Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Importance of Examples of an Apa Research Paper
The Importance of Examples of an Apa Research Paper Your document may have a complicated structure, especially in the event the main body will be big. There it's possible to learn to construct the structure and its elements. A consistent structure ought to be used in the principal headings and the subheadings. In case the structure of the chief body has many levels, it is preferable to use different numbering styles. If you are searching for a hardy tree with a striking aesthetic, look no more! If you read an illustration of APA paper, you can observe that running heads aren't always mandatory. New Ideas Into Examples of an Apa Research Paper Never Before Revealed The organization's major purpose is to promote psychology as a science, profession, and a method of improving the well-being, mental well-being, and education of individuals. Writing a research paper poses a problem for the majority of students because of the degree of difficulty it takes just to produce one per subject. So, first of all, a college research paper has to be informative. A research paper that concerns scientific issues isn't just a free-style essay where you're able to tell readers whatever you desire. If you're looking for a very best essay supplier that could offer you quick and authentic essays online, then you need to contact. Thus, is a service, where you can purchase essays. Enable us to explain what makes us the very best essay writing service in the marketplace. If you are able to discover an essay linked to your subject, you might rewrite it to hasten the process. The full text needs to be double-spaced. You ought to use a very clear font that's highly readable. A template is a kind of design that's already formatted in your document so you can get started writing on opening it. There are several different sets of rules that are applied based on the specifics of the area of study. You will be pleased you filled up the purchase form. So, the one thing you need to do is merely to organize information you've found and texts you have written for your research. One of the most important opportunities to be successful in your study is by using our website. Although a lot of scientists are busy people they're often prepared to spend a while supplying you with information. Furthermore, failing to acknowledge the work of others can cause accusations of plagiarism, which then may lead to consequences like a failing grade or even getting fired from your work. In the era of the web, it is getting increasingly important to make certain that your research are available, both on the net and on university intranet search facilities. The perfect place to begin your research is on the internet since it will offer you direct details. Footnotes are occasionally utilized to back up substantial data in your text. You always ought to prepare a reference page for each of the parenthetical citations. APA is a well-liked reference style employed in many sorts of academic writing. APA format is usually utilized in the social sciences. It is popular among students due to its simple guidelines and approach. It will help you to organize your paper well. The History of Examples of an Apa Research Paper Refuted If you believe that writing of a research paper is simply about gathering relevant materials and copy-pasting then in another document, you're mistaken. Set up to compose reports in research style ought to be outline. An individual should realize that every Research Paper is a sophisticated writing because it must contain distinctive research and distinctive idea. For instance, our research paper writing service has a mixture of ex-professors, published authors. There are various points to take into account in order to reach a great research paper by means of either a grid paper template or a lined paper template, based on your preference or the research requirement. You need to pick the very best service to find quality papers and high grades. You can't afford a minimal grade make certain it doesn't happen.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Distinction Between Law And Morality - 2123 Words
This essay will provide a critical discussion of Fullers distinction between law’s internal and external moralities. In taking a positivist stance, it will be argued that Fullers distinction is highly objectionable, especially in light of Harts argument that the internal morality is more akin to principals of efficiency and that therefore there exists no necessary connection between these purported moralities to each other, or the law itself. This essay will begin by briefly defining Fullers moralities, stating its novelty and considering the context in which it was made. What will follow is a critical appraisal of his thesis, the arguments against it, and Fullers responses to these. This essay will demonstrate that Fullers defence does not substantially allay the criticisms fronted against it. Thus, it will be concluded that his thesis cannot hold good in light of the criticisms which have followed it. In an attempt to demonstrate a connection between law and morality, Fuller has claimed that there exists both an ‘internal’ and ‘external’ morality of law. While in practise the distinction is not so clearly defined, the internal morality refers to the morality implicit in the creation and application of law, whereas the external morality concerns itself with the moral goodness of the substantive aims of law. This twofold analysis creates the novel claim that law is subject to morality not only existent in the substance of law as is traditionally argued by natural lawShow MoreRelatedShould Law Improve Morality? Essay1291 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Should law improve morality?†Leslie Green argues, firstly, that law is capable of having causal impact on the nature of social morality and, secondly, that one of the functions of law should be the betterment of morality. In maintaining that the law ought to be intimately connected to morality, it appe ars as though Green is advocating for a modern version of the natural law perspective. After first giving an account of natural law, this paper will explicate Green s distinction between â€Å"ideal†Read MoreOliver Wendell HolmesView On The Relationship Between The Law And Morality1560 Words  | 7 PagesA substantial debate regarding the law’s relationship with morality exists within the legal system. This debate gained new perspective when Oliver Wendell Holmes published The Path of Law in 1897. This work outlined Holmes’ view on the relationship between the law and morality. This paper will first consider whether or not Holmes believed that a writing must be moral in order to constitute a law. Next, the paper will explore my general agreement with Holmes’ view on this matter. Then, the paper willRead MoreOliver Wendell Holmess Relationship With Morality1632 Words  | 7 PagesA substantial debate over the law’s relationship with morality e xists within the legal system. This debate gained new perspective when Oliver Wendell Holmes published The Path of Law in 1897, which outlined his view on the relationship between the law and morality. This paper will first consider whether or not Holmes believed that a writing must be moral in order to constitute a law. Next, we will explore my general agreement with Holmes’ view on this matter. Then, the paper will consider an objectionRead MoreMorality And Its Effect On Society1474 Words  | 6 PagesMorality is compatible with politics, for it is the people who create politics and in them rest morals. Morality itself rest in the individual, and as such is interpreted in various ways; when put together it is only natural that the definition of morality as a whole is simplified and thus individual interpreting is compromise and also, a consensus is reached. As discussed in the â€Å"Apology†and elaborated in â€Å"Crito,†Socrates’ stance is moral i n nature but is in line with politics, in relation toRead MoreTerrorism : The United States1154 Words  | 5 Pagesbut when they are in our hands what exactly is acceptable to save lives. Interrogation can quickly turn to torture as the line between the two can be thin. To understand and better handle these situations requires a proper perspective of morality, the purpose of interrogation and law. Morality is a tough subject and is defined by groups of people differently. Morality may have universal parts, but often it varies from culture to culture. (4) When molarity is discussed often times the term is thrownRead MoreHerbert Lionel Adolphus Hart : The Relationship Between Law And Moral Theory827 Words  | 4 Pagesto examine the connection or otherwise between law and morality from the perspective of Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart (HLA Hart) and Lon Fuller. Legal positivism, as propagated by Thomas Hobbes and HLA Hart is the idea that legal systems are composed only of positive law, which does not necessarily mean that law is not connected to morality at all. Hart proposed the concept of legal positivism by disassociating positive law from the imperative theory of law, moral philosophies, and analytical aspectsRead MoreThe Connection Between Law And Morality1718 Words  | 7 PagesII. WHAT IS MORALITY? â€Å"Law would not be really imperative, we know, unless behind the sword of the magistrate, the bulk of mankind felt the weight of social obligation, the irresistible burden of custom, of immemorial tradition, and the like, a social, and even a religious sanctity. The connection of law and morality has been much discussed ever since the revival of the scientific study of jurisprudence, but the question is not yet, and perhaps never will be, settled. Every variety of opinionRead MoreShould Laws Protect Individual Liberty or Benefit Civil Society1716 Words  | 7 Pagessimplest manifestation of law so as to create a civil society society where both individual liberty and normative goals are practiced. Should the the aim of law be primarily centered on the protection of individual liberty or, instead, the normative goals geared toward the benefit of of civil society? The laws in any society ought to not be centered on normative goals it ought to conjointly defend individual liberty. The current approach by the legal system seems to be that the law should maintain a commonRead MoreThe Distinction Of Ethics And Morality1307 Words  | 6 PagesThe Distinction Of Ethics And Morality: The use of the words ethics and morality are often confused with each other especially these are commonly used in Philosophy and other related fields. This paper will discuss the distinction between these two concepts. According to Gammel (2007), the difference between the terms morality and ethics has a very thin line particularly in the daily language. Adding to this confusion is that other philosophical resources and materials use the terms interchangeablyRead MoreThe Second World War1598 Words  | 7 Pagesthat they weren’t guilty of a crime as they were obeying the law of Nazi Germany . Consequently, the trial revived the broader question of whether laws which are inherently immoral can be considered valid law. Moreover, the trial generated fresh debate within jurisprudence, in turn leading many to criticise the previously prominent ideas of Legal Positivism , which in layman’s terms separated law from morality and credited as valid law any bill provided it had gone through the recognised legislative
Friday, May 15, 2020
Unit 4222-335 Undertake physiological measurements
Unit 4222-335 Undertake physiological measurements 1.1 We should always check equipment which we are going to use if it is safe and working properly, we should wear PPE every time we are undertaking any task, ensure that we are trained to do the task, we should keep the working place safe and clean. When we are about to take measurement from an person we need to make sure that the person know exactly what we are going to do and asking permission for the task we are about to do. Recording the task in the chart and keep it confidential to protect personal information during the course of our work. 2.1 To have an blood pressure maintenance we should maintain a healthy lifestyle, doing some exercises daily and eating healthier,†¦show more content†¦We can find pulse oxymetry on the fingertips, except on the thumb as our own pulsation or ear lobe and also on the toes. 2.5 Body Mass Index,BMI, is a measure of our weight compared to our height. BMI can help determine whether they are at a healthy weight, overweight or obese individuals are at increased risk for many diseases, such as: heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type-2 diabetes, and some types of cancer. With high BMI the individual would need to perform further assessments, start with a diet, physical activity, family history, change lifestyle. 2.6 Several factors can influence changes in physiological measurements such as illness, infections, stress, lifestyle, deterioration. 2.7 Monitoring physiological measurements it ´s important to make sure the individual health status and also necessary after surgery, as patients in intensive care units require continuous monitoring, and sometimes have medications that requires physical measurements taken. These are measurements we take to ensure that they are functioning in the way they are supposed to. When we carry out physiological measurements, such as measuring temperature, pulse and respiration, we are monitoring for signs of abnormality. Then be able to draw conclusions about the health status of the individual and any treatments they may
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Pros and Cons of the Criminalization of Pornography
The Pros and Cons of the Criminalization of Pornography Americans were alternatively shocked, alarmed and delighted when Marilyn Monroe appeared on the cover of the first Playboy magazine in 1953. Since that time, the debate over pornography has become increasingly heated, due in large part to critics who argue that the medium debases women and teaches young people the wrong lessons about human sexuality. To gain some fresh insights about these issues, this paper provides a review of the relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature to determine whether pornography should be criminalized in the same fashion and for the same reasons that hate speech is criminalized. A summary of the research and important findings concerning these issues are provided in the conclusion. Review and Discussion The issue of pornography has long been the source of controversy for many Western societies, particularly with respect to its implications for gender roles and sexuality (Lofgren-Martenson Mansson, 2010). For instance, according to Griffith and Adams (2012), Issues regarding the production and consumption of pornographic materials continue to be an intensely debated social topic (p. 245). The social context surrounding the debate over whether pornography should be legal or not includes various principles concerning the importance of gender equality and compulsory sex educational courses that place a high priority on unrestricted rights to sexuality for both men and womenShow MoreRelatedThe Legalization Of Prostitution Within The United States2257 Words  | 10 Pagesprostitutes being drug addicts or that legalization of this profession would create many more problems than it would solve. Further examination of the claims for and against the legalization of prostitution nationwide show that the pros of legalization outweigh the cons. If legalized nationwide the sex industry would solve many problems for sex workers and others within the country. Prostitution is the selling of sexual services for money or other benefits. While illegal in most areas of the United
The Identity Of A Woman Being At Home Taking Care Of The...
Introduction In most historical situations we find ourselves studying the works of men in society and outcomes of their conflicts, yet we undermine the influence of women due to the stereotypical idea of their inferiority back then. This idea derives from the ideal identity of a woman being at home taking care of the kids and looking after the home. However, taking a deeper look into historical event, the role of women during these times play significant and revolutionary roles. Looking at the identity of women in South Africa from the 1950’s – 1970’s, we need to start at the very beginning of the transformation. Women realized during the times of apartheid that change for them did not mean common mistreatment and oppression of men, however they saw it as an opportunity to liberate in race, regardless of gender, and fight against the system of apartheid instead of just fighting for â€Å"women’s rights†. Women have always been involved in all kinds of societies in South Africa such as liberation movements and trade union movements which is where women first rose to positions of importance. Anti-pass campaign From 1950-1932 women during apartheid feared the great inflow of apartheids control measures and pass laws. In 1952 it was the native Amendment Act that made it an offence for any African to be in any urban are for more than a set amount of 72 hours unless they have necessary documentation. In the same year the Natives Abolition of Passes and Coordination ofShow MoreRelatedfemininity and masculinity as single identities’1059 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿We have been asked to look at the following question ‘It is no longer possible in contemporary society to interpret femininity and masculinity as single identities’. Explain and critically assess this view illustrating your answers with reference to sociological theory, concepts and research. From the minute we are born our gender identity begins even thou we are not conscious of it. We are allocated roles, like buying pink clothes, dolls, and teapots for girls, and blue clothes, monsters, andRead MoreCharacter Foils In Kate Chopins The Awakening1448 Words  | 6 PagesDISCUSSION TOPIC - MOTHERHOOD (Nefertari, Alexa, Michelle, Kexin) Chopin defines a â€Å"mother-woman†as someone â€Å"who idolized their children, worshiped their husbands†(8). How do Chopin and Gilman use character foils to give us insight into the protagonists and societal expectations? Chopin uses character foil to give us insight into the protagonist and societal expectations by depicting many socially acceptable roles in society through â€Å"The Awakening†that Edna could embrace (such as Madame RatignolleRead MoreThe Awakening Feminism Essay1689 Words  | 7 Pagesreason. Gender, sexual orientations, skin color, ethnicity, religion, culture or lifestyle should not be considered as a form of discrimination. Women roles, in the nineteenth century, were to take care of the cooking, cleaning, caring for the children and making sure the husbands were comfortable after long days of work. As years pass, women begin to find work, attain a voter rights and even began owning properties, which begin to separate them from the men of society. As I begin to read the bookRead MoreCelie, Nettie, Mister in Alice Walkers The Color Purple Essay1080 Words  | 5 Pageseverything that is going on with her. Celie was a very bright young person. She grew up very quickly , because she had to help her father with the other children around the house. Celie was never treated equally to the others. Her father made her the woman of the house and even the mother. Celie’s dad was raping her, and he told her not to tell her mother. Celies texts are born when she is raped and silenced; the epigraph to The Color Purple consists of an unattributed, pervasive threat against speechRead MoreWomen Of The Civil War1720 Words  | 7 PagesI once read a monument dedicated to the men who fought and died in the Civil War, it was erected to make sure the men would not have died in vain, and after reading it I could not help but to ask myself, â€Å"Are we to let the women?†Kids will learn of the Civil War starting in elementary school, and will continue to do so as far as their education leads them. They will learn of the brave men who fought for their beliefs and rights, brother who fought against brother, and the men who led these soldiersRead MoreDi scuss One of the Literary Works on the Course Reading List. Looking at the Settings, the Characters, and/or the Themes of the Book, What Does It Tell You About Canada and Canadian Culture? Maria Chapdelaine, by Louis Hà ©mon,1652 Words  | 7 PagesDiscuss one of the literary works on the Course Reading List. Looking at the settings, the characters, and/or the themes of the book, what does it tell you about Canada and Canadian culture? Maria Chapdelaine, by Louis Hà ©mon, Maria Chapdelaine, written by French author Louis Hà ©mon, represents Canadian identity, its cultural and social aspects. Even though the book seems quite easy to read, the story is, in fact, pretty complex to comprehend - it is truly philosophicalRead MoreYoung Adult Life Stage1412 Words  | 6 Pagesseems more prevalent in todays society. One very important point is that kids are growing up much faster, taking on more responsibilities that years ago might not have been faced for another 5, 10, and 20 years later. Culture has a very big part in the onset of adult roles at varied ages. The transition to and through this stage can involve, as this writer personally went through in this period, one of looking at and at times being traumatized by who we are becoming. There might be the doubt we are goingRead MoreGender Stereotypes In Disney1981 Words  | 8 Pagesinfluence them or their behaviors or even their identity. That being said, a lot of Disney supporters see their films and story lines and innocent, cute, fairy tales, with good themes and happy endings; However, the messages about stereotypes and gender roles demonstrated in these films have harmful effects and consequences on young male children. Parents beware the innocent looking fairy tales that your children watches may be putting their gender identity and development at an unnecessary risk. DisneyRead MoreMy Life And My Story2071 Words  | 9 Pagesï » ¿To illustrate, my life and my story were the exact opposite of my favorite television series. See I grew up in an African home with a strong single mother who was there and took care of us the best way she could. I lived in a two-bedroom apartment with my mother, sister and two of my half-brothers, where I shared a room with my mother and my sister, while my brothers shared the other one. To emphasize, my story has always been a difficult one to tell, so I avoided it every time the topic arisesRead MoreWillys Struggle for Identity in Death of a Salesman Essay1493 Words  | 6 Pagesthink he is the greatest man on Earth. He raises his two sons, Biff and Happy, to be well-liked and Willy does not care about their grades. He believes they will be better prepared for the business world if they are well-liked, and does not think education matters as much as personality, appearance, and physical skill. Although he h as set high standards for sons, his morals are being well-liked, he thinks he is the best salesman in his firm, and he claims to be extremely loyal to his family; despite
Strategic Plan of HOTS Hotel Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthelp.c
Question: Discuss about the Strategic Plan of HOTS Hotel in Australia. Answer: Introduction HOTS Hotel is located at 150 from the famous Bondi beach, Australia. The HOTS hotel provides budget boutique hotel room. The hotel consists of 250 guest rooms and it has a terrace for al fesco dining, free local telephone calls and Wi-Fi. The rooms are spacious and attached bathrooms are available for each room. The hotel is surrounded by bars, cafes and restaurants of Bondi. Bondi is famous for its scenic beauty and a great shopping hub for the travelers (Australian Hotel Sector Outlook, 2017). This paper will highlight thestrategic management plan of HOTS hotel using the various theoretical models. Further these model will be used to evaluate its influence on the decision making plan of the organization. The hotel has the scope of becoming a leader in that surrounding defeating its competitors with its service and price. However, it will have to move according to the internal and external environment that influence the hotels future growth. Theoretical models for analyzing the internal and external environment of the hotel Macro Environmental Analysis using PESTLE Political environment of Australia Australia is a very stable economy and it is very suitable for starting any business venture. It is one of the most prosperous economies where people enjoy a decent standard of living. The economy also shares a close political relationship with the neighboring countries which is an additional benefit for HOTS Hotel to operate its business. Australia is ranked 15th out of 190 countries in the ease of doing business. Thus, it can be said that HOTs can operate its business in Bondi without much political restrictions (Australian Government, 2017). Economic Environment of Australia Australia is a developed and wealthy economy. It has least market barriers and an open market environment for business. Australias stood fifth in the index of economic freedom. The sustained growth of the economy of Australia provides an attractive, competitive and safe market. The cross border trade in Australia will facilitate HOTS hotel to set their business easily in the Australian market. Thus, the economic environment of Australia is suitable for HOTS Hotel (Prideaux, 2013). Social Factors of Australia Australia is ranked tenth among the top 10 countries with high literacy rates. The economy of Australia has a great fondness of western culture. This is beneficial for HOTS Hotel online marketing strategy as it will be easily accepted by the people. However, there is a great preference for food items, luxury products and entertainment. Thus HOTS hotel can attract the customers by offering services at a discounted price in its official website. Technological Factor of Australia Australia ranks 23rd in the global innovation index according to 2017 Global Innovation Report. There has been a decline in the investment on research and development. All these factors will lay impact on HOTS Hotel as it will facilitate the company to take up new innovation from time to time for their growth. The increase in the internet usage by the customers of Australia will accelerate the demand for HOT Hotels online marketing. Legal factor of Australia The economy of Australia charges a corporate tax of 30% on the total revenue of the company. This arte is high compared to the tax rate of other countries. Thus, this can be the challenging factor for HOTS Hotel as it will have to earn higher profit after paying off these taxes. Moreover, the hotel also needs to provide quality service in order to survive in the Australian economy. Environmental factor of Australia Australia is among the top polluted nation and air pollution lays harmful effect on the people of Australia. This may affect the business operation of HOTS hotel in Australia. However, as the hotel is located near the sea beach, this may not pose harmful impact on the business. The hotel must also abide by the environmental laws of the nation which aims to maintain environmental sustainability (Yang Sai, 2016). Porters Five Forces Bargaining power of the buyers The bargaining power of the buyers affects the hotel industry to a large extent. Customers have large number of substitutes available due to many hotels in Bondi beach. As a result, the customers can easily switch from one industry to another without any switching cost. Thus, the bargaining power of the customers is high (Jean Paolo G Lacap RMP, 2014). Bargaining power of the suppliers The bargaining power of the supplier is relatively less in the hotel industry. This is due to the reason that there are many hotels and the suppliers do not want to lose their customers. Thus, the bargaining power of the suppliers is low in this industry. Threat of new entrant In order to enter the hotel industry in Bondi, a company will have to be ready to invest a huge amount, incur huge cost initially and should a good financial backup. Thus, the threat of new entrant is comparatively low in this industry. Threat of substitutes The hotel industry is not threatened by any major substitute products except in times of recession in domestic travel which replaces overseas or international travel. The hotel will subject to powerful customers if the marketing strategy of the hotel concentrates on attracting tourist which is the case of HOTS hotel (Mose, 2015). Rivalry among firms There are many hotels in Bondi which implies that the threat of rival is high in this case. This is because all of them are striving to stay in competition in the market at the expense of others which imposing a huge threat on HOTS Hotel. Value Chain Analysis The value chain analysis of HOTS Hotel is discussed in the table below which shows the internal activities of the hotel and the activities that requires improvement (Mitchell, Font Li, 2015): Primary Activities Inbound Logistics Contract with the supplier for delivering food and beverages Provision of laundry services Stock requisition and Inventory control Operations Equipments and tools used for delivering the services in the hotel Outbound logistics Services and final products offered to the customers Marketing and Sales Activities which are attracting the customers such as happy hours, honeymoon packages, free conference rooms. Service Free complementary dinner and lunch Seasonal discounts Free spa treatment Good reception service Support Services Firm Infrastructure Long term planning, finance and accounting, qualitymanagement Human Resource Executives, staffs and customers of the hotel Technology Development Software to manage the operations of the hotel on real time basis Procurement Facilities offered to the customers which makes the operation of the services smooth Mission and vision of HOTS Hotel The mission of the hotel is to be a leader in the hotel industry of Bondi by creating heart-filled experiences for the guests. In addition to this, it also aims to abide by the environmental needs of the region it is operating (Touboulic, Walker, 2015). To do this the company vision to give the customers the warmth of hospitality by offering them exceptional personalized and professional services every time. Along with this it also focuses to build some environmental friendly technology and wastemanagement plan in their organization (Stentoft Arlbjrn, Vagn Freytag, 2013). Impact of the above analysis on decision making of the business HOTS Hotel aims at making significant progress in the three areas- service, environment and communities. Their main aim is to stand out of their competitors. For this, the hotel needs to employ unique facilities and innovation plan to gain competitive advantage (De Vries, Bekkers, Tummers, 2016). This will give the visitors an incentive to visit HOTS Hotel. The company can employ young staffs in the reception and management service. This will help in adding a new touch to the system that the modern society demands. The hotel can include pick up and drop facility for the tourists that are new to that place. The hotel will also induce some green technology in their restaurant service and waste management to reduce the energy use, carbon output, water use and waste output (Krass, Nedorezov, Ovchinnikov, 2013). The hotel will also start recycling of various products so that they can pose less threat to the environment (Benavides-Velasco,Quintana-Garca Marchante-Lara, 2014). It will be easy to incorporate this technology because of the increased innovation initiative of the region. This will help them give a clean and beautiful environment to the guests. Moreover, the hotel can offer hospital facility by collaborating with a nearby hospital in case f emergency. This will give a feeling of security to the customers. Conclusion Thus, it can be said that HOTS Hotel can operate its business successfully in Bondi if it manages the efficient use of resources and incorporate new technologies supporting the needs of the customers. A close study of the political and economic environment, legal, technological and other factors of Australia plays a vital role on the progress of the hotel. The value chain analysis helped the organization to realize the areas it is lacking such as transportation facility and hospital facility. This will help them be unique then their competitors and fight the competitive environment of the hotel industry. References Australian Government. (2017).austrade.gov.au. Retrieved 31 July 2017, from https://www.austrade.gov.au/International/Invest/Why-Australia/Business Australian hotel sector outlook. (2017).folkestone.com.au. Retrieved 31 July 2017, from https://folkestone.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Australian-Hotel-Sector-Oct-2015.pdf Benavides-Velasco, C. A., Quintana-Garca, C., Marchante-Lara, M. (2014). Total quality management, corporate social responsibility and performance in the hotel industry.International Journal of Hospitality Management,41, 77-87. De Vries, H., Bekkers, V., Tummers, L. (2016). Innovation in the public sector: A systematic review and future research agenda.Public Administration,94(1), 146-166. Jean Paolo G Lacap RMP, A. F. B. E. (2014). Competitiveness and Sustainability of the Hotel Industry: The Case of Hotels in Pampanga.Business Management and Strategy,5(1), 115. Krass, D., Nedorezov, T., Ovchinnikov, A. (2013). Environmental taxes and the choice of green technology.Production and operations management,22(5), 1035-1055. Mitchell, J., Font, X., Li, S. (2015). What is the impact of hotels on local economic development? Applying value chain analysis to individual businesses.Anatolia,26(3), 347-358. Mose, J. A. (2015). The influence of industry competition on the performance of hotel firms in Kenya.Prime Journal of Social Science,4(9), 1169-1179. Prideaux, B. (2013). An investigation into factors that may affect the long term environmental and economic sustainability of tourism in northern Australia. Stentoft Arlbjrn, J., Vagn Freytag, P. (2013). Evidence of lean: a review of international peer-reviewed journal articles.European Business Review,25(2), 174-205. Touboulic, A., Walker, H. (2015). Theories in sustainable supply chain management: a structured literature review.International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management,45(1/2), 16-42. Yang, Z., Cai, J. (2016). Do regional factors matter? Determinants of hotel industry performance in China.Tourism Management,52, 242-253.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Urban Sustainability for Global Urbanization Trend - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theUrban Sustainability for Global Urbanization Trend. Answer: Introduction In the context of urban development, the meaning of sustainability is slightly different. Developing countries do not escape the global urbanization trend(Stowers 2017). Urban sustainability can be define as creating urban environments which are independent of any foreign elements and are self dependent for their requirement of resources. The fact that 51 percent of the population is now concentrated on only 2 percent of the planet means we need to design urban environments that have minimal impact on the ecosystem while also being resilient to external threats(Herring 2017). Cities that are sustainable have a cycle of energy transfer and consume what they produce. This cycle is replete and the cities do not need to depend on any foreign bodies for their needs of energy, electricity or fuel. Impact on Urban Development Any new concept needs time for people to grasp it. There are always certain product and cons associated with change. Sustainability is the need of the hour. Our planet's resources are depleting at a fast pace and even though there is a lot of awareness among people, very few are actually trying to put an effort into doing something about it. The already constructed urban developments are not in line with the intended urban sustainable cities. Therefore, a huge amount of time, resources, effort and money will be required to change the current scenario. Over the past half decade or so, it has become increasingly apparent that cities are leading the wayand ultimately, have the greatest chance at boosting our chances for survival in the face of declining resources and rising seas(SCHWARTZ 2013). In addition to this, making people aware of the benefits of sustainable developments is also necessary. The two main strategies for transitioning to a low-carbon city are to shift from fossil fuels to cleaner energy sources and to reduce urban energy consumption levels(Kammen 2016). The governments cannot cease people properties and take stand alone decisions about creating sustainable urban developments. They can however, teach the public and spread awareness about its benefits to the environment and in return to the humans itself. As concerns about suburban sprawl, shanty towns and climate change grew, so too did awareness that clustering people in energy-efficient buildings and walk able, shady neighborhood makes cities more pleasant to live in and better for the global environment(Wachsmuth 2016). Urban development cannot be made sustainable overnight. It takes years and years of planning. Planning is a crucial element for any development initiative(UrRahman 2016). This includes large scale documentation of the already constructed buildings, analyzing built mass, listing down costing of the entire project, figuring out how to and whether or not to relocate people already sustaining their lives in these urban developments. However, one cannot ignore the benefits of sustainable urban developments. Below are mentioned the short, medium as well as long term implications of turning current developments in to sustainable ones on to their growth and development. Short term implications- The most chaotic bumpy and overall disruptive period shall be the imminent future if one is thinking of converting the already present urban development into sustainable ones. The growth and development of a city are directly proportional to the overall smooth functioning of every major element that contributes to its being. However, even though one might think that the present urban scenarios are progressing rapidly and have increased development economically, are headed towards their doom. The Sunshine Coast Council has unapologetically chopped down and mulched 18 fruit trees on verges in Buderim within the hugely popular Urban Food Street (UFS) precinct(Atkinson 2017). In this particular case, the act of cutting down of trees that had been a part of the particular area in Sunshine Coast was extremely shocking to the residents. They didnt know why it happened. Also, the parents at the Sunshine Coast reported that they felt that their children would be very heavily impacted by this action of felling trees by the Council. This is because children were used to playing outside near the trees. But there arent any trees there anymore. The short term effects on the growth and development of urban developments are not going to be very positive. There will need to be some major changes incorporated in to the very basis of the city for it to be converted into a sustainable region. Once the initiative of converting a city into an urban sustainable development is started, the government may decide to relocate some people. Many other large scale measures such as setting up of sewage and other waste treatment plants may take place. In an already developed city, there can be issues relating to finding the space for building such upcoming ventures. There can also be major changes in the bye-laws, policies, regulations and guidelines of a city Medium term implications- Medium term implications on growth and development of the urban city shall be mandatory in determining whether the graph of developer is going to or down. This phase shall be extremely crucial in determining whether the changes are being widely accepted or not. Also, the growth and development during this phase shall be comparatively slow. However, it shall be indicative of the growth in the future. There have been a number of reports and researches concluding that sustainability leads to a boost in the economy. Therefore, the medium phase will be full of changes. However, it shall determine whether the city is able to function properly after the changes that it has gone through. Long term implications- the long term implications shall be extremely positive. The society and the city as a whole shall get very accustomed to all the changes. Businesses will have a new found way of running their organizations. Progress shall be seen in every field and growth not just economically, but socially and environmentally, shall be very evident. The long term effects of sustainability are goals for which the concept had been developed in the first place. These shall definitely have a positive impact on the overall development of the city and a mutually cohesive environment shall be created where a perfect balance between human and nature shall be achieved. The After Effects There is a huge amount of research and literature available on the economical development as a result of the adoption of sustainable practices. These available researched have analyzed a number of case studies which have proven how the adoption of sustainable practices results in a boost in the economic development of a business, an organization, a city or even a country. The idea behind resulting businesses achieving more profits is that sustainable practices tend to reduce the inputs and utilize the resources effectively. What this essentially does is that it reduces the costs related to input of raw material used for manufacturing of goods. In addition to this, it also reduces the overall operational costs of a business. These bring down the amount of money that a business invests in the business or sees as the cost of running a business, thus leading to savings that finally turn out to be profits. Sustainable practices tend to cut down costs of electricity, fuel and money spent on energy utilized for a number of processes that form a part of business operation. A simple example for a business to become more sustainable can be choosing to use only locally available materials for the production of goods. This brings down cost exponentially as the money that was earlier spent on transportation of good s from a far away state or country is now being saved. Therefore, urban sustainability can be directly linked to a positive growth in the economy of a city or country. Social Implications As human beings, it is our duty to keep our planet healthy and clean. Due to the hoard of making money, businesses, factories, large scale companies are all consuming enormous amounts of resources irresponsibly and generating an even more enormous amount of waste. This waste contaminates the soil, water and air of the very planet that we live on. In the case of the felling of trees in Sunshine Coast, the incident generated major hype. It was received with a lot of criticism from the general public. This show how the local people give importance to nature even when they are living in unban settlements. It is essential for every teacher and parent to teach their future generations as well as themselves as to how one can utilize the available resources in an effective manner. These resources are not available to us in abundance. Therefore, it should be realized that wasting these resources shall leave nothing for the future generations to come. With the current scenarios developing into sustainable environments, more and more people shall become aware of the negative impacts of their previous habits. More and more people shall become responsible, caring and compassionate individuals who not only care about their families and friends but the planet as a whole. Environmental Implications The environmental implications of sustainability are an overall positive environment on the planet. With the adoption of sustainable practices, the citi3s shall not only become self dependant but also a lot more livable. The quality of air, water and soil that we have currently is below average. The contaminated soil becomes more arid by the day. The crops that grow in the soil contain toxins. The water that is available to is also filled with contaminants that not only create a toxic environment for the animals that live in water but also for humans who need it for their survival. The air that one breathes is so heavily filled with polluting gases, causing a number of respiratory diseases and even cancer. Cr Jamieson understood the public space in front of three properties on Clithero Ave, which had been home to a number of citrus trees, had been cleared because one property owner had refused to finalize a permit(Sawyer 2017). This was received with major backlash. The trees had been there for decades. Felling of trees is not only harmful for the environment but also the residents of the Sunshine coast. All of this was caused due to the repeated negligence by a single resident, apparently and could have been very easily avoided. Adopting sustainable practices is the right choice. It is the innovation of the future. Today, technology has made it possible to be able to use energy that does not generate any form of waste. This is known as clean energy. Adoption of such practices leads to the overall environment becoming more and more clean, hygienic and pure. Human have made the planet into a toxic environment. However, more people are realizing the importance of sustainable practices in the present day and taking steps forward to ensuring a cleaner future. Conclusion Sustainability is the thing of the future. Creating sustainable developments in the present scenario seems to be an extremely daunting task. The amount of time, effort, resources and money needed to bring about such a change is also very high. However, it is not impossible. Bringing about any change has its pros and cons as well as short and long term implications. As discussed above, the task of constructing sustainable developments might see painstakingly difficult in the present. However, it has some amazingly beautiful results that shall en beneficial for one and all. Urban sustainability not only results in economic growth and development but also brings about a positive change in the society as well as the environment. It makes the citizens of a country aware of what is beneficial and what is harmful. It also makes humans more responsible citizens. In addition to the economic and social implications, the concept of sustainability is supremely beneficial for the environment. Less air, soil and water pollution shall result in cleaner green cities. Treatment of ways shall profile electricity, resulting in the formation of self dependent clean cities, replete with Mother Natures greenery inhabiting compassionate, sensible and empathetic humans. References Atkinson, B 2017, Residents horrified as Sunshine Coast Council chops, mulches trees in Urban Food Street, viewed 9 october 2017, https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-05-31/urban-food-street-trees-culled-sunshine-coast/8576700. Herring, A 2017, The Very Big Issue of Urban Sustainability, viewed 9 october 2017, https://www.northeastern.edu/magazine/the-very-big-issue-of-urban-sustainability/. 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