Sunday, May 17, 2020
Distinction Between Law And Morality - 2123 Words
This essay will provide a critical discussion of Fullers distinction between law’s internal and external moralities. In taking a positivist stance, it will be argued that Fullers distinction is highly objectionable, especially in light of Harts argument that the internal morality is more akin to principals of efficiency and that therefore there exists no necessary connection between these purported moralities to each other, or the law itself. This essay will begin by briefly defining Fullers moralities, stating its novelty and considering the context in which it was made. What will follow is a critical appraisal of his thesis, the arguments against it, and Fullers responses to these. This essay will demonstrate that Fullers defence does not substantially allay the criticisms fronted against it. Thus, it will be concluded that his thesis cannot hold good in light of the criticisms which have followed it. In an attempt to demonstrate a connection between law and morality, Fuller has claimed that there exists both an ‘internal’ and ‘external’ morality of law. While in practise the distinction is not so clearly defined, the internal morality refers to the morality implicit in the creation and application of law, whereas the external morality concerns itself with the moral goodness of the substantive aims of law. This twofold analysis creates the novel claim that law is subject to morality not only existent in the substance of law as is traditionally argued by natural lawShow MoreRelatedShould Law Improve Morality? Essay1291 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Should law improve morality?†Leslie Green argues, firstly, that law is capable of having causal impact on the nature of social morality and, secondly, that one of the functions of law should be the betterment of morality. 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