gain to a fault much power and influence, but there are no restrictions in indue against this. Unlike under the FCC, newspaper journalists scarcely have to be licensed when cover charge campaigns, the White House, legislatures and sporting items. These journalists are issued authentication as needed. Even though licenses arent necessary, journalists face many laws such as those concerning libel and defamation.This prohibits them from publishing false statements just about people. Also, these journalists face privacy laws. Privacy laws differ amongst two different people First, AN ALL purpose public recruit (Jennifer Aniston), IS someone who chooses to be forced into the public eye, THEY have less protection. Limited purpose public figures (politicians) can choose whether or not to be in the public eye and have slightly more protection. The journalist reporting on these people can be punished if they gainsay the privacy of that person.AS FOR CENSORSHI P, luckily, the government is not formally allowed to censor newspapers, magazines, broadcast stations or any other media in the US and there is no censoring substance. word of honor reporting in the US is also very diverse. It has a very strong affect on the governments policies. MOST PEOPLE CONSIDER THE discussion REPORTING TO BE A suss out ON THE GOVERNMENTS motive AND A CORRUPTION MONITOR. For example, at the most crucial point during the Vietnam War, the resignation of Nixon could be directly correlated to the pressure by the media and the news (Gale). in like manner IT WAS THE INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING OF THE majuscule POST THAT DISCOVERED AND REPORTED THE WATERGATE soil THAT LED TO THE RESIGNATION OF PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON. (FIND A SOURCE) Currently, there are many news sources, such as newspapers and tv set. newspapers subscribe to many varieties of news agencies depending on topic. The Wall passage Journal subscribes to business wires (agencies focusing on busines s). Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Reuters and Associated Press (AP) are other advantageously hold upn news wires. The Associated Press is the oldest news agency in the world.It is a nonprofit organization agency which is funded by member subscriptions from over 121 countries. AP transmits data to over one one thousand thousand people per day (Gale). In supplement to newspapers, there are many television news stations. The first news stations were the Detroit News, Kansas City Star, and KDKA. But in 1980, CNN, a liberal news station, was born, and grew into one of the starring(p) news companies in the US. CNN was the first 24 hour news network. Today, Piers Morgan and Anderson Cooper are well known names affiliated with CNN. Today a rival button-down station, Fox News, competes with CNN.Fox has famous correspondents such as Sean Hannity and Mike Huckabee. In growth to these large news stations there is the BBC, land Now and MSNBC and many local news stations that broadcast in over 100 other countries every day. In addition to news stations, there are comedic political shows such as the unremarkable Show with Jon Stewart and the OReilly Factor with elevation OReilly. chinaware has a very different culture and media system than the US. The pots Republic of chinaware (PRC) is a large country with about 1. 2 billion people. The most common languages spoken are Chinese and Mandarin. Out of the 1. 2 billion people, 92. % are literate. china has been governed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since 1949 and is shortly under Hu Jintao. The communist rule affects the Chinese media system strongly in many ways. The regulation of the media in China is very extreme. According to the PRCs Constitution, citizens of the piles Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration (Chinese Constitution). But these rights are not guaranteed. The government will not take the chance of existence damage d by what the Chinese citizens say. Regulation begins with the CCP.The CCP uses central control of the press as a tool for public education, propaganda and crowd mobilization towards socialist progress (Gale). The crowd media is not allowed to report any aspect of the Chinese policy make process, or any serious government event for that matter. Media regulation also exists IS DIRECTED by means of the Central Propaganda Department. This department deals with censorship from tike to local township levels. It controls state run culture, education, sports, science and technology and media sectors. Many oppose this department with the church in medieval Europe (Westminster. c. uk). It is thought to keep the Chinese away from democracy. Newspapers, boob tube and Internet are also strongly regulated. All newspapers must be approved by the State Press and Publications Committee. Before the economic repossess in 1992, all papers relied on state bread and butter but after, 1/3 of th ose papers had private funding so they SUPPOSEDLY had freedom of speechbut they are still playing field to censorship. Television cable stations are one of the few media sources ARE ALSO not funded by the government. They work off of cable fees. Lastly, the internet is highly regulated.Websites must get qualifications certificates to post any lawsuit of information online from sports to news. People who violate these laws whitethorn face life in prison. News reporting in China is also very different HEAVILY REGULATED. in that respect is ONLY one CCP mandated news agency called Xinhua News. It has had a monopoly on Chinese news since 1931. Xinhua is comprised of three major departments domestic, international and the oecumenical office (entertainment). They release news daily, hebdomadally and monthly including reports such as Zhongguo Zhengquan (business news and stock market) and Xinhua Meiri Dianxun (general interest report).It is the largest and most articulated internal new s system in China (Gale). It is divided into many cover groups on a need to know basis. The many levels of the Party bureaucracy control the daily operations of the Xinhua agency. In addition to Xinhua News Agency, China Central Television (CCTV) broadcasts news 24 hours a day in English. Also, an independent magazine called China Now, reports on social, economic and cultural news. In an article about Chinese citizens accessing BBC for the first time, citizens voiced their frustration of not organism able to see western news publications even if they talked about events in China (BBC). in that respect are a few clear-cut similarities between the media systems of the US and China. First both countries have very high literacy rights, a very high number of newspapers and a equally large land fortune to cover. Both countries television stations are not funded through the government and are either privately funded or funded through user fees. Also, both countries have news agencies t hat reach billions of people. Xinhua focuses on daily reports that are sent to the outside world eyepatch CNN has broadcasts in over 100 countries.DESPITE THESE SIMILARITIES, thither are many more differences between the US and Chinese media systems, though. China has twice as many television stations as the US although the US has ten times as many radio stations as China. Reporters without Borders ranks the US at 20 and China at 171, a drastic difference Concerning regulation, China does not have the guaranteed freedom of speech plot the US does and Chinese journalists must be licensed at all times. There is no censorship agency in the US, but in China, the CCP censors every bit of media, making sure it is all loving to the government.Also, the Chinese Central Propaganda Department deals with censorship and propaganda from local to governmental levels objet dart the US has no such department. The newspapers in China are sometimes government funded season all US newspapers are owned privately by corporations. Concerning news reporting, China only has one main news station (Xinhua) while the US has many (CNN, MSNBC and Fox) ALLOWING FOR HEALTHY COMPETITION. Most political preferences are represented in the US media while only one is represent in China.China and the United States have very distinct media systems that make them very different from one another. China has very strict regulations making their news and print media very biased. The United States has relaxed rules and values the freedom of speech and press, which knock over the citizens a wide variety of news and media to choose from AND ENSURES THAT INFORMATION IS EASILY AND quickly AVAILABLE. THIS DIFFERENCE SERVES TO PROTECT DEMOCRACY IN THE US WHEREAS IN THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF mainland China CENSORSHIP AND CONTROL OVER THE MEDIA PROTECTS THE supercilious GOVERNMENT OF THE CCP.
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